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It is a "football" field







That's fine, then build a "soccer field". If they don't have the money (they never do), then it's a sports field. If anything, it's a high school field, and high school sports should take priority over a middle school football game..... (this is coming from a parent of a current soccer player and a former football player...).

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Guys, it is a real simple problem to fix. I encouraged the Blackman Coach to do the same thing about three years ago when our girls varsity high school game was bumped to a middle school football game that was a last minute pick up by the middle school football coach and not even scheduled. All it takes is for one parent to file a formal Title IX complaint. There are about 12 High Schools across the nation that now no longer have a football fieldstadium because the parents of the girl's soccer team filed Title IX complaints and won them. The result was that the football stadiumfield was taken away from football as the primary sport and given to the girl's soccer team. The girl's soccer teams have first right to the fieldstadium and their schedule comes before the football teams does. The football teams have to ask the girl's soccer team for permission to use their field but if the girls want to bump the football team, then they get to.


Get some guts and file the Title IX complaint. There is a good lawyer in Murfreesboro that can help with this.



A Title IX complaint about what? Riverdale has a soccer field. Play on it. Heaven forbit the football field be used for a football game. Raise your own money, build a better field if you don't like it.

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Then I guess none of the track and field events should be allowed to use it either.

The boys soccer team plays its full home schedule on the football field. Why don't the

girls have the same opportunities. Its all about the benjamins.


actually the boys do not play there full schedule on the football feild they like the girls only play a handful why would yall rather play on the football feild over the soccer feild anyway? do you play on football feilds for youth sports if not i hope you file a title IX with that too

as faras the christiana game. that was a regular season game that had been scheduled from the get go so let move the football game to the soccer feild oh wait nevermind lets just not let those kids play

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A Title IX complaint about what? Riverdale has a soccer field. Play on it. Heaven forbit the football field be used for a football game. Raise your own money, build a better field if you don't like it.



Hey Pedo, catch a clue. The "soccer field" is both shorter and narrower than regulation. There are no restroom facilities, no lighting and the seating is inadequate. For the Siegel game, there is no way the field can accomodate the crowd that will be there. Please know what you are talking about.

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actually the boys do not play there full schedule on the football feild they like the girls only play a handful why would yall rather play on the football feild over the soccer feild anyway? do you play on football feilds for youth sports if not i hope you file a title IX with that too

as faras the christiana game. that was a regular season game that had been scheduled from the get go so let move the football game to the soccer feild oh wait nevermind lets just not let those kids play


Spoken like a true Football is the only sport that matters person. The boys DO play all their home games at the stadium. I attended all of them. They don't play on the smaller soccer field.

I don't agree with the Title IX approach as this will cause more harm than good. If the middle school wants a football program they should cough up the money and build their own field or schedule around the high school sports. I know for a fact Coach Arman had the field scheduled with Coach Adylotte before the middle school did and so does the Riverdale Athletic director.

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Hey Pedo, catch a clue. The "soccer field" is both shorter and narrower than regulation. There are no restroom facilities, no lighting and the seating is inadequate. For the Siegel game, there is no way the field can accomodate the crowd that will be there. Please know what you are talking about.



We aren't talking about the siegel game, we are talking about the Coffee County game. I doubt CHS brought busloads of fans down there. Where the stands overflowing? .... And like I said, if you don 't like it do like a lot of programs are forced to do - raise your own money and build a bigger and better field. If it weren't for football and the money it generates small sports like soccer wouldn't even be around.

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We aren't talking about the siegel game, we are talking about the Coffee County game. I doubt CHS brought busloads of fans down there. Where the stands overflowing? .... And like I said, if you don 't like it do like a lot of programs are forced to do - raise your own money and build a bigger and better field. If it weren't for football and the money it generates small sports like soccer wouldn't even be around.




I don't think anybody was proposing that the high school football team move out and let the soccer team take over. The money that most high school football games make is a reality. At best, most soccer teams might break even a make or only a few bucks with their gate. The key is working together. At our school the only time the soccer field gets the football field is for home games and not any practices (for that matter, the football team only practices on it one day a week). We schedule it, and work around the needs of the football team. The fact that (seemingly) a middle school football game bumped the soccer team at the last minute is probably the bigger issue rather than having to work around the high school football team's schedule in the first place.

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I don't think anybody was proposing that the high school football team move out and let the soccer team take over. The money that most high school football games make is a reality. At best, most soccer teams might break even a make or only a few bucks with their gate. The key is working together. At our school the only time the soccer field gets the football field is for home games and not any practices (for that matter, the football team only practices on it one day a week). We schedule it, and work around the needs of the football team. The fact that (seemingly) a middle school football game bumped the soccer team at the last minute is probably the bigger issue rather than having to work around the high school football team's schedule in the first place.



Hey, if soccer originally had the field scheduled then it should probably take first priority. But the way I have understood this is Christiana had this game scheduled. Sounds like a mix-up with the scheduling to me - whoever does that? But if there is a scheduling mix-up late ... it sounds like the only possible way to solve it was done. The football team needed a field and the soccer team could play a non-district game on the smaller field with no harm, right? I don't mean to come off as a soccer basher, not a soccer fan, but it is a high school sport like every other sport. But the football teams that use the field should take priority on the football field. Just the way I see it.

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We aren't talking about the siegel game, we are talking about the Coffee County game. I doubt CHS brought busloads of fans down there. Where the stands overflowing? .... And like I said, if you don 't like it do like a lot of programs are forced to do - raise your own money and build a bigger and better field. If it weren't for football and the money it generates small sports like soccer wouldn't even be around.



I don't know how other programs are funded in other parts of the state but at my daughters high school the football program does not share any of the money it raises. The county does provide the coaches an extra stipend for coaching, but all other expenses, including travel, uniforms, refs, field maintenance, etc... are paid by the booster club. Yes, football makes a lot of money, but it does not share with any other sports.

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wait a minute doesn't murfreesboro have a park with lights and stadium seating why can't they play there


because they played a district tournament and siegel played there last year so don't want to hear they can't play at the park


the booster clubs can make the money to pay for maintenance and others fee's to play at siegel park

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We aren't talking about the siegel game, we are talking about the Coffee County game. I doubt CHS brought busloads of fans down there. Where the stands overflowing? .... And like I said, if you don 't like it do like a lot of programs are forced to do - raise your own money and build a bigger and better field. If it weren't for football and the money it generates small sports like soccer wouldn't even be around.



Are you under the impression that soccer is supported by football revenues? or that football paid for the construction of the athletic stadium?

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