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The Poster Child of How the New Playoff System is Broke....


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The TSSAA should have fixed what the problems were instead of overhauling the system and creating more problems. What they really should have done was started with our healthcare system and then worked back from there. IMO the TSSAA is like OZ, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. :popcorneater:

Edited by mykidsdad
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Also State Championship games need to be moved back to Nashville or Murfresboro or rotating between East, Middle and West will be best. Nashville & Titans Stadium is best if not rotating, being more centrally located, however this gives the metro & middle Tn schools the advantage. Rotating venue options WEST:Liberty Bowl,UTM,MUS,CBHS... MIDDLE:Nashville Titan Stadium, MTSU....EAST: Neyland Stadium,TTU,UTC

It would be a great experience for kids, their families and schools to play @ Neyland or Titans Stadium


Rotate Championship site. Also good coach/team don't/won't care who they play, it's the playoffs bring em on. Nothing better than knocking your rival out or defending your title. However 5-5 or worse teams shouldn't be in playoffs, not Championship worthy. Would you want a team to win a State Championship with that kind of record. So no .500 or less records in playoffs and any win versus a smaller classification with less than 5-5 record equals 1/3 win for playoff purposes.

4A very weak this year, watered down, very few quality teams. probably less than 5 playoff worthy. No value for State Championship. Should be combined with 3A. And as for the privates what a joke equivalent to a district Championship. Need 6 Championships total or less including public & private.

Edited by StBentley
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Rotate Championship site. Also good coach/team don't/won't care who they play, it's the playoffs bring em on. Nothing better than knocking your rival out or defending your title. However 5-5 or worse teams shouldn't be in playoffs, not Championship worthy. Would you want a team to win a State Championship with that kind of record. So no .500 or less records in playoffs and any win versus a smaller classification with less than 5-5 record equals 1/3 win for playoff purposes.


So If a 3a team beat a 6a team are they going to get the win plus 1/3?

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Rotate Championship site. Also good coach/team don't/won't care who they play, it's the playoffs bring em on. Nothing better than knocking your rival out or defending your title. However 5-5 or worse teams shouldn't be in playoffs, not Championship worthy. Would you want a team to win a State Championship with that kind of record. So no .500 or less records in playoffs and any win versus a smaller classification with less than 5-5 record equals 1/3 win for playoff purposes.

4A very weak this year watered down, very few quality teams. probably less than 5 playoff worthy teams



With the scheduling woes that coaches alrady have there is no way they would want something to count as a 1/3 win. Plus records change as the season goes on. Now you are dependent upon that team to stay healthy and not lose a star plyer and keep winning. lots of variable take place throuought the season that can affect a a teams record. they could start out 3-0 until you play them. You beat them making them 3-1. Then they go on a lossing streak. No your full point has turned into a 1/3 point. Out of your control. Coaches no likie.

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There do seem to be some tweaks that need t be made, and I'm not really sure how they would be made.




2. Somehow, games against teams in your classification(6A, 5A, etc...) or higher, need to become more valuable. Perhaps a seeding penalty for less than 8 games and even higher penaly for less than 6. There are probably better ideas but we need to encourage teams to schedule other teams in their class, while leaving a little wiggle room for bad situations.




What I would really like to see, dollars be darned, is five classes and a true 1-32 seeding based on a tested computer formula.


When the TSSAA put their 'Z' system in place, I wrote them that the system would backfire because of two reasons, since every game counts it would make it harder for perceived good teams to find games because no one wants to play someone they will lose to. It may cut some travel down for district games but non-district games' travel costs will actually go up. In the old system where non-district games had zero impact teams wanted to play those same teams for the experience and the gate they brought when they came to your place.


The second, more important reason is their zero deterrent to scheduling down in classification and no incentive to schedule up.


I gave them this plan for a start to fix this problem and they promised to look into it and get back to me. (They later said it looked promising but never got back to me)


The plan in a nut shell.


If you win the game you get 100 + the number of wins of opponent that game.


If you win the game you add (20 X any class difference) - if you are 5A and play 6A you get +20 - if you are 6A playing 4A you get -40.


Win or lose add (5 X wins of opponent)


Win or lose add (2 X wins of opponent if same class or higher)


This rewards you for winning. It awards you for playing teams in your classification or higher. This rewards you for playing winning teams.

Edited by davidlimbaugh
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Also State Championship games need to be moved back to Nashville or Murfresboro or rotating between East, Middle and West will be best. Nashville & Titans Stadium is best if not rotating, being more centrally located, however this gives the metro & middle Tn schools the advantage. Rotating venue options WEST:Liberty Bowl,UTM,MUS,CBHS... MIDDLE:Nashville Titan Stadium, MTSU....EAST: Neyland Stadium,TTU,UTC

It would be a great experience for kids, their families and schools to play @ Neyland or Titans Stadium

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I've said since the move to the "Z" plan (copied after Virginia) that if it was such a great plan, why did Viriginia drop it after two years? They dropped it, we picked it up? Huh?


As for rotating, it would be a wonderful idea, but it's tough to keep a local group focused for a year, then give them two years off. Chambers of Commerce aren't going to like the idea. Besides, remember it's not SIX title games, it's EIGHT! Don't forget the two DII games are on Thursday, three on Friday and three on Saturday. But it does fill up motels and restuarants.


I remember the three class system, when only the district champ advanced...then we added second place...then we said top four from the region...and on and on and on.


Sacrcasm here, but let's just give every team a golden ball on August 1 of each year then let 'em play.

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Rotate Championship site. Also good coach/team don't/won't care who they play, it's the playoffs bring em on. Nothing better than knocking your rival out or defending your title. However 5-5 or worse teams shouldn't be in playoffs, not Championship worthy. Would you want a team to win a State Championship with that kind of record. So no .500 or less records in playoffs and any win versus a smaller classification with less than 5-5 record equals 1/3 win for playoff purposes.

4A very weak this year, watered down, very few quality teams. probably less than 5 playoff worthy. No value for State Championship. Should be combined with 3A. And as for the privates what a joke equivalent to a district Championship. Need 6 Championships total or less including public & private.

Traditionally you can look at a teams schedule & immediately know why they scheduled certain teams(typically from Memphis). Munford, Brighton, Covington & Ripley notorious for it. Look at Munford's schedule this year. Who'd they beat. Covington & Brighton, they all pay em as well & get extra home games in adition to the guaranteed win

3 of Munford's 5 wins this year were hand picked: Memphis Northside(probably 5-95 their last 100 games),Frayser(pitiful) and Westwood. And where did they play em at? You're right @ Munford. Brighton played two Raliegh Egypt and some other weakling @ home for an extra home game for the wins. 2 of Ripley's 3 wins were to inferior teams bought out of Memphis as usual @ home.

This makes for terrible football and instills the wrong philosophy of what football is really about.

Edited by StBentley
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I like the smaller stadium at Tenn Tech as it gives the games good atmosphere.


UT and Vandy both have grass fields, so they are both out and UT is way too large ...there would be no atmosphere at all at UT.


MTSU is located at the perfect spot in the state and holds a good atmosphere for the games. MTSU has the logistics for the games also. MTSU is the #1 location most likely.

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A glaring example of how the new system is broke? Bartlett.




Finished 4th in the district. (2-3, 5-5)


Did not make the playoffs


Craigmont finished 5th in same district. (1-4, 5-5)


They met last night and Bartlett won.


So Bartlett has a better district record. Won head-to-head.


Craigmont is in. Bartlett is out.


They lose on the 4th tie breaker. 54-52 - opponents wins...



This system is not, and has never been about being fair. We know this. Honestly it's not fair that LaVergne is not in the playoffs. I agree 100% with your point, problem is people in the TSSAA office what a nice clean cut way of doing things, and their isn't 1. #1 ALL DISTRICTS ARE NOT EQUAL, but the format assumes they are, then go seeding based on finish in districts then overall record is completely absurd, sounds nice, sounds easy, but it's not fair. I've been saying for a few weeks how you really want to be seeded 6th or 7th. Something is wrong when RHS would have a better draw being seeded 6th or 7th than 1st, agree?

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This system is not, and has never been about being fair. We know this. Honestly it's not fair that LaVergne is not in the playoffs. I agree 100% with your point, problem is people in the TSSAA office what a nice clean cut way of doing things, and their isn't 1. #1 ALL DISTRICTS ARE NOT EQUAL, but the format assumes they are, then go seeding based on finish in districts then overall record is completely absurd, sounds nice, sounds easy, but it's not fair. I've been saying for a few weeks how you really want to be seeded 6th or 7th. Something is wrong when RHS would have a better draw being seeded 6th or 7th than 1st, agree?


Randy - we have both discussed this 'system' over the years :)


How is it fair that Riverdale, Cookeville and etc... get put into a quadrant with no wildcards? Quad 3 gets Oakland, Siegel and Smyrna, wildcards all. How does 7AAA get the top 2 teams in the same quadrant and the third, fourth and fifth place teams get put into a different quadrant???


How is it fair to Coffee Co to be an 8 out of 8 seed when they finished second in their district? If there were some wildcards in Quad 2 then Coffee (at 3-7 mind you) could be seeded higher as a reward for finishing second in their district....


Blackman should have went west and Oakland should have been sent east. It makes no sense for the top two teams of 7AAA meet in the second round but possibly one of the top 2 and one of the third-thru-fifth could meet in the championship game (no offense to Maryville, Mt. Juliet, Whitehaven or others, just using these example to shed light on the problem)

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