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Gordonsville vs Clay Co.


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Grunt, you know as well as anyone that I've supported this team even last year. We'll make the playoffs, and we may do alright. As far as sounding like Macon Co., I'm definitely not calling for his job. I will not call out individual players. As far as hanging close with Smith Co. I think they've been exposed in the past few weeks as not being as good as everyone thought. Looking back, I think that's one of the games we should've won. Looking forward, I think we'll do well in the playoffs til we get to South Pitt. I honestly think we have the talent to play with them on a good night, catching some breaks here and there. This is a good team, I've said that all year. It's just a good team not playing at their potential.


Croz, my post was not aimed at you, or anyone else in particular, for that matter. And, yes, I am as

aware as anyone you have supported the Tigers when the going was rough last year. I'm looking at

some of the posts overall...the bigger picture, if you will. Can't really remember if anyone has flat out

called for his job, but it has gotten close. This is why I said it was beginning to sound like Macon.

I'll agree at times this team seems to be taking longer than necessary to come together, but there

are several reasons ( not necessarily excuses ) for that. Both players & the coach are still a bit

green yet. Some , maybe not playing up to their potential at times. We've had some do the same.

That has improved over the season. No doubt, SC was not as advertised. As you are well aware, I've

supported G'ville as well ( unless you're playing us, LOL ). I'd like to see you guys go 9-1 every season.

I also am aware you have no kids playing. Neither do I. But we both support the team. I've set out

in the rain & cold when other so-called fans were home listening on the radio.

"Generally" speaking, some Monday morning QBs' need to put a lid on it, & wait for the dust to settle.


The players are young, but most of them started last year. So, I don't think youth should be as big as a crutch as some are making it out to be.

Thinking about it, and this is strictly my opinion, the best game Gville has played this year was against Trousdale. They were just simply outmatched in that game, but if they play every game like they did that one, they'd be in good shape.(6-2)

yes, their performance against trousdale was good. looking at 5a football compared to 1a football, could his system be a little more complex than what we are used to and be taking a little more time to perfect ? as far as our underclassmen go, they are making more of an impact that i thought they would. the fresh&soph only know the new system and really dont have any of the old way to get out of their system. 6 and 2 is a reasonable record we could be at. game should be over and mop up duty should take place by the half. this is a gordonsville vs clay co. thread. we need to worry about clay co. and just let the oaktown posse insult and threat all they want to, because at the end of the day they really have no clue about our program past or present like we really have no insight into their program. wish the patriots much luck in the future. to the game at hand , final thoughts on it please.
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the game will be played thursday night at seven o clock. at GORDONSVILLE. this is a game the whole teams want. they ended our season last year. that makes it personal for all the players from last year. we have our senior linebacker back this week which should be a plus. number three for clay which was there big playmaker has quit. so it changes there gameplan. we WILL run the ball and WILL make holes in that defensive line. . as of right now us seniors are only guarented two more games. the winner of this game will be the 1a region champ so it means alot to us. basically this is the start of our playoff run this year.

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I think we're going to play the game at Carthage's field. They haven't been using it, and it'll save our field. :thumb:




B) and the posters from that side of the river have been out of character quiet, even for a by week.



CROZ, you've put the fun back in Gville football boy don't ever hush .. I'll have to climb a ladder and smack ol' cankles here. I read and post here because I enjoy football, I'm one of those mama's that told my kids if they don't like getting hit or running, quit now, telling my grands that now as well, where I went to school, if you played a sport .. you played .. I expect it of mine and yours as well. Maybe I shouldn't, but I do.


When my son's were in school I would have loved to have had Moose back and coaching them, I don't want him to leave, as I've said before, no one in the world wants Gville to win more than he does, and I'm one of his biggest fans, he knows this. I told my son's Moose stories and Moose-isim's, and there's bunches of those folks B) you simply had to be there .. lol


Maybe I was a tad harsh about the players but I had just spent a few days in really REALLY close contact with some of these mama's and B) was about to bust a vein, so I vented on here .. maybe it was wrong, maybe not. But what they need to know, if a coach is making your child run, it's for their own good, to condition them, to help them, that's it .


For what it's worth I think Grunt, Croz Tigerpaw, pasttiger are great reads on here, they don't browbeat and never act like children, I like'em .. B) might even teach me a thing or three about football ..





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Grunt, I think you are one smart fellow. I think Croz is passionate for sure, and sometimes when you are emotional like that, you don't really think through what you are saying. To us, it may sound innocent enough, but to teen-aged boys, it sounds critical. It also sounds very judgmental and critical to mommas too. It is fine that you follow the big blue and go to all their games, but let's try to remember that some of these starters are freshmen and there is a big difference in playing in junior high and high school. These boys are not as seasoned as the others. They may be more talented, but lack the actual game experience. So, your expectations may be a little too high right now for their play.

Everyone that gets on here needs to read everything in context.

In the preseason, I talked on here about hoping we would get challenged in the scrimmages because the teams we were playing wasn't really challenging us, and some people had a fit. They thought I was downing the team. I wanted that to make the team better. A team won't get better unless they're are challenged. I expect the learning curve with the freshmen, and some of them have done quite well. Coen, for example, played the best game he has played all year the other night against Watertown. The things I have said on here, I didn't mean to include the Freshmen. I give them the benefit of the doubt. There is a lot of them that has definitely played more than when I did when I was a freshman. Anyway, it is some of the upperclassmen that I think need to step it up. Some are going out there and giving it all they got, some, not so much. It happens to a lot of teams, but like I said before, I think this team can step it up and make some noise in the playoffs.

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I think we're going to play the game at Carthage's field. They haven't been using it, and it'll save our field. :roflol::roflol:


Well, well, well. Croz, pasttiger, and Blubellz (dear).......Will somebody ask Paul Wade or Cheesecake what moving this game going to cost the tax payers?? I pay MY wheel tax money is for the games to be played on Friday nights. We'll see what the school board has to say about this. People are starting to ask questions, right Cheesy? :lol:

Moving the game??? Not Gordonsville. Ya'll play in mud and rain the way it's supposed to be played. Field conditions don't matter. At least that's the way it was a few weeks ago, right??

AND, as far as using Smith Co.'s field.........as best as I can figure....The Big Blue DOES use SC's field every home game. THE OWLS have OWNED it for over 10 years now. :bored::lol:

On the serious side, I may have to ease over and check it out. Good luck Tigers.

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