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Gang problems - little bit

of hyperbole there.


For the Centennial posters Hyperbole means exaggeration. I beleive everything that has been posted on this thread could be considered hyperbole, however, there was a news story on the Gang (hispanic) problems at CHS. So to point fingers at any school and try and point out their flaws is rediculous. Every school has problems but like it or not every school in Williamson County is a quality school. CHS, BHS, IHS, FHS, PHS, FwHS, SHS, RHS it doesn't matter because when it comes crunch time our schools thrive.

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For the Centennial posters Hyperbole means exaggeration. I beleive everything that has been posted on this thread could be considered hyperbole, however, there was a news story on the Gang (hispanic) problems at CHS. So to point fingers at any school and try and point out their flaws is rediculous. Every school has problems but like it or not every school in Williamson County is a quality school. CHS, BHS, IHS, FHS, PHS, FwHS, SHS, RHS it doesn't matter because when it comes crunch time our schools thrive.

Funny that you try to insult Centennial with a misspelled word. If your going to be arrogant, use your spell check.


Gang problems at Centennial, based on a couple of things that happened 4 years ago? You might go see the school now before you say something so off the mark.

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So we have learned that Franklin has drug problems, Brentwood has money problems (too much of it), and Centennial has gang problems (that have been well documented in the past and in non-debatable) sure makes Fairview sound much more appealing. We are open zoned out here by the way.


Two notes:


1) "Gang" issue are well documented in every WilCo high school, just ask the SRO's. Most are just more covert rather than overt;


2) See your own parenthial note as in, "...in the past..."


So much unnecessary hate....

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For the Centennial posters Hyperbole means exaggeration. I beleive everything that has been posted on this thread could be considered hyperbole, however, there was a news story on the Gang (hispanic) problems at CHS. So to point fingers at any school and try and point out their flaws is rediculous. Every school has problems but like it or not every school in Williamson County is a quality school. CHS, BHS, IHS, FHS, PHS, FwHS, SHS, RHS it doesn't matter because when it comes crunch time our schools thrive.



Finally, common ground in the last two sentences.

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Funny that you try to insult Centennial with a misspelled word. If your going to be arrogant, use your spell check.


Gang problems at Centennial, based on a couple of things that happened 4 years ago? You might go see the school now before you say something so off the mark.


Your turn....it is "If you're going....."

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In other news Franklin related news....


(Franklin & Williamson County followers pay close attention)

It is time to air some dirty laundry. Craig Clayton used all his influence to get Riley Cathey & David Page a spot on this allstar team. Niether of which even has a single offer to play at the next level. It is a funny coincidence that both Page and Cathey's parents are the leading boosters of Clayton's coffers (Coincidence? I think not) The head coach at Franklin High School is always concerned with playing politics to gain booster support, and now his favoritism is affecting high school kids in different counties.


But the web of lies spreads farther. Joe Ramirez of Franklin, who many would consider the best defensive player in Williamson County and the best football player at Franklin High School was "oddly" forgetten in the shuffle and somehow not selected. Franklin followers have been baffled by this "miss-selection". When in reality, Craig Clayton did not even submit Joe Ramirez as a candidate for the team. Craig Clayton only submitted Riley Cathey & David Page. Even though he has claimed that Joe R. was not selected by Ron Crawford and his staff which is a lie! Craig Clayton passed over his best player in order to please his boosters and buy support in a time of trouble for him.


Craig Clayton has convinced himself and his paying customers that Riley Cathey and David Page are great football players, but 393 college coaches disagree. Because none of these kids has yet to recieve an offer or committ to a FBS, FCS, or Division II school yet. And that is how two high school athletes from Franklin High were selected over a future SEC football player from Henry County.


Three quick thoughts:


1) Joe Ramirez is a hoss who can play. He doesn't need any exposure in an all-star game to prove that. Agreed, would have been nice, and I don't understand his exclusion, but all-star games are, by their very nature, politically saturated;


2) As for Page and Cathey and Clayton, it's his job as a head coach to promote his kids. Maybe there is more to it, but if that's the route he took, so be it. Let the Franklin folks handle it;


3) You're from Henry County, right?

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If you are from Henry county then you sure know alot about the goings on here in Williamson county. And if you knew what u were talking about, the majority of fcs and d2 schools don't start handing out offers until late December early January and all the way up to signing day after the d1 schools gobble up the guys they want. And I know 100% that Joe Ramirez/page/cathey/kuivinen were the 4 players that were submitted from Franklin. But like i said ur a Franklin and Clayton basher who prolly knows xero about the gamd but think u know it all. doubt Henry county fans are worried about an all star game when they are playing for a state title this week.

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You missed the whole point joenmsusa.


Clayton's handling of his "favored" boosters IS a big deal, and it makes one ask the question(s);


"How many other boosters have paid their way into Craig's good graces? and how often has money and under-the-table favors influenced his decisions? Or how many kids have been forgotten and passed over just like Joe R. in the past?"


Maybe you accentuated the wrong point in your original post. You were strong in your statement: "The head coach at Franklin High School is always concerned with playing politics to gain booster support, and now his favoritism is affecting high school kids in different counties."


That was followed by: "And that is how two high school athletes from Franklin High were selected over a future SEC football player from Henry County."


So was all this just to deflect you're concern about Ramirez or is it the basis of your arguement? I must admit I am confused, especially when my research shows your screen name to be "brand new" and you first three posts were exactly the same on three different threads.

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I'm truly sure that all 4 were nominated. All star teams are selected on popularity and team needs. Maybe the all star team is loaded at DT. There are a million reasons why players aren't selected. But even the qb kuivinen is the first alternate in the game. I think you are here to start arguments just for the sake of it

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