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privates have no advantage


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Sonny Moore's computer must be blowed up because he has 7 private schools listed in the top 11 teams in 1a in the state and 10 out of the top 20. His polls are scarily accurate. Now I know you'll don't have any advantage, but out of the 14 private schools how could 10 of them be in the top 20 if you don't? I know, hard work!! Yeah Right!!

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Actually I do think his poll is pretty far a field in 1a. CPA and USJ #1 & #2? USJ lost almost 20 seniors last year and in reality, they were probably the #4 team in the state last behind Ezell, Collinwood and CPA. How do you lose 20 seniors off a fourth place team and begin the season a pre-season #2? Maybe I'm missing something. Straighten me out here guys!

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we've been through this man. the advantages are these:


smarter kids (on the whole),

more disiplined environment,

better work ethics,

fans who would rather figure out a way to win than cry about it and try to find an excuse to lose.


go ahead pujo, name an example of an advantage. we've been through this. Even ELA has had to admit that the real reason people want a split is that they just don't want to play privates. that is basically saying there really is no real argument for a split. there isn't!! except sore losers who love excuses.


And, yep, private schools do work harder. except over the public schools that win. Take collinwood. I bet those guys have been in the weight room everyday, and they'll win some games from it. You know the reason work ethic is seen as funny by some people? It is b/c they are lazy.

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You just named some advantages, then told Pujo to name an advantage. 1 and 2 are valid, especially 2. Public school rosters, and halls, are filled with people who couldn't get into private schools. Do you think that doesn't make a difference? I'd like for one person to tell me how boys and girls basketball, football, softball and baseball could all be won by 1A and Class A private schools when they make up such a small percentage of the class.

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Yes, panfan, of course you have smarter kids on the whole, because you choose who comes to your school. We don't. We have the smart, the mediocre, and the special ed kids. Yes, you have better athletes, because you choose who goes to your school, and they know that they have a good chance of a scholarship if they work. All teams that win on a regular basis work hard. Cloudland works as hard as any team out there, so do a lot of other small schools. Just exactly who has beat COllinwood out the last two years? I guess you'll outworked them, or maybe you'll are just a lot smarter. If you can't see the advantages that a private school has over a public school then you're not too smart, and you don't even understand the post you just made. No, none of the public schools have ever agreed with you that privates don't have an advantage. No, you'll don't work harder, you just get better athletes. While we're at it, what's wrong withbthose private schools that are so pitiful at sports? I beleive they're the only ones going by the TSSAA rules of no "recruiting". I'm sure their just as smart as the rest of you, they just don't care as much about the athletic aspect as some of the other privates. Maybe they have something better to offer then athletics, like truth of character, and honesty, somthing I've not seen a whole lot of on this board. You private supporters, who refuse to admit the advantages of playing in 1a need to remember that you are instilling qualities in your students good or bad. You'll are teaching them to be dishonest, because I'm sure they read these boards, and know whats going on. I bet they think you have an advantage even if they won't admit it. You can call it anything you want to, recruiting, selective enrollment, work study, or just flat out trying to pick up good athletes, and it's working, but one way or another it will come to an end. Hopefully real soon, I'm getting tired of typing these posts. Just kidding.

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I see your point there Indian. Good call. What I meant was an advatage that justifies a split. You know, the big excuses split backers try and use. The three I named a good public school coach could have on his own. Take Trousdale, Bructon, South Pitt and now Collinwood for example; they have all the things I listed b/c their head coach demands it.


See what I meant Indian?

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OK good try but here goes:


You say we pick our students. Trust me buddy, you public schools guys have a HUGE advantage when it comes to student bodies. You guys get everyone. Every kid in the county goes to that school -- rich, poor, average, smart, not so smart, athletic, not athletic. We get only the smart, rich geeks who think they can play sports. We teach them how, and do it well. We are so limited as to who we can take that it is silly. Let me tell you a story here boy. This past year one of the best 8th graders in the city applied to my school. His grandmother had worked at the school for 30 years. The kid made good enough scores on his tests to get in. BUT, he is going elsewhere, b/c his family couldn't afford it. By the way, this kid was a yes sir, no sir type that EVERY coach would have LOVED to have, but he couldn't attend school. Try another arguement buddy. This one holds no water. Let me ask you this, how many kids do you know whose parents can spare 5 to 12 grand to send their kid to a private school. Oh yea, did I mention the kid needs to approach 1000 on the SAT (as an 8th grader) to get in??????


As far as teaching lies and all that GARBAGE: We teach our kids to go out, work hard and do the very best they can and to let winning and losing take care of itself ON THE FIELD. You guys seem to teach your kids that losing is ok, b/c you have an excuse. You seem to teach failure as ok as long as it is hard to succeed. Trust me, lies and all that is no where on the scope of what we teach. Get a clue dude.


TRY AGAIN PUJO. go through your list. THERE IS NO ARGUMENT for a split. Period. Give it a whirl. You'll fail. Of course, this is probably due to teaching from when you were young from mentors who you grew up to be like.

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You know what?...I'm proud to be a public school teacher...I'm proud that every single day that school is in session that any child of appropriate age can walk through those doors...and receive a quality education... that mentally retarded children have opportunities af

forded them by public education...that gifted children are challenged to become all that their potential will allow them to become...


I'm proud that the softball coaches,volleyball coaches, football and even the dreaded basketball coaches go onto the field or the court and teach these young men and women that they are playing a game...and if they'll listen and learn...the lessons they have been taught will help them in life...

I don't know what the answer is...split or not to split...but I do know that it sure would be sweet to see all of us concerned about ALL of the children...

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I wish that ya'll would stop using one year as an example. So what if every sport in 1A was won by private schools. Sometimes the odds don't always work in the majorities favor. If they did then there would be no use of playing to begin with. But it has been brought to your attention that 7 out of the last 10 1A football titles were won by publics. Yet no one will comment on that, all you can talk about is Ezell. Well back in 1997 all the 1A titles were won by publics, except softball. Yes can you believe it. Those good boys and girls actually found a way to beat those athletes-for-hire at private schools.


Please someone tell why there should be change if private schools only won 30% of the titles in 1A football in the last ten years. Doesn't sound like domination to me.

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I'd be proud if I were you also. My question is where did you gather that you had to wish that we all would be concerened for all the children? Was that aimed at someone? All I know is NO split IS what is better for ALL the kids.


Outside of sports and inside real life, you should be proud to be a teacher PERIOD. Who cares if you are at a public or private school. You are making a difference in the future of all the children who walk through your door. That is admirable no matter what.




you are making your point with facts and real points. Split supporters don't trust facts and points. They trust their pal who got beat by a private school ten years ago and decided that they all cheat. Then they dream up silly subjective ideas to support the idea that the world is out to get them by allowing them to have to beat quality competition and earn a title. non-the-less a good mark for you for actually having a real point and some real facts.

[Edited by panfan on 7/1/02 12:35A]

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Congratulations, that made complete and utter sense. People that are for a split won't realize that...it's too hard to handle. HAHA if Trousdale was still in 1A...it might be less then 30%...Privates aren't giving away scholarships...they are making the kids pay money to go to the school, and probably work harder in the classroom than at public schools

Goodjob Sportsguy.

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What about financial aid? Are you sure its just the rich kids that go to private? We are not rich at all- and my son was recently offered a chance to go to one of the "elite" private schools in chattanooga based on his TVAC track performances-They didnt care whether we were rich or poor or even a 1000 on the S.A.T.- they just wanted him to come and run. They said their financial aid dept. would handle things for us,( they did ask if he was a "good" student- but that was it)

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