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Law Suit at Jeff County-Patriots


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It was reported on TV that the 4 Jeff Co Patriots players who were the dismissed from the team over the petition to get the coach fired have filed a $200,000 law suit against the coach, the AD, and the principle. If they win what are they going to do with the money? How about donating it back to the team for equipment, or field improvements, etc... Maybe they can pay their way down to Maryville and go disrupt their program. The county cannot afford this $200,000. Our taxes are high enough as it is, schools are over crowded, not enough teachers. Now the county will spend big lawyer fees to defend its self in this matter.


I think this is the last thing this school, this team, and this community needs. Sounds like if they cannot get the coach fired one way, they will try another. So, what happens if they are placed back on the team? Any time they are disciplined (push ups, laps, etc...) it will be reported the coach was picking on them. What if they don't get to play? Again, the coach is discriminating against them.


I don't know for sure, maybe some one can enlighten me, but were these players 1st sting, 2nd string, what positions did they play? They managed to screw up last years season and it looks they are getting a head start on next years as well.


This is a tough leason to learn. Their lawyer on TV said they were exercising their constitutional rights they learned in civics class. Maybe that civics class should also have thought them there are repercussions when you stir up trouble and try to get a man fired from his job.


I have heard allot of bad things about the coach but have never witnessed any. I have been to several practices and all the games last year and never saw any player mistreated in any form or fashion. Did see him make some questionable play calls, but that’s football.


May be what the players say happened, maybe it didn't. One things for sure. If Jeff Co. had a winning season this year, would all this BS have happened? I believe that if the players had put the same effort on the field that they put into getting the coach fired, they might have had that winning season.

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This is a serious matter that can only make things worse in high school sports for the coaches who do their best. I do not know the coach or the situation but will make this observation; it has not been long ago when several coaches poor mouthed each other and it goes on on this board daily. Maybe you guys will wake up and realize that discussing coaches on this board is simply throwing gas on the fire. Let this board be for who it should be for, players and parents not coaches who are always trying to move themselves up at the expense of others.

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These kids and their parents all appear to be loosers from all that I have read about it. They have parents stirring the pot and ruining these kids lives. I think these kids and their chump parents are getting ready to learn their lesson in court. It's a shame the community and real players have to suffer through their immature efforts as they slander a good coach.

Ole Dad

This is a serious matter that can only make things worse in high school sports for the coaches who do their best. I do not know the coach or the situation but will make this observation; it has not been long ago when several coaches poor mouthed each other and it goes on on this board daily. Maybe you guys will wake up and realize that discussing coaches on this board is simply throwing gas on the fire. Let this board be for who it should be for, players and parents not coaches who are always trying to move themselves up at the expense of others.

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These kids and their parents all appear to be loosers from all that I have read about it. They have parents stirring the pot and ruining these kids lives. I think these kids and their chump parents are getting ready to learn their lesson in court. It's a shame the community and real players have to suffer through their immature efforts as they slander a good coach.

Ole Dad



Those kids and parents are a disgrace to our county. I heard Randy Giles was the one funding the lawsuit. I am sure Kevin and Chris are real glad about being put in the spotlight because of this suit. Can they just not let it go and send the kids somewhere else? Everybody knows they were kicked off because they refused to meet w/ the coach. The other kids that signed it didn't have their rights trampled on. They are still on the team.

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This proves one thing........that there are some real spoiled kids in this world that have been given everything in life. When they face someone who doesn't give into their every whim, they run to Mommy and Daddy to FIX it . First they tried the petition when they weren't being able to run the team, and when that didn't work.....now they are trying the law suit. If their parents had the guts to tell these kids to reao what they sow. But these parents obviously can't say NO and the pattern continues. Again......they suffer badly from the ME factor. Otherwise, they would NEVER tried to destroy this TEAM and this fine program with such a FRIVOLOUS and CHILDISH gesture.

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Has anybody thought about what the "real players" think about this situation? From what I'm hearing they don't want the 4 horseman or "henchmen" back on the squad. They completely tore the team apart last year. If this goes through and they are allowed back on the team, coach U may lose some really good players this time when the "true patriots" who are loyal to their team and school refuse to play with them.

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I heard the same thing. The remaining players think these guys are bad news and don't want them back at all. Their Daddy's and Mommy's have given them bad guidance and they will now get to suffer the rest of their lives. JCHS and Coach E will survive and these guys have thrown away their childhood and will pay the price. It's a shame but now they continue to try to hurt the remaining players, coaches and community. I heard a counter suit was being planned for $1M. They may be surprised.

Ole Dad

Has anybody thought about what the "real players" think about this situation? From what I'm hearing they don't want the 4 horseman or "henchmen" back on the squad. They completely tore the team apart last year. If this goes through and they are allowed back on the team, coach U may lose some really good players this time when the "true patriots" who are loyal to their team and school refuse to play with them.

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Ole Dad,


I hope you are right about the counter suit. I just hope all of this can be settled before spring pratice starts. I doubt it though, the way our judicial system moves. The kids have got to learn they don't always get their way. I can't wait to have these guys come work for me when they get out of high school. If they don't like their boss, they get him fired. If that doesn't work, just sue the company!!! :o

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Just for a little background information. I am a JCHS student. I know the players who got kicked off, even went to middle school with all but one of them. I am a very close friend of the guy who got hit by Coach Euverard in the face. And I also had Coach Euverard and one of the other coaches in class. No I don't play football, but considering I am a girl that shouldn't be surprising. I may not know as much as some people about football, but I know enough to know that Euverard is not the coach for Jeff County. I think it is odd that everyone can get on here and say that he is when half the team quit. You know maybe there are some spoiled brats on the team but I highly doubt that all the kids who signed the petition are. Filing a law suit does sound drastic, but maybe if the administration would have listened to the kids in the first place or done a real investigation on all the "allegations" this all could have been avoided. Also it is my understanding that the parents had nothing to do with the petition. I understand that it was typed up by one of the players. They did not plan to show anyone until after the season that way the team would not suffer. Another thing is you call the players left on the team "true patriots", aren't they the ones who signed and then lied about it? If he's so big on discipline and punnishment what did he do to them who lied to his face? I just think that everyone should stop dogging the players when they were the ones there and are just standing up for themselves.

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Just for a little background information. I am a JCHS student. I know the players who got kicked off, even went to middle school with all but one of them. I am a very close friend of the guy who got hit by Coach Euverard in the face. And I also had Coach Euverard and one of the other coaches in class. No I don't play football, but considering I am a girl that shouldn't be surprising. I may not know as much as some people about football, but I know enough to know that Euverard is not the coach for Jeff County. I think it is odd that everyone can get on here and say that he is when half the team quit. You know maybe there are some spoiled brats on the team but I highly doubt that all the kids who signed the petition are. Filing a law suit does sound drastic, but maybe if the administration would have listened to the kids in the first place or done a real investigation on all the "allegations" this all could have been avoided. Also it is my understanding that the parents had nothing to do with the petition. I understand that it was typed up by one of the players. They did not plan to show anyone until after the season that way the team would not suffer. Another thing is you call the players left on the team "true patriots", aren't they the ones who signed and then lied about it? If he's so big on discipline and punnishment what did he do to them who lied to his face? I just think that everyone should stop dogging the players when they were the ones there and are just standing up for themselves.


The problem is not every player signed the petition.


They should have to reap what they sowed. There are always consequences for your actions. Mom and dad can't always fix the problems created by actions.

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