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The Pirates from SP Spring Workouts/Scrimmages


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I wanted to apologize for not posting lately. I have been rather busy. What is this 7 on 7 mess? It takes 11 players to play on a team. You think Im joking cause Im not. How do the runners run when their are no blockers to knock a hole for them? Grider did not tell me their was a game today. I would have liked to see how this 7 on 7 mess works. This season is getting close and I hope our boys are lifting hard right now so they will be strong for the jamboree. If they aren't we will get beat in that jamboree. You think im joking cause im not. It will be real hot at that game and I will have plenty of red bulls to give to our boys.

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Dad burnit, Old Pirate wants to know when the real earholing is goin to start? Not sure them Pirates is a real good at that 2 hand touch play. OP done and heard theys got beat by some private school and some others. Recon the Real Futeball will separate the pretenders from contenders. Sure hope them Pirates are getting a right powerful strong, figure theys will run into some folkes that will want a good earholing contest. :popcorneater:

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Dad burnit, Old Pirate wants to know when the real earholing is goin to start? Not sure them Pirates is a real good at that 2 hand touch play. OP done and heard theys got beat by some private school and some others. Recon the Real Futeball will separate the pretenders from contenders. Sure hope them Pirates are getting a right powerful strong, figure theys will run into some folkes that will want a good earholing contest. :popcorneater:


OP, I love them 7 on 7 "champions" that shake in their shoes on Friday nights. I'm sure the ones that beat you all were real proud of their accomplishments. I've seen it here too many times. It's funny how "two-hand-touch" really doesn't translate to Friday nights.

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OP, I love them 7 on 7 "champions" that shake in their shoes on Friday nights. I'm sure the ones that beat you all were real proud of their accomplishments. I've seen it here too many times. It's funny how "two-hand-touch" really doesn't translate to Friday nights.


Old Pirate says agrees with you, 7. Recon some good can come from this type of scrimmage, jest don't figure the it is a real feel of overall talent a team can field when the earholing starts. :thumb: Good Luck to them ther Jackets

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Old Pirate says agrees with you, 7. Recon some good can come from this type of scrimmage, jest don't figure the it is a real feel of overall talent a team can field when the earholing starts. :thumb: Good Luck to them ther Jackets



I will have to agree with you. If you have ever been quarterback in the backyard everyone has their Peyton Manning moments and it sure is easy when you don't have some beast coming after you and trying to crush your melon.

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A Living Legend like myself is never mistaken. I am curious if "Mr. Legit" has ever had the opportunity to be graced with my presence. It is truly a privalege and honor for anyone to be graced with the presence of The Great One. Hopefully "Mr. Legit" will be fortunate enough to be graced with my presence at one of those SP games this season. You sir, will have that opportunity in the annual jamboree and games against Marion, Signal and Boyd.

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Travis will be just fine.. I look for him to suprise everyone.. he has a very strong arm and has been around for awhile. after the butterflies settle he will be great.. our best offense in awhile i believe... my reasoning is a awesome offensive line this year and speed to burn. if South Pittsburg can settle down and play ball early they will be hard to beat.. Boyd has a great team. Signal and there umm *****ting will be tuff. esp when they seem to be pickign up new players weekly. funny how some people jump fence when aprospect of a good or bad year is near.. good seeing some of you guys...

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Not to jump ahead....but...I can not wait until Signal comes down here this year...It should be a good game...and much like last year I am guessing they will be undefeated and pumped up from all the media wondering if they can be beaten....should be a dandy...time for some earholing as Old Pirate Says :thumb: And as for Travis, I am telling everybody the kid has matured alot on and off the field..He has got height and a good arm as well as a pretty spiral...The biggest thing he needs to learn is that he should not force anything and if he makes a mistake to forget about it because it is part of the game...He will be a great leader of the pirates this year!

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Old Pirate drove down past the field yesterday and ther was no sign of practice. Like ole Roy, OP thought ther would be morning sessions. Not quite sure but heard theys was a scrimmage Friday with somebody. Recon it don't much matter cause OP is a leaving for south Florida Friday morning with a few fellers to fish.......? Figure to sign in on 1 of them lobby computers to see how the speedway boys done.

Hey Roy...........does that Murphy book say anything about how strong them Pirates is this year, dad burnit ole Zone has got OP worried a saying they are skinny and and weak.

Edited by OLD PIRATE
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