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Hess @ Sparta

Guest big33

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Lewis or Sunday either one could go d-1 if they wanted. Sundays height would take her, and lewis is athletic and one of the best shooters to come through. Hacker was to slow to play gaurd and couldn't handle the ball to well. If she worked at it she would have been a heck of a player. but why put down the players that work their butts off? I wish the best to every player on wc.

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First of all, it is not my place to get on her and start rumours and tell things. How many of you (pinkpanther, benchcoach, supperstar etc.) have actually been at practices and such with them? You are just like me, speculating an opinion from a lot of hearsay. You know what they say about opinions. The only thing is you are naming kids names. Great kids like Amanda Lewis, Brooke Sunday, Brittany Farley, Natalee Anderson that have worked or are still working their tails off. But yet, you get on here and demean their effort. Work ethic and dedication have a lot to do with how successful a player can be. Another great kid is Hannah Hacker. She made a tough decision and you are not making that decision any easier by having people disect it on here. She will be missed by the team there is no doubt. However, she made her decision. All the talking on here is probably doing more harm than good.


Pinkpanther, you get on here and say that maybe a player's lack of defensive intensity is because they knew they were going to be taken out of the game. Is that acceptable? Someone who supposedly knows talent when they see it should know that it is not acceptable at any level. Most coaches would not even accept that at the SENIOR PRO level. Of course, a great talent scout like you would know that. Bob Gibbons is probably looking for help in evaluating talent seeing how well you know talent. Of course, on the boy's board you did say that Brent Jolly looked awkward playing the point. That makes me wonder! Players who can make it at the Division I level have to be willing to do the little things to improve their game. Be willing to constantly work hard to improve. Turn weaknesses into strengths. You came down pretty hard on Anderson. It really doesn't matter what you think about her but ask her teammates what she meant to their team. She did a lot of the little things that made that team successful. She is so knowledgeable of what is going on on the court around her. She knows basketball. A great talent scout like you should be able to recognize that. To say you would not have started her definitely makes me wonder.


Benchcoach, if you want to know the whole story, that is between the girls on the team, Hacker and Coach Hess. Talk to them.


I refuse to get on her and start saying negative things about a wonderful group of young ladies. I respect and admire all them for the hard work and dedication they give to their respective sports. There is enough turmoil surrounding young people today without adults who think they have all the answers getting on here and adding more.

[Edited by fullcourt on 4-20-03 5:56P]

[Edited by fullcourt on 4-20-03 7:30P]


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I agree with everything stated in the last post. Yes Hannah Hacker quitting is a shock and a disappointment, but that is now in the past and everyone needs to look to the future. You never know what will happen .....for example....Hacker's freshman year a great player also quit before the beginning of the season, Samantha Mcbride. This left the team with just 7 players and no point gaurd, but a great player, cole, along with the rest of the team, stepped up to fill the spot by playing a position she never had played before and did a great job. I'm sure everyone was uncertain with their season, but the team ended up winning their district championship by 30 and the first freshman team to go undefeated in a long, long time. Who's to say that losing one great player will restrict the rest of the great players from reaching their full potential. If a player was not happy for whatever reason she could not give 100 percent every minute on the floor ,practice or game. This would hurt a team more than anyone quitting. I hope that this incident will not cause people to constantly put the remaining players and coaches down anymore, but help them gain more support than ever before from the fans as they start their new and exciting season.

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Some of you really do not know what you are talking about and some of you don't know basketball. I mean honestly you think Natalee Anderson shouldn't have started. Thats out in left field. Talent when you see it huh? Right, she was the heart, soul, and brain of the team. She didn't score 15 every night but inconsistent? That leaves me dumb founded. I'd gurantee her 3pt percentage was the highest or 2nd (maybe Lewis) on the team. She played hard every second she is on the floor. You start her over Anderson and Sparta wins 8-10 fewer games this year. YOu start her over April and you move Anderson to the point and then you take away our most consistant shooter because Anderson didn't look for her shot enough anyway. Its bad when you sit here and say someone didn't give a full effort all the time on the floor but you say its ok. Get something straight though I love Hannah and she was big time D1 POTENTIAL. Which means what?? Absolutley nothing without the work ethic, mind set, and other intangibles (sp?). That was Hannah's weak points. She was so good she realied on that and didn't always put forth the effort in games and practices that she could have. You can do that and put up huge games like she did but if anyone was inconsistant it was Hannah and I hate to say that. I think we will hear from her again though, she is a great kid and I hope she works things out and she gets back on a court some how. I promise you one thing though, Hess wanted to win bottom line and he played the players that gave him their best effort. Coaches don't decide playing time, players do. Oh yeah and for the talent scout that said Lewis was JUCO at best, you need to tell those D1 schools sending her letters that. I'm sure they would be upset at Georgia Tech, ETSU, and those other D1 schools when she showed up and was a JUCO talent.

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If Hacker could make my squad,she could play for me.As a

coach,you have to play your best five so you give your team

the best chance to win.If Hess didn't start her for lack

effort in practice,he needed to fix that or throw her off

the team.A good coach can handle all kind of players.Some

are different than others.A player has to want to play for

a coach and I'm not sure that was the case with Hacker.Sure

our team will be good next year.With Hacker and Mcbride,it

could have been a great team.I wish the Warriorettes well.

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I think everyone realizes that you think Hannah is a great player. And I really agree that she is. But what they are trying to say is just for a minute consider her age and mental toughness. As a sophomore last year, she did a lot of great things. Other things, that will come with age, she could have improved upon. And these are the things that as seniors and juniors, Hickok, Anderson, and Farley knew how to handle. We all know she's a great player, we're just saying Hess's first five were the best to play together for the season. Hacker did a great job coming off the bench.

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Whether hannah hacker should have started or not, that is Hess's decision and not any fans. She was a strong player and loved to play, and got her chance and worked her butt off to do her job. She may have come from the bench but she worked hard. It hurt to hear that she quit, she could have really helped sparta this year. They will just be one man short next year, but im sure some younger ones will step up.

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I heard today that the coaches at Shelbyville are interested in her transferring. Lets see here....she couldn't start at White Co. a team that couldn't make it out of the region, but a team that finished #1 in the state and in the top #15 in the nation wants her to play for them.

I'm by no means the smartest person alive but I am dumb enough to know that if Hacker is not playing Sparta has no chance of advancing!! I say Hacker leave, transfer go play for a winner!! Get a scholarship to play D-I. I hope the best for you, and Coach Hess wake up!!!!!!!! Insell see the talent...but what does he know(right)? :confused:

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I'm sorry if it sounded like I'm running these girls down. I don't see them at practice or in the offseason. I only see them at home games. I hope Sunday and Lewis both go D-1. Sparta has a legacy of D-1 players that I would like to see carried on. My statements were based on the talent and potential I saw in Hacker. She made the game look easy. I've always been a Sunday fan. I like Lewis' explosiveness. She's fun to watch when she's on.


I'm not a coach. I'm not a scout. I'm not even a player. I'm just a fan. My judge of talent comes from over 20 years of watching the game. After a while, you can see who's got it and who don't. All 3 girls mentioned in this post have definitely got it. It's a shame Hacker might not be putting it on display on the court next season. Maybe, hopefully, she will change her mind. It could only be good for the team as a whole.


After this post, I'm officially out of the evaluation and prediction business. I'll leave that to you folks who see them on a more regular basis than I do. I'll just go out and watch them play. Deal?

[Edited by pinkpanther on 4-22-03 4:20P]


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