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Region V


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Who will dominate Region V this year? We all know that Smyrna was fluke with winning it last year. Should have been Brentwood. I know Franklin will be tough to beat with the 3 or 4 studs they have. How about Tullahoma after losing Cleveland? Lester is a great coach, but does he have the talent on his squad?


Region V is getting better you must admit...

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now theres a biting comment on the success of Smyrna! Coach G, you around?


I do wish someone with insight would comment on the Cleveland move. Did it happen with coach Lester's blessing?


Sure region V is improving. Look directly at their Kids Club program. Then see the rise of Clarksville, the continued success of Bradley, McCallie, et al have the same demonstrative kids program. Other regions should take clue.



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The Region V duals were a complete toss up last year - we had 4 great teams and 4 great coaches. We have new schools and new coaches to add to the ones we already had in the region.


I think Smryna, Tullahoma, Brentwood & Franklin will be leading the pack again. As to who will win the duals it is up to the athlete/team - which one will want it bad enough.

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Yeah, Region V has really shown its strength lately. Just digging through the TSSAA.org site and noticed a disturbing trend. It seems that the Region V representative has lost three years running to the Region VIII representative at the state duals. What gives? Is the strength in Region V in individuals or teams?

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Good job Coach G - you nipped zip it!


I agree with you that Smryna will be coming on strong again this year. You've got some great talent. Region 5 is growing and more schools are opening across several counties in the next few years. With new schools coming on, teams will go in to "rebuilding" with the school district splits. It is a no brainer that the teams will continue to grow. With growth will come more wrestlers and with the right youth programs more experience when they hit high school. Possibly even a tough region?


When it comes to the Region 5 brackets, you have some of the largest in the state. Hmmm wonder how long it will take them to split Region 5?



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Popular opinion has it that Region VIII is the weakest. In reality I think we all know that it is Region I. My point was that Region V has got far to go, they keep losing to Region VIII. But I guess to be on the rise, you must be down for a period of time. I hope they do get better. I remember some of the top teams from this region years ago and would like to see them get back to a higher level of wrestling.

Region V still produces some top qulity individuals, just top to bottom teams over 14 weight classes have left something to be deisred.

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Smyrna will be in the bottom ranks of the region this year. They lost all their talent. They were a flash in the pan... They lost Hays, Wallace, and David Hale. Their Heavyweight was even lucky to make it to state. I'm telling you that Brentwood will dominate.


As far as region V goes, it is the largest region. Not to take anything away from Soddy or Bradley, but when your region only has 8-10 teams in it, it is pretty easy to dominate your region. It takes region V 2 full days of wrestling to complete the region tournament. Most other regions finish theirs in one night.


I think Franklin will be number 2 this year. I also think that Forrest will show a little differnt this year. As far as Smyrna goes, they STINK!!!!! They haven't done anything that should give them so much praise. I swear, when you watch them wrestle (if you want to call it that) they look like they work out for 5 minutes and then nap for and hour and a half. Look to the real talent in region V. You'll see...teams like Brentwood, Franklin and Forrest will dominate.

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