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What makes Ron Gray such a great coach 2


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You are kidding right? The reason his teams scored lots of points while he was ORHS is because all the teams were loaded? How the heck did those teams become loaded? The kids at ORHS are just born as great high school football players? Your recent post is the most elementary opinion I have seen, but it is consistent with your past posts. Goodoleboy54...great post.

Ole Dad........aka Krusty

I guess your the pot and I'm the kettle.

All you talk about are Offensive stats. I guess that Florida sun has affected your ability to think straight. Oak Ridge had a good offense under coach Gray. That doesn't mean that he would make a good HC. Something you left out of your stats was that in 2004 Oak Ridge had a better defense than in 2005. And according to your stats had a better offense but still could not beat "Your Riverdale Warriors". I guess you like to blend the facts to suit your needs. Or just leave some facts out. Clown

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I guess your the pot and I'm the kettle.

All you talk about are Offensive stats. I guess that Florida sun has affected your ability to think straight. Oak Ridge had a good offense under coach Gray. That doesn't mean that he would make a good HC. Something you left out of your stats was that in 2004 Oak Ridge had a better defense than in 2005. And according to your stats had a better offense but still could not beat "Your Riverdale Warriors". I guess you like to blend the facts to suit your needs. Or just leave some facts out. Clown

What do YOU have against him? You clearly have beef.



How many high school coaches coordinate defense and offense? Hmm, Quarles just does offense and is good at that, so he must not know s*** about defense right? Gray can coach both. He was a defensive player in high school and college. He just started doing offense when he first got into coaching.\


Get off your horse big man.

Edited by BHSfootball
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I'll give you some hard facts. He had a class of mostly juniors at ORHS last year that played much better talent than the team faced this year (now with a senior class) and scored almost 600 points in 14 games. Which, if you do the math was about 50 points more than this years ORHS team scored in 15 games. I don't think the little analogy from the year at Bearden holds poop. Let's look at his scoring offense over his career at ORHS which averaged over 40 points a game. I think the folks at Bearden would be happy averaging 10 wins a season and 40 points a game which his career at ORHS produced. Now, that's the facts!

Ole Dad

I really don't have a dog in the fight I, but I have always had a great deal of respect for Oak Ridge football. I do work with several folks who are on the inside at O.R. My question would be why has the individual if his stats are so great after being at Oak Ridge why he is not a head coach already? I know he was turned down at Oak Ridge after being there several years. Also did he compile any real impressive stats against opponents that were equal to or better than Oak Ridge. I know he piled up stats against the likes of Clinton,Bearden and teams of that caliber,but what did he do against good teams.Kingsport, or,R'Dale of course he never made it to Championship game, but the Cats did make it the year he left, yes they had good talent but they had a first year QB who evidently had been coached up to his ability, and from what I have have been told the Qb who played this year probably would have been a DB or Receiver at best, it seems that the former regime had a senior in mind for the job, but someone evidently with an eye for talent saw something better. When you see a first year staff make it to the championship game in their first season it is quite impressive. One more thing and I know this to be true because I was at a couple of their games watching a friend of mines son play and the game was way out of hand in Oak Ridge's favor but he still had his starting Offense in the game when they should have been out, and some deserving subs should have been playing. My point is many of his impressive Winged-T stats are from nothing but running up the score on weaker opponents. Congratulations to the Cats of O.R. and good luck to Bearden and all applicants for that position. If you have time Daddy ole check my spelling. Central Bobcat

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that responce was to central bobcat. in 2003 we had the better team than riverdale. i met some of their fans this year and they even said that they stole that game from us. but time heals all wounds. my protege josh whaley did a great job of holding down the line. so did trent, eli, t lane, and alex stewart... oh yea gray also developed those players.....


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whaddup whaddup everybody. once again the clowns have come out of their closets to bash coach gray....i dont see why that ya'll are bashing wait let me guess is it because he makes a living by doing what he loves to do while all you others just sit on the d*** couch. seriously i dont think any of the gray bashers have a real conversion wit the man...he is a great teacher on the football field and in the classroom but you guys apparently dont see it that way.... he was developed numerous all-state players when he was at OR such as Nick Dongarra, Adrian Porter,Greg Woofter,Corey Booker, James Booker,TC,Gulmire,etc. He also cares about all of the players on the team case in point several years ago i was tired of playing football and quit on the team. Coach Gray (and TC, thanks for also helpin me realize that i missed playin, your my brother for life)) knew that i loved to play and convinced me 2 rejoin the team @ OR and i had a blast my senior year in football (2003-2004). Look the Coach Gray deserves this job and when he gets it, all you haters gonna eat crow.LOTS OF IT


Eazy-E 63

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TC, BHS, & OR2003 are great examples of what Gray does...he brainwashes kids into believing he is all about the kids. What he really does is manipulate them. Why do we continue to slowdown cyberspace by wasting time debating over this guy. Bearden will just be another example of a job he finished second to another coach because somebody screwed him over.

And you're another example of a wuss hiding behind a computer screenname that does nothing but stir crap.

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Oh yeah, BHSFootball...my dad could beat up your dad...now who is the wussy. If you are so tough and don't hide, who are you?

Everybody here knows who I am. I've never hid it. If you weren't such a moron, you could figure it out by what I have posted.


Unless you're gonna tell us who you are, what you have against Coach Gray, and give us some positive input, stay out of this. You've done nothing but tear down a good man for no reason.

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As a matter of fact I still own a cabin in Gatlinburg and was at most games. Once again you don't know crap...and you are correct.... having sex with a woman who conceives children who grow up to play some football doesn't mean that you know anything about football, which is proven in your case.

Ole Krusty the Clown Dad,

TB: I guess I should have said they were a better football team than Riverdale in 2003. I didn't see the West teams play. They were better than Riverdale. ORHS should have won that game. They had a great running back in the backfield (not the senior that year! but one that you know well) that should have had the opportunity to run the ball in that situation instead of a junior qb that wasn't very good at that point in his career. I know time was short and there were no time-outs, but if they had a 2 minute offense prepared (instead of that crap they used to try with the other qb), that shouldn't have been a big problem. I guess being a parent of two great football players doesn't necessarily equate to knowing much about football.


And Ole dad (Krusty the Klown), what stats were twisted? How many points were scored against Riverdale in 2003? 13? The defense gave up few enough to win (especially with an offensive "genius"). By the way, how many games did you make it up from Florida to see this year? Being the expert you claim to be about the quality of the teams and coaches from each year, I'm guessing you must have been at about all of them. Either that, or you are making ignorant, ill-informed posts. But no, that couldn't be the case... could it? Surely you aren't basing all your facts on what you read on stat pages and newspaper clippings or on secondhand info from friends that actually go to the games. Maybe someone mails you EVERY video and you watch them closely and I'm not giving you enough credit. By the way, please spell and grammar check my post too since you have designated yourself as the spell and grammar checker for this board.

Edited by Ole Dad
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Krusty the Clown, I love it!!! Fits like a glove, grumpy old fart.... As a matter of fact he does have access to the tapes of all the games so eat your heart out cause you don't!! But what do I know, I wouldn't know anything about football if it hit me in the head.

Edited by bounder
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I thought it was pretty appropriate also. Ha Ha

Ole Dad

Krusty the Clown, I love it!!! Fits like a glove, grumpy old fart.... As a matter of fact he does have access to the tapes of all the games so eat your heart out cause you don't!! But what do I know, I wouldn't know anything about football if it hit me in the head.

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