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Playoff Chain Gangs


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In the exhausted discussions about the TSSAA's money making during the playoffs, I had a question. While this question has no relevance to them making money, they mandate that the chain gangs are TSSAA officials (I assume they mandate it, but could be wrong). Do the chain gangs make the same as the game officials during the playoffs?


While on the sidelines, I will talk with whomever will listen and struck up a conversation with these fellas last night. They told me how they hated doing the chains and two of them hadn't done it in 20 years. By the way, you could tell they were rusty. The sticks were never stretched correctly, it looked like a snake crawling down the sidelines.


I would look at where the zebra marked the ball and the chains were always a yard or so off. It actually got amusing for some of us watching. Anyway, just wondering if they made the same as game officials who are actually doing the games.

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To answer your question, No, the chain gang does not make the same as the officials on the field. I believe the going rate is now $20, used to be $15 for members of the chain gang. In the game I had last night, the "chain gang" was exceptional.....and I always appreciate a good chain crew, be it officials or locals. Referring to your game, the chains should have been set on the mark of the Head Linesman (or at least within a few yards of it anyway) ;)

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Although the TSSAA would like to have registered officials to run the chains at every playoff game, it doesn't always happen. Usually the officiating crew is from one association and the chain crews are supplied by the association responsible for the home team during the regular season. Occasionally, chain crew assignments are not communicated in time to the officials, so they simply utilize the folks that have been serving as the chain crew locally. Not a big deal really. I doubt you will see anything but TSSAA officials on the chain crews from the 2nd round on.

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I`ve been holding the chains for several years and every year during the first round a few schools are asked to furnish the chain gang. This is because there are so many 1st round games that there just isn`t enough officials to cover all the games with both officials and chain crews. We were asked to do the chains last night. We have a very good chain crew at JCM and have been complimented several times by the officials this year. In fact, last night the officials from our game were from Nashville and they too were very pleased with the job we do. One of Craigmont`s coaches even took the time to compliment us. He said that in Memphis it`s hard to find adults willing to work the chains and they usually end up using high school or middle school kids and it`s a mess.




Why shouldn`t the TSSAA go ahead and pay us for our services? If they pay all the other "official" chain crews, then why not pay for the games in which they need volunteers? Of course I`d do it anyways, but there is no chain crew comprised of football officials that could do any better than the job we do.

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[/i]They told me how they hated doing the chains and two of them hadn't done it in 20 years. By the way, you could tell they were rusty.


Were you at the Riverdale game last night? There were SEVERAL times when the ball would actually be stradling a hash mark but the linesman hold the LOS pole with the down would be BETWEEN the hashes. Isn't it the Line Judge's job to make sure he is in the right place. One one play, there was a long gain, but a penalty, but the chain crew had already moved and I think they 'guessed' where they had to go back to...

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