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Guest falconfan7



I think it might be a good idea if you took a day or two off from posting on this site. Profanity is not allowed on here under any circumstances.

[Edited by coacht on 3-26-03 9:29P]


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Well since you have violated the coach t rules and started cursing i guess we wont be seeing much of you anymore.


But back to the topic,you guys might have beat elizabethton but we drilled them they didnt even score we beat a 8-2 AA south greene team tonight 12-2 and then turned around and played david crockett a AAA power house team and got beat

2-0 so i dont wanna hear you talk about how ur gonna beat us because it wont happen we beat you guys last year and we will beat you again this year.


If we pitch our top 2 pitchers theres no way you can touch us. You tried throwing your ace against us last year at boone and we ended up rocking the crap out of them.


But we will find out sooner or later if we play then we can see what the outcome is.


Have a nice day


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Quarterpounder, although Falcon7 got set down because of his language, his point was valid. Volunteer has beat Happy Valley and Elizabethton and only lost to North by one run. They have been in every game they played. Against Chuckey-Doak they did not have a very good game. In the Central game the pitchers lost the strike zone for a while and that proved to be Volunteer's undoing. Central felt lucky to get out of there with a win. Volunteer has played with everybody they have played.

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I thought you said "...then turned around and played david crockett a AAA power house team and got beat

2-0..." Then please explain to me why they were 1-8 (before they beat y'all), with their only victory coming against a watered-down Unicoi team. Crockett has a good team, and an awesome pitcher. But Justin Fender pitched against y'all in that victory, not Hammons. Fender is a pretty good pitcher, but how do you get that you got beat by a powerhouse team. Volunteer has played them tough since I was in high school, so where are you getting at with this. When/If Unaka plays Volunteer then we can all talk about this, but until then we can't make assumptions about imaginary games.


I have seen that Happy Valley 16-5, Tennessee High 11-1, Cloudland 8-7 are some losses. Volunteer beat Happy Valley, but I'm not sure how good Cloudland is (never played them but it looks like one little mistake could've turned that game around for either team), and Tennessee High is down from last year. Once again, it doesn't look to good for arguing imarinary games from your standpoint.


Volunteer has lost 3-2 to a very good North team (game could have went either way), the 8-5 loss to Central was to a good team and the pitching wasn't right on target (though I wouldn't lay blame on that, Central has a heckuva ball club), and as far at the Chuckey-Doak loss goes things like that happen sometimes (C-D always seems to give us trouble in some way, shape, or form)

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