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Does anyone have any idea what is planned as far as "conditioning" next week? Are the boys (presuming some of them will be back out there) supposed to show up for weightlifting in AM on M,W,F and drills at 6:00 T,T? Or are they taking the week off until the dust settles and there are some actual coaches to supervise?


Talked to Coach Satt. this morning during lifts and YES T,T 6pm drills/conditioning.

Every one needs to come out unless you think the S-CATS are taking the week off

B-4 the dead period. I bet they are they think they already have us licked, " Those Crazy Cats".



COME ON PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Good luck Chiefs!!! Does anyone have a number on how many players have returned? Any news on any assistants yet? SID what about the guy that was being interviewed the other day? Got a name yet?


I work with a Madisonville youth coach (parent) who claims there is an assistant coach at Auburn who just recently bought property in Tellico because he plans on retiring in 5 or 6 years. Upon hearing that you guys had a head coaching job open he turned in a resume. My friend told me that AD Gregory showed him the letter of recomendation signed by Tommy Tubberville and the resume that had Sly Croom(Miss State) Houston Nutt(Arkansas now Ole Miss) and Bobby Johnson (Vandy) as references. Anybody know of this?

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I work with a Madisonville youth coach (parent) who claims there is an assistant coach at Auburn who just recently bought property in Tellico because he plans on retiring in 5 or 6 years. Upon hearing that you guys had a head coaching job open he turned in a resume. My friend told me that AD Gregory showed him the letter of recomendation signed by Tommy Tubberville and the resume that had Sly Croom(Miss State) Houston Nutt(Arkansas now Ole Miss) and Bobby Johnson (Vandy) as references. Anybody know of this?



I believe the coaches' name is McCorkle. According to a bio, I found he graduated from Livingston College(Alabama) in 1971. Played center on a national championship team coached by Mickey Andrews ( D-Coordinator at Florida ST.) He had coaching stints around the SEC. Was the head coach at West Alabama, then at UT Martin. Returned to West Alabama in 2003 and made head coach again at West Alabama in 2004 until 2006. No idea of coaching record. Would have made an interesting hire. IMO-Would be a great asst coach, too!

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I work with a Madisonville youth coach (parent) who claims there is an assistant coach at Auburn who just recently bought property in Tellico because he plans on retiring in 5 or 6 years. Upon hearing that you guys had a head coaching job open he turned in a resume. My friend told me that AD Gregory showed him the letter of recomendation signed by Tommy Tubberville and the resume that had Sly Croom(Miss State) Houston Nutt(Arkansas now Ole Miss) and Bobby Johnson (Vandy) as references. Anybody know of this?


I actually seen the letter signed by Tommy Tubberville, not sure about the resume. I honestly do not know if we could afford that coach, but yes he was interviewed.

Now a little rumor I heard today about Central today, maybe you can help with it, word is that a "good" runningback will be transferring to Central soon, any truth to that?

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I would just like to say how proud I am for these boys to stand together as a TEAM Thursday night. I am also even more proud of those who choose to walk back into that field house this morning. I know how difficult it must have been for you. To those who have not made up their minds as of yet, I do hope you to will return and join you TEAM. And to the adults out there you could really learn a lesson from these guys who return this morning. I know first hand with mine has struggled all weekend about what to do. He choose to move on and he walk back into the field house this morning. This whole thing is a sad situation, but it's time to move on. What done is done. Now lets get prepared for a cat skinning come August.


GO CHIEFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lineman Mom

AKA Rita Workman





I am also very proud of the stand that the boys took last Thursday (although my son was away at UT Camp). It's very unusual for a group of teenagers to stick together as a team to support the coaches that they trusted, respected and considered part of their football family, instead of worrying about "what will the new coach, the parents and the administration think of ME, if I go along with the group". My son had phone calls and texts all weekend from teammates, "adopted" dads and ex-coaches from most of the sports he has played. And then there were all the differing newspaper articles and even the TV news report. He was so confused by Saturday night that he didn't even want to talk about it any more. Last night was decision time: go to weightlifting this morning and meet with Coach Satterfield or explore other options. Several phone calls and texts from his closest teammates late last night (during my "I think this is what you should do speech") helped him make the choice to continue at Sequoyah. Thank you to the parents of these boys (and you know who you are) for helping them make the decision to go back as a group.


The boys met with Coach Satterfield after weightlifting this morning and, to his credit, Coach told them that he respected them for their actions last Thursday. My son says he seems like a good guy. Coach asked them to help get some of the other players to return. This seems like a rather tall order for an almost 16 year old, but he has already made some calls because he believes it's for the good of the TEAM.


I am still very angry about the way things went down last week. These young men should never been put in a position to have to make these decisions at their age. I can only hope that the School Board will review every aspect of the staffing of coaches for the entire County, so that nothing like this ever tears apart any athletic team again.


I am extremely proud of the boys who went back this morning and hope that most of the others will follow. This team made so much progress last year and I have faith that they will come out of this adversity with a renewed hunger to show that they will win (alot!!) or lose on the field based upon their own REUNITED efforts, using what they learned last year and the additional knowledge that they will hopefully be given this year.


Time to focus on beating those Cats. GO CHIEFS!

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Just an idea, but I think the coaches or just the commissioners of both leagues should meet with coach just as they did with coach Summey. Maybe set up a time at Bert's or somewhere and get to know him and also let him know what the youth leagues expect of him.


I don't have a dog in this race, other then wanting to see all the teams in our region do well, so you can take this with a grain of salt, but I think that you may have the plow in front of the horse here. If I were the incoming coach for the high school, I would take GREAT offense to some little league dads calling a meeting so that they could tell me what they expect of me. Scenes of "Hoosiers" in the barber shop come to mind. A meeting might be proper in due time, but I'd hate to think that I was called to coach a high school team and the dads were going to tell me what they wanted me to do. That plan has SO MANY possible outcomes, and not a one of them will be possitive for the Chiefs. It would probably be best if the commissioners (dad's) came to the meeting with a notepad and pencil and took note of what is to be expected of them. Just a thought.

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I don't have a dog in this race, other then wanting to see all the teams in our region do well, so you can take this with a grain of salt, but I think that you may have the plow in front of the horse here. If I were the incoming coach for the high school, I would take GREAT offense to some little league dads calling a meeting so that they could tell me what they expect of me. Scenes of "Hoosiers" in the barber shop come to mind. A meeting might be proper in due time, but I'd hate to think that I was called to coach a high school team and the dads were going to tell me what they wanted me to do. That plan has SO MANY possible outcomes, and not a one of them will be possitive for the Chiefs. It would probably be best if the commissioners (dad's) came to the meeting with a notepad and pencil and took note of what is to be expected of them. Just a thought.



You are absolutely right and after reading your post I realized just how that sounded. What I meant by what was expected of him was not what the dads expected of him on the high school level or demanding things from him. What I meant, and should have made myself clearer (thanks for bringing it up), is that a lot of the kids in the youth leagues will someday be playing out there. These meetings have taken place before and I guess I should have phrased it better, the question has always been, are you going to support the youth leagues. Most of the youth league coaches like to find out what kind of offense and defense the high school coach will be running so they can run the same or something similar. Also many of the coaches agree that the high school staff should come to games personally and see what is coming up. Maybe, if scheduling permitted it, come to some practices and advise the coaches or even give advice to the players on things they can work on that will help them on the higher levels. It was not meant how it sounded and I appreciate you bringing attention to it.

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we feel their are alot of people on here who appreciate the boys and parents, that have looked past last week, and that are looking towards the future to get this team back where it belongs. hang in there it will all work out, and we appreciate all the positive things posted on here, because this is all about he boys.

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Random thinking.


Every one took a stand For Coach G. but now he is gone. Move on


Thank the players for the support and tell them to get their butts back out to the field


If you support the team you will do what you can to put them back together. Don't Divide



They gave support and NOW IS WHEN THESE KIDS NEED U.


Think about it. Is it worth a year of these kids High School Life to prove a point? to ML

I will still be at the field at 6pm

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You are absolutely right and after reading your post I realized just how that sounded. What I meant by what was expected of him was not what the dads expected of him on the high school level or demanding things from him. What I meant, and should have made myself clearer (thanks for bringing it up), is that a lot of the kids in the youth leagues will someday be playing out there. These meetings have taken place before and I guess I should have phrased it better, the question has always been, are you going to support the youth leagues. Most of the youth league coaches like to find out what kind of offense and defense the high school coach will be running so they can run the same or something similar. Also many of the coaches agree that the high school staff should come to games personally and see what is coming up. Maybe, if scheduling permitted it, come to some practices and advise the coaches or even give advice to the players on things they can work on that will help them on the higher levels. It was not meant how it sounded and I appreciate you bringing attention to it.


That does sound better. If the coach is remotely interested in a long term plan for Sequoyah, he'll be very interested in helping develope the players at Vonore and Madisonville. (He may want to join the two, that may hurt some feelings) And I'm sure that he'd be more then happy to share his game plan with the youth teams. And I'm sure that he understands that him watching and being involved with the youth leagues is very positive for the young players. I wish you all lots of luck. I would like to see Central beat a very good Sequoyah team this fall. /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />

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That does sound better. If the coach is remotely interested in a long term plan for Sequoyah, he'll be very interested in helping develope the players at Vonore and Madisonville. (He may want to join the two, that may hurt some feelings) And I'm sure that he'd be more then happy to share his game plan with the youth teams. And I'm sure that he understands that him watching and being involved with the youth leagues is very positive for the young players. I wish you all lots of luck. I would like to see Central beat a very good Sequoyah team this fall. /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />


Geeze, you Central guys, well i'm hoping you get the chance to play the best we got. Just to update, Coach Satterfield has discussed with myself (and I'm sure PJ) with what he expects out of us, the type of offense he will be running and has expressed tons of interest in being part of some youth practices and attending most of the home games. He did all of this on day 1! So I would say he's staying on top of it. GO CHIEFS!!!

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