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JSamson7 last won the day on February 8

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  1. Appreciate the love

  2. The current one, not hard to figure it out.
  3. I have no affiliation with Maryville anymore outside of being a 2nd generation graduate from a large family of Rebel alumni. That relationship ended courtesy of the lame duck AD (a Bearden grad I might add) and the HBIC. That said, I could care less if a private school comes through and offers every promising athlete out of that school or any other school better opportunities.
  4. Not a big secret, I don't follow baseball and even I knew he was going to step down soon.
  5. You are correct. Throw in a few other transfers, this season's team may surprise the naysayers.
  6. So let me get this straight, is that 7 coaches in the last 2 years now gone from 825??
  7. I know of some 8th graders who did it as well hence why I mentioned the other school down the road...
  8. Boyd could actually be a grade below what he is now, but his parents didn't see the need to "redshirt" him like the other city school down the road would have pushed for....
  9. Boyd, Chambers, and Smith are all capable.
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