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BigMaroon, I in no way hate Hardin County. Im sure you guys have really good football program. This is, however, a message board. Being such, I am entitled like everyone else to state my opinion. That opinion just so happens to be that Friday night, the Golden Wildcats will win VERY convincingly, like I said before. I wish you guys luck, and maybe you will prove me wrong.

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I'm not trying to start a argument, But it seems like every time a team loses a close game its the officials. This can't always be the case. There is a lot of action on the field, You can't see everything. I'm not saying the officials that worked this game made a mistake, I'm saying instead of complaining do something about it. Become an official.They need new officials every year, But be advised if you our doing it for the money you are wasting your time. Most officials I know are out there because they love the game and care about the boys. All I'm trying to say is the next time you see a bad call, Remember the officials are human to.

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