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Revolution of offenses today


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I heard GQ talk at last year's TN Coaching Clinic about their combo plays and it was amazing (especially at the hs level).  There are times when they have 2 plays called on the same play and depending on what the Mike does that's the play that they actually execute.  So whatever D you dial up-you're gonna be wrong!!! pretty cool stuff.  back when i played we could barely get meathead to spit out 1 play!!!  "wing weft, moshun wite, sk, skkk, skkkk, skeen, i mean sqweeen, darn-ya'll know what to run!!!"

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Offenses have come a long way. If you look at some of the best offenses in college, they are a mash up of several old school offenses. Take Oregon for example. You have the modern zone read, veer principles, midline principles, wing-t principles (buck sweep), and power run game principles (I formation, etc.). You add that with an effective screen game and vertical and horizontal passing game, run at a break neck pace...and my gosh you got a defensive coordinators worst nightmare! But if you step back and look at it, it's relatively simple. It's just repped and practiced until it's executed perfectly and when it is...it's a thing of beauty!!

Edited by TNfballfan
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This is a great topic.  When I grew up, it was basically smash mouth football and the wing-t.  I played for a coach that had no problem with 4 yards, bunch of dust, repeat.


The timing offenses for pass offenses really broke loose in the 80's in the NFL, and some of that stuff slowly trickled down.  When the Spread Offenses really started to take shape here and there, the teams running it could basically handle anyone.  Teams were more worried about defending the spread than anything else in the game.


As we are now almost two decades into the spread, it has become a new norm, but teams are better at defending them because kids have seen those types of offenses longer.  Some smash mouth is coming back here and there, but it really depends on the kids you have.


If you have some fast kids but a so so line that can't smash a team, a spread is a good option.  Eventually, it will show up on defense that you can handle hit you in the mouth style, but its an option.  Running an offense is about the personnel that you have available.  All of the offenses share a lot of the concepts, and a lot of the offenses are basically running the same plays, just different looks.


It's all about speed, getting to where you are supposed to get to, staying on that block, etc.  If a team finds success with this in a power offense, do it, if a team finds success spreading the field, do that.  Teams that are running offenses for the sake of running that offense but are not finding success need to look at something else.  The spread doesn't fix everything.

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