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Best of Preps Player of the Year


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mnewballer21, why are you SO jealous of Cleveland and Charles Little?  Every single time you post anything that has to do with Cleveland there is always such a jealous tone.  I realize that you never beat them while you were at Ooltewah, I realize that you were not any type of player yourself (depsite your arguement that you "understand the game so well"), and I realize that you are not playing anywhere now and never had the chance to...but why can't you just let it go.  Are you jealous that you were never in the paper or that no one ever wanted to do an article on you and the paper wasn't "all over you"?  Really, what is your problem?  Every time you post you make yourself look like such an idiot because you are so jealous and negative.  Everybody knows to take what you write on here with a grain of salt because you don't have a clue what you are talking about and you only write on here to talk negative about people (except your wannabe Ootlewah boys).  You couldn't tie Charles Little's shoes for him and couldn't even be a water boy on most teams in the area!  I am sorry that you never were the focus of the newspaper, that you never were a player yourself, or that you guys never experienced success.  But that doesn't make it okay for you to bash those that are in the paper or that are players and have success with their teams!


yes i agree, i hate myself and my life, i have no reason to live, i will go kill myself now, thank you for opening this up to me

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haha but on a serious note, i dont get on here and bash kids or whatever you say i do, i just express my opinion and if saying that i think someone is better than someone else is bashing the other kid then coacht should just be deleted off the internet, im sorry if i dont feel that the cleveland team is as good as you guys make them out to be, if i say bradley or another team is better than them you guys get all anal and go crazy on me and tell me that im a failure at life and that i am the stupidest person to ever walk the earth because i dont think cleveland is the greatest team to walk through the chattanooga area in recent memory...and i will tell you this, there is not an ounce of jealousy in me about cleveland or charles little or anything about that whole situation whatever you want to think, i could care less if there was ever an article written in the paper about me, but just to let you know, yes there was an article about my team, plenty of them last year as a matter of fact..and if you look back through the papers throughout my time in high school my name has been in plenty of articles, even back to my freshman year there were articles such as "newsome's heroics win ooltewah district championship" yeah that would be when i came in for the injured nick losh as a 5 foot nothing freshmen and nailed 2 free throws to win the district championship...and i will tell you this much, every time i was out on the court i gave it everything i had in practice and during the games i left it all out there trying as hard as i could, i didn't take plays off and walk up and down the court like some players that will go unnamed, im proud of everything i did in my basketball career and i regret nothing, and about me not having hte chance to play anywhere you obviously dont know the situation because i had quite a few opportunities but i attended carson newman for other reasons(yes there are other more important things besides basketball) and i was planning on walking on here as the coach asked me to yet due to injuries i have not been able to do any physical exercise for quite a while, but im going to work my butt off to hopefully be able to play next year and if not next year then hopefully my junior year...and how do you think my teams never experienced success, yes we had a district championship my freshmen year on team(something ol chuck never did i dont believe) and then with a very young team we upset lots of teams my soph and junior year, and i hardly believe going 24-9 my senior year is anything to say is horrible...and on another note, i only hope one day i may tie charles little's shoes, anyone that has the support of all the jerks on these boards that he has has to be someone special

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yeah, spydaman is right, little will get the area player of the year, i forgot they broke it down like that...and if i had a vote for the city player of the year, i would probably give it to skogen he did have a great year and so did temple he should be rewarded some way(since he didn't get mr basketball and probably should have), although it is hard to overlook what jonathan adams did this year, i hope he does well at old dominion, but i'd have to give it to skogen

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mnewballer21...First of all I am sorry for your physical injuries that have henderd your basketball career as a walkon at Carson Newman. I hope that it all works out for you.


In response to your post, Congratulations on your District Championship your freshman year. No Charles Little may not have been on a team that won the district, but he was on one that won the region and substate and went to the state tournament. Now, which one would you rather have. Unfortunately, you and your team mates will probably be the only ones that ever remember that District Championship. In all honesty all the district tournament does is determine the seeds for the region tournament. Obviously you are worried about your name being in the paper if you remember the headline of the article from your freshman year. WOW! You said that all the paper wants to talk about is Charles...well there wasn't a paper in the area writing about Charles until tournament time. When a kid scores 49 points and has 26 rebounds in one game in the region why wouldn't the paper be all over him. What did you want them to write about...Ooltewah getting beat? There was even animosity in your comment about him being up for Mr. Basketball. Why wouldn't he be? It is funny how people all across the state can recognize talent when they see but a little, jealous Ooltewah boy can't!

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thanks for the well wishes..and i remember the headline because it was an exciting time for me, i mean as a little freshmen coming in when the game is on the line not playing the rest of the game, just got a lucky bounce on the free throws, you'd remember it too trust me..but just to let you know, i've never denied charles talent, i've always said he is a really good player, its just it seems all the time that he thinks he is a lot better than he is, he has A LOT to work on in his game to be successful at the d1 level, and in my opinion about the mr basketball there are just some better basketball players out west, thats all, never have i said charles doesn't have talent or anything thats all...it just seems that you guys take it wrong sometimes im not trying to bash him or anything you guys just take offense is all, sorry about the confusion

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