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Oakland in 07

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QUOTE(SopH1025 @ Feb 5 2007 - 08:06 PM) 826359738[/snapback]

what are you talking about..........must have no clue about the situation or something........i left the monday after the blackman game.....and im eligible for the whole season because i moved



My mistake. It was intended as question more than a statement.

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Im not in the know like Ive been most years, but what I do know is that Oakland needs to start competing for the playoffs and making it, missing it 3 years in a row after making it from 99-03, there really is just no excuse.


Before everyone assumes Im carrying out my own lil vendetta on the coaching staff, let me say that I like the staff Oakland has in place, I like what they represent off the field, but I truly feel like Oakland underachieved after starting 4-1, we lose our last 5 and dont even make the playoffs. Had close games against LaVergne, Smyrna and Lincoln County, so you could argue Oakland could have finished 7-3.


Yes, all of Oakland's losses were to playoff teams, but all of their wins were against teams that didnt even sniff the playoffs too. I agree with cat, I dont mind the strong running game, I believe you always need one to be successful, but I would like to see some imagination on some of these passing plays, dont just draw it up for one guy and then if it isnt there, throw it away. With that said, I think it will be interesting to see how the quarterback situation plays out, we have some guys will some good mobility, so maybe we can use that to exploit some teams and to make up for some of our own flaws. I hope precious stays, and Bass will be a hoss, I think the pieces are there for Oakland to take it to the next level. We need to go at least 5-5 or better, as long as were improving every season ill be right behind this staff and up to this point, Oakland has

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QUOTE(OakIand @ Feb 5 2007 - 09:16 PM) 826359795[/snapback]

Your calling me weak? lol how can you break your chest? How can I be that sorry of a player when I have started for six (sometimes both ways) years straight and started on freshman both ways part of the season. Your a joke why don't you stay at siegel instead of coming too our games. Nobody wants you back especially when you talk bad about Oakland and its students.


And Michael McGowan is coming back on the team he has been doing his punishment.




thats good about mike...............and just check my post when have i said anything BAD about yalls school students or players................i havent because i have a lot of friends at oakland i have nothing against anybody overthere.......2p i wasnt given a fair opportunity to compete i didnt miss not one day during any summer workouts ever and busted my butt when i was there.....i have said that i still need to prove myself to everyone and i believe i will with the opportunity

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QUOTE(2priceless @ Feb 5 2007 - 08:24 PM) 826359759[/snapback]

I think you owed at least one coach a reason why you left. Who knows........maybe they would have offered you another position if they had known you were leaving. You owed the program that much in my opinion. Surely there was at least ONE coach you could have talked to.


I will give you a lil tip. Coach Watson reads this site religiously. How do I know? B/c he and I used to PM each other on here a lot. He doesn't like his players to post on here....ask Chad Davis if you don't believe me. Downing teammates, coaches, the program etc......well it speaks volumes to a coach about a person's character. Some of the things you have said about Oakland .......and some of its players....well it won't bode well for you.




i talked to two coaches before i departured and they gave me the indication that they wanted nothing to do with me.......i played a bad game and a BAD game and im not sugar coating that one big boy against beech the second time and i was ready to rebound from that but they were through with me already......i havent BASHED oakland or anyone there so stop acting like im some thuggish criminal who threathens people im the exact opposite ........do you get your rocks off by taking shots at me or something...ive never said anything about any of your boys or anything to that nature.........i didnt want to play anything else nor did the staff plan on using me anywhere else but qb because i thought we felt that thats where i was best at...................im not trying to be your enemy but i cant let you and others call me a coward when thats not true

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QUOTE(Bacillum @ Feb 2 2007 - 12:25 PM) 826355982[/snapback]

No you really don't. You aren't on the team, and therefore don't know. This is a different team that is doing things that have not been done before. McGowan is gone by the way and he was the slowest of our starting backs. He ran a 4.8. I will not say that all our skilled players run under 4.8, but most of them do.



McGowan Is Not gone!! I think that is obvious now. Don't spout off before you know the whole truth

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Yeah Michael had some problems this off season. but call it frustration. i know for a fact that many players and coaches are frustrated with losing and they should be. he has since discussed things with the coaching staff and has stepped up to serve out his punishment, not turn around and quit on his team or bash them through an online chat!!!!!!!!!!! He was never going anywhere but oakland. don't know where that came from!!! i know all these thing for a fact 100% positive about my facts that i give!!!!!!!!!

If you have been around Oakland for the past ten years you know who i am and you know this is the truth!!!!!!!!! OUT

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magoo......I know who you are and know that you speak the truth. I am glad that you posted.


I am also glad to hear that Mc is doing his punishment to remain on the team. That may have been the turnaround that he needed.....fear of losing his sr season. He has the potential to be one of the greats to come out of Oakland. We need his head on straight, and for him to look at Sam to release what he could lose. We need his tenacity on the field and his determination to make the play.



PS...olandpats graduated a few yrs ago.

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