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Everything posted by pujo

  1. Actually this disappearing thing is not out of the question, my guess is nearly everyone has been exposed to this. Now it may come back again in the fall but we've done very little to stop the spread. Just a thought.
  2. Call me negative Ned but I highly doubt we will have a lengthy football season. Gonna be a merry go round. Hate to say it ,only choice is to ignore the virus and move on, Doubt thats gonna happen. Then again ,it may just disappear.
  3. Thanks, could be a fun game to listen to, think there will be a bunch of sloppy games until teams get a few games under their belts. We will be starting way behind the 8 ball this year.
  4. We may be able to play week 2 if they allow us to practice tomorrow. I'll just try to tune into a game, May listen to you're game.
  5. Media is already in a panic worrying that people may not want this vaccine, why would anyone want a vaccine that they don't even have. Got a funny feeling,it may be mandatory. Maybe the China Virus will force us to be more like China and other Countries where you do as you're told. I'm more into being able to choose.
  6. But Putin would let his ole buddy have a does, Those cats are close. If I were Biden,It stir shy.
  7. Never had a flu vaccine in my life and can't remember the last time I had it, got no need for this new one either.
  8. Think its just a matter of when they vote.
  9. He actually cares about the kids and teaches more than football. I've talked with him a BUNCH. Its not all about football. Thats minor if you do it the right way. In the end ,it sure won't be about how good you could play a sport. Sports is a good way to teach life lessons.
  10. Love our games, wish we were closer where we could play every year, its just too dang far. If we could meet half way, I,d love to see this game every year. I'll always pull for Oneida as long as Lambert runs the show.
  11. Yet to be determined on both ends. But if thats the case,its still a good year.
  12. Someone said you got a few kids from Scott, If so are they difference makers or just average kids. Lots of times ,you just get someones problems.
  13. Got one Monster. Were gonna be big also ,may lack in team speed . Rockwood may be pretty solid and all 3 of us will have to go through Meigs. Still should be a fun season if we have one. Don't much care for teams getting a 2 or 3 week head start on us, Thats rough.
  14. Yeah and 1a might have been worse, hope they don't pay the cat that picks this.lol
  15. Looks MUCH better but even this won't be real accurate in the end, Its a good starting point though.
  16. They start off pretty good and then it goes all to heck.
  17. Biggest thing about small town football is its the money maker for the other sports. But with limited attendance, it may not bring in much either. Would be sad for this group of players to be the 1st in history to not get to play. As you know,my youngest had to watch last year for a lame rule, was tough on him and now he may have see another season go by. Has absolutely worked his rear off and now he's big enough to play. I'm sure many parents and kids are in the same boat. I'm about sick of OUR CORONA.
  18. I think I don't know what to think, Its about like our China virus. Everyone has a different story and no one wants to make a decision about either.
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