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Unaka/University High


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QUOTE(volmash @ May 15 2007 - 03:56 PM) 826459654[/snapback]Who wins this one? What do these teams have as far as pitching and hitting?


This game is really a toss up. It all depends on pitching and who comes ready to play. These two teams are pretty evenly matched, and it is a heated rivalry, so it should be a fun game. We'll just have to wait and see.

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Unaka has their #1 & #2 ready for the game and the Colbaugh kid only threw 50 pitches Mon. University High had a really good game against Washburn, look for them to come out swinging. However if Unaka plays like they did the last 3 games in the district, they should win this matchup. UH has two wins against the Rangers this year but in both games Unaka had double digit errors in the game.

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QUOTE(whirlwind @ May 16 2007 - 08:54 AM) 826460137[/snapback]Unaka has their #1 & #2 ready for the game and the Colbaugh kid only threw 50 pitches Mon. University High had a really good game against Washburn, look for them to come out swinging. However if Unaka plays like they did the last 3 games in the district, they should win this matchup. UH has two wins against the Rangers this year but in both games Unaka had double digit errors in the game.


Unaka useing their ace is out of the question. Save you ace for Friday.

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QUOTE(crazzyness @ May 16 2007 - 12:54 PM) 826460343[/snapback]No you don't. If you win Monday, your automaticly in Sub-state on Friday.



The Rangers biggest problem is taking Carpenter off Short. It messes up the entire defense.. No matter who pitches Even if Carpenter is the best pitcher, if he is not at short the defense is in a bad formation. Last week may have been their best defense with a freshman pitching.. Church at second, Carp at SS, great combo. That is as good as the battery. Also Taylor is good at second. The batting order is pretty good, but would like to see Carp in the two or three hole to knock runs in, he puts the bat on the ball and makes the defense make a play. Speaking on making the defense make a play, many games are won from small ball, Runners on first and second with no outs you must take away the double play ball. No matter who is at bat. Like a baby must crawl before they can walk, you need to learn the bunt before you learn to hit. The future is very bright losing only three players for Unaka. Good Luck Rangers hope to be in Murrfreesboro next week/

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I agree with Deke it sounds crazy but after watching the Freshman lefty throw for them over at Greeneville and have a perfect game going through 4 that should tell you as a coach where you stand defensively there is an old saying if its not broke dont fix it. And when you have a kid who can throw strikes hit his spots and only walk 1 batter through 7 innings and have 2 good seniors like Andrew Church and Michael Carpenter that cover up the middle as well as they do its hard to take them off 2nd and short.


And I agree with the small ball play use it change it up a little bit Use your speed and make UH guess a little bit why not squeeze a little bit. Runners on 2nd and 3rd or even 1st and 2nd dont be afraid to mix it up a little bit and make them play defense and field the baseball.


You see alot of teams play this style such as Elizabethton who do it to perfection and I believe if you rely on hitting your way through a full baseball game and not show signs of taking chances and advancing runners and changing things up a little bit It could very easily come back to bite you.I do believe they could surprise some teams but against a good pitcher and good defense later on down the road the hitting could be limited.. But use the speed you got and take chances.


But no matter who both teams throw today it will be a good hard fought battle between both teams I do believe whoever stays away from Rockwood tomorrow will have the better chance of advancing to the state tournamnet not only for the home factor but just for the simple fact Rockwood is a good ball club and whoever loses today will have to have an A+ type of game defensively and offensively to come out victorious.


Good luck to both Rockwood,Harriman,Unaka and University School on advancing.

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QUOTE(diamondkat07 @ May 17 2007 - 11:40 AM) 826461169[/snapback]I agree with Deke it sounds crazy but after watching the Freshman lefty throw for them over at Greeneville and have a perfect game going through 4 that should tell you as a coach where you stand defensively there is an old saying if its not broke dont fix it. And when you have a kid who can throw strikes hit his spots and only walk 1 batter through 7 innings and have 2 good seniors like Andrew Church and Michael Carpenter that cover up the middle as well as they do its hard to take them off 2nd and short.


And I agree with the small ball play use it change it up a little bit Use your speed and make UH guess a little bit why not squeeze a little bit. Runners on 2nd and 3rd or even 1st and 2nd dont be afraid to mix it up a little bit and make them play defense and field the baseball.


You see alot of teams play this style such as Elizabethton who do it to perfection and I believe if you rely on hitting your way through a full baseball game and not show signs of taking chances and advancing runners and changing things up a little bit It could very easily come back to bite you.I do believe they could surprise some teams but against a good pitcher and good defense later on down the road the hitting could be limited.. But use the speed you got and take chances.


But no matter who both teams throw today it will be a good hard fought battle between both teams I do believe whoever stays away from Rockwood tomorrow will have the better chance of advancing to the state tournamnet not only for the home factor but just for the simple fact Rockwood is a good ball club and whoever loses today will have to have an A+ type of game defensively and offensively to come out victorious.


Good luck to both Rockwood,Harriman,Unaka and University School on advancing.



Unaka wins 10 4.. good luck to all but harriman

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QUOTE(Took @ May 17 2007 - 07:25 PM) 826461355[/snapback]Unaka wins 10 4.. good luck to all but harriman



GeorgeW wants to know why all the hatred towards harriman.. They almost beat Rockwood last night if it wouldnt have been for them ump! all three of em were blind. believe me i was there. Rockwood aint all there cracked up to be. i hate to say it, but after what i saw harriman do, all you gotta do is put the bal in play they cant field it.. U. HIGH should be able to handle Brezaele easily says the W.. if they can stay back on his junk. his fastball should be called a meatball... 1-5 hitters cant tuch the hook.. heck all half of em is watch em go by or lean into them. W out!

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YOu have lost you dang mind. YOu know harriman is a good team , and rockwood had played them 4 times be4 last night. YOU know Its hard 2 beat a team 3 times more than less 5. And your right his fast ball is meat. OK, if you call mid 80s meat. Uh couldnt hit the pitcher they faced 2day and hes not half as good as breazeal. No they ant all cracked up 2 what every1 says they are. They are only 21-2 against single A teams. GeorgeW you need 2 wake up and smell the coffee Rockwood is a dang good ball club.

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