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Everything posted by LordInfamous

  1. They lost to Heritage so I don't think they are too cofident about this game.
  2. Welll you are busted, but thats okay i will be at the WB game to cheer for the rebs!!! And I am glad that I am not related to anyone in BC, cause I have an affinity for some of the older women in BC, they are so gorgeous. CALL MEEEEEEEE
  3. Man could we please leave Toki McCary off the list guys? Kimani dean, Al Davis, Michael Potter, Josh Theriot, or the greatest LB to ever play in the county, Stephen Pacifico.
  4. Although i am a old college man, i am friends with a few of these kids, especially Adrian (tank) Baker. I think these kids will rock the state in the coming years. No freshman should be benching 250 right now, but tank does. These kids are like the class of 2003, only stronger and faster.
  5. Is everyone in Blount Co. related?
  6. Playing MO West for homecoming, dang thats crazy.
  7. Geez louis......im comming all the way from *****a****a to see it, GO REBELS.
  8. ^^^^Grow up you cranky old man, you are like 65 aren't you, why dont you get a life besides hating on people on message boards. Quick sippin that Hateraide.
  9. Personal fouls for cussing, boycotts of harry potter, man this society is about as weak as sugarless kool aid, who is running TSSAA now Jerry Falwell?
  10. Maryville beats them every year in the scrimmage grow up you dummy.
  11. ::cough:::baseball::cough:: Anyway, kicking kids out for fighting. How sensitive is society going to get. I mean, goodness, they should be ashamed of this, did he shoot someone or something, kickin kids out for fighting, and they wonder why kids are so sensitive now, they dont know what the real world is, and i blame you OPRAH FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Galilee...The lone person in the Mitchell home section.
  13. Kyle Harris is a Junior at Maryville College, but his brother Kurt is on the team. Alcoa needs some hot dogs, hamburgers, and pizza if they want to do anything. These kids look like the south park christmas special in Zimbabwe. They are so scrawny, sure they may have talent, but these kids need some size if they want to beat anyone. But anyway, they Maryville O-line is in good hands and is a big one, they wont have much trouble this year.
  14. People in Knoxville have funny accents.
  15. LOL, has anyone seen Adrian (Tank) Baker yet. He is built just like his brother Colton. He is gonna kill some people.
  16. Too many sour grapes. I live in Maryville and have neighbors that go to Heritage, Alcoa, and WB. And susie, you had to go way back for that list I see. Coulter, lol, lol. But back on the subject of Willy B, they need to atleast pretend about getting a coach.
  17. If Bill Parcels applied he probably wouldn't get the job. The people in the county need to jump on the smart train and watch out for these kids. Those kids are working to hard to let politics screw them over.
  18. Tennessee has a small pop. to begin with and the state as a whole is not a recruiting powerhouse. But if you consider the state as east, mid, west. You see that individual talent in West (memphis) is better, but team wise, you all can't mess with the east.
  19. The state of Tennessee is so poor. Was there not any warning given to these kids?
  20. Toki McCrays seemingly short pass to Cole Hammontree on the sideline, Cole spinning around with his arm infront of his eyes and then springtin 70 yds to take the lead over Elizabethon.
  21. Maryville for the simple fact that 4A is the cream of the crop with 5A coming in at a close second.
  22. since this is all of topic anyway, i just wanted to be the 100 poster in here.
  23. I bet they would, those to are top notch,lol.
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