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Best stories?


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Many of you may recognize me from the boys’ basketball board, and I drop by these boards from time to time as well.


I’m working on a project to try to spotlight some of our state’s spring sports athletes in conjunction with the Spring Fling when it comes here to Memphis in late May.


I want to try to spotlight five or six athletes statewide, maybe even a team or two, both boys and girls, across a variety of sports, and tell their stories – what they’ve done to try to play their sport at as high a level as possible, how they’ve fought through different things. One story I’ve heard from last year, for example, was that a kid who made the state in the 100 meter hurdles did so from a high school with no track program, and he practiced in the parking lot after school.


Whether it’s that, coming back from a major injury, learning a different culture, whatever, I’m asking for some interesting (and positive) story ideas to write about. I will give a (very) slight preference to athletes who are actually likely to make it to Memphis, but not much.


Anyway, if you have any stories you think I could use, please e-mail a quick synopsis of it to [email protected], and I will follow up on the ones that I think are the best. You can also post them on here if you want, but it will be easier for me to follow up on the ones that are e-mailed.


Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing some fascinating stories about our athletes and hopefully being able to give some of them the exposure and credit they deserve. Please don’t delay too much in getting these to me, because I do have to work with some deadlines. I’d really hate to get finished with these and then find a great story just too late.


Best of luck this year,


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