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Upperman @ Watertown


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On 9/19/2022 at 7:53 AM, RoundLickRonnie said:

I might be on that purple powerade, but I got a feeling that we are heading in the right direction. Upperman aint as good as some think and they will struggle blocking our defense. Can our offense generate enough points to win? That answer is yes. 

That answer was nope

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20 hours ago, H2Oman said:

Don’t get me wrong… I still believe he can coach, but that staff did not have their team ready to play Friday. I know they’ve had injuries, but you should not have lineup issues at week 5 when the other team isn’t running anything exotic and you’ve had all week to prepare.

Upperman was for sure the better team…. even if we would’ve been healthy. People having better athletes you can’t control.

Having your kids know where to lineup is 100% in your control!


I have no grand allusions of us being a good football team right now… don’t have the horses to do so, but I would like to see this team play with heart and good assignment football. These things are in their control and fall on the coaches shoulders to fix!


Will they get it right??? I hope and believe  they will!


The kids playing with heart is most definitely not on the coaches. Assignment football is on the coaches. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. 

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1 hour ago, RoundLickRonnie said:

This is big Ronnie. Little Ronnie played a bunch Friday night. Thanks for asking! 

Ok big Ronnie.  Let me guess…Little Ronnie got his feelings hurt because the big bad coaching staff yelled at him.  Now H20 needs all new coaches.  About par for how soft minded our society has allowed people to get.  All your griping on here is probably not anything close to what Little Ronnie hears at the homestead.  Coach your boy up better at home and maybe H20 can field a better team sooner rather than later.  

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