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Any truth about the rumors surrounding Grace Christian


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I am the only user of stbulldog. Stop making up lies, and admit that everyone, literally dozens of posters are constantly scratching their heads trying to make sense of almost all your posts. Does that not give you a clue that many of your posts are nonsense. Get your head out of the sand. :wub: PS It is comical when you coin the term IP and act as if you know something about my handle. If you do, then I must report this to Coach T who promises privacy. Any more comments about knowledge of my computer, I would like to hear it. If this is a veiled attempt to learn my idenity, forget it, you are not even close. And for the final time, I and I alone use my handle, always have, always will. Now make up another lie. :wacko: we'll be back, what does that mean?, you and your second personality. Go read Sybil.

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Coin the term IP? Really get serious? Not close, very close. Turn me for privacy? Read the rest of the rules. Trying to bully. You would be embarassed for anyone to know who you are. Continue on Duh2. Someone will come in and say to you, what arre you doing on the computer?

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Caught in a lie. You know nothing about me. Why would I be ashamed? I stand behind every post I have ever posted. But you can't say the same, because you have hundreds of retraction posts where you have goofed again. Referring to Div II as you do only reflects your extreme prejudice about a system you know little about. Find another hobby. Better be posting about the diaster of having the Mid Tn Tournament at Cool Springs again and the devastating effects of that. :wub::wacko: PS I said IF you knew anything about me. But in the past you have called me a women, man, AAU coach, arab, muslim, principal of a school, and a few others that I can't remember at the moment. What does this mean, it means you know nothing about me sir, and chose to post lies. I am sure Lipscomb did not teach that such actions are proper behavior. Grow up, you have had seventy plus years to do that, act your age.

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Why DuhII, now you are showing your memory loss or likely your lack of education. I never said or thought you would have any expertise in any of those fields. Likely you should stay in your field of marketing and confusion and assumption of your own facts. Or chastising those who disagree with you. That you are good at. Getting closer. Keep your cool.

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Cool as a cucumber. You have failed to answer because you have no answer. That marketeer thing is hilarious, but as usual you fail to really respond to things you have done. It is extremely funny that you would accuse me of getting upset when someone disagrees with me. Boy talk about calling the kettle black. You fail to admit to any mistakes, instead saying to the poster that corrected you, "well thats what I meant". For your age, you haven't acquired the normal developmental skills of admission of wrongdoing, too bad. I'm telling you, better start posting about Siegull, they are going to need all the help they can get. And don't forget to give a great big kiss to the coach, might get the relative some more playing time. :D:wacko: PS what about the Mid Tn Tournament, could you please post on the volleyball thread of the immense amount of damage that it done by being hosted at the Cool Springs facility this past season. Finally, go on back in your boro. :wub:

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:lol: Wow,do either of you remember the title of this post? If you do,let me say that I did not after half the argumenative banter between you two was read. Both of you had some good points,before the squabbling got out of hand,but the importance of the whole"mess" was lost because of it. To say that it's ok for an unconected establishment of any kind to "pay" a childs tuition is correct and very honorable, -IF- that child happens to be very good at sports however,who's to say that his/her tuition would've been paid had they been un-athletic? The rule makers at T.S.S.A.A. have many hours reserch and a lot of consideration in creating new guidlines concerning pay-for-play.D-II and the multiplier rules are there for a reason,to level the playing field as best as possible. No system,or set of rules will ever eliminate someone from gaining an advantage,it's not possible to police everyone compleatly.This also works in reverse. A small private school who does not value athletics over education, who does not waive tuition for exceptional athleates,who does not transport students great distances at no cost,and does not influence parents of these kids,or the kids themselves to transfer,ect... is virtually guaranteed to be consistantly unsuccesful in sports because of these rules! Point, counterpoint can be argued all day,but it does nothing to settle the matter. Both of you seem intillegent,and articulate, so why belittle yourselves and each other through name calling? :D
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:lol: Wow,do either of you remember the title of this post? If you do,let me say that I did not after half the argumenative banter between you two was read. Both of you had some good points,before the squabbling got out of hand,but the importance of the whole"mess" was lost because of it. To say that it's ok for an unconected establishment of any kind to "pay" a childs tuition is correct and very honorable, -IF- that child happens to be very good at sports however,who's to say that his/her tuition would've been paid had they been un-athletic? The rule makers at T.S.S.A.A. have many hours reserch and a lot of consideration in creating new guidlines concerning pay-for-play.D-II and the multiplier rules are there for a reason,to level the playing field as best as possible. No system,or set of rules will ever eliminate someone from gaining an advantage,it's not possible to police everyone compleatly.This also works in reverse. A small private school who does not value athletics over education, who does not waive tuition for exceptional athleates,who does not transport students great distances at no cost,and does not influence parents of these kids,or the kids themselves to transfer,ect... is virtually guaranteed to be consistantly unsuccesful in sports because of these rules! Point, counterpoint can be argued all day,but it does nothing to settle the matter. Both of you seem intillegent,and articulate, so why belittle yourselves and each other through name calling? :D

Good post and some good points. You may have missed some points, though. And it is likely both parties. Issues cconcerning athletics really are secondary issues. The way the procedure in carried out including athletics is the real issue most likely including missions and not being able to understand there are likely no winners and losers here like athletics. There is only an attempt to win and lose from a mission point of view. There is an attempt to win concerning educational systems not compatible. An attempt to win as far as political moral systems in whichj the moral are much more compatible than the political but with two approaches unable to find answers although to have a civilized society, going on the current approach does not seem to resolve anything and just pass each other in the dark but it has been and is becoming a staid process that there is more that unites than devides but agreements likely do nothing else than cut down the power structure of individuals and only prove a way to show the inadequacy of the other system and both have some good points and should be able to work together. It should not appear on a site such as this. It should not be on a site such as this nor should advertising it. It is not the reason this site was started. Just read the history. It has degraded itself not because of the students and fans but because of the willingness of missions to impose their ideas and thoughts and to impose their needs for numbers instead of the original missions of the site. Likely there is no other site of popularity that sports information can be posted or the private school agenda can be advertised. Interesting agenda and how advertising can be wound but thats another thread and maybe another site. One thing is for sure though, the State of Tennessee is only going to have one school system and a set of rules set out for its operations.

Schools don't have to operate within the rules. They can just not be in the organization. but if they are in the organization, they need to follow the rules of the ruling body. If they decide they don't want to comply, give waivers for the students to keep from going and ask the school to get out of the system. That certainly is not an answwer to anything but to keep finding ways to knowingly circumvent the rules costs too much and takes too much time to adminsitrate. Rules have gooten so complicated They are laughed at. Adminsitrators are even thought to not to comply.

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If you go back to page 2 or this thread, you will see that Hargoo threw the first stone. Sometimes you just have to defend yourself, especially when Hargoo tries to lump all privates schools as being the same and or blaming them for the public school massive problem that exists in the state of Tennessee. I apologize, but I have to respond to that degree of ignorance. :lol: Ps as to Hargoo silly statements about missions, my final word on that is this: the mission of Father Ryan High School and most all other private schools is to help in every way possible a student to build a solid educational, emotional, spiritual and moral foundation to be leaders in todays world. For Catholic students and other privates also, four years of religion courses to enhance and allow the student to grow in their faith. That sums it up. That is more important than all the sports in all the world. Thats why enrollment at Ryan and many other schools is at a maximum, we don't have to search for students, they come to us. Thats why we send buses as far as Clarksville to give students rides, so for the students who otherwise would not be able to attend Ryan when they desire to do so. Its not free, oh no, it cost a few hundred extra dollars a year, but the student is attending, nothing at all to do with athletics. Hargoo doesn't seem to get the point or ignores it and tries to use sports as what drives a private school. That is stupid to say the least and bigoted when someone knows better. Didn't mean to preach, again I apologize for the side-road, I will try and stay on course in the future. :D

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