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McKenzie at Manassas


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Manassas definitely has speed on their team, they've got a good quarterback and running back but from what I saw Friday when they played Treadwell, they had no where near 60-70 players (the had around 40) and they don't have anything we haven't seen before, and Treadwell kept the game close until till the later part of the game. They've got one really really good lineman that really sticks out, #77. He's got some speed for his size and will be formidable for the Rebels.


However, the defense is another story, the defense is a little slow so they might find it difficult to stop the Rebels. So basically, this game could really turn into a defensive contest because both offenses can exploit weaknesses of the defenses.


The Rebels have got to come out ready to play this Friday because Manassas won't be cake walk by any means. Funny though how Manassas shouldn't even be in Class A, they've got around 700 kids but oh well, thats the TSSAA for you.


Play hard Rebs.


Regarding bottom paragraph, should McKenzie be in 1A? If Huntingdon is 2A and has fewer students than McKenzie, maybe they shouldn't be in 1A ball either.

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The Manassas being a big school that shouldnt be in Single A comment strikes me as very funny. McKenzie shouldnt be in Single A. But, they are.


I hope that Region 7 wins every game this Friday night.


But, if Manassas beats McKenzie, I hope that Manassas will have a 14 point lead with 3 seconds on the clock. I hope that they're on the 5 yard line of McKenzie. They call a time out. They end the game with a TD pass to King.


I predict that McKenzie will get beat Friday night. It will be a close game. But, I dont see them winning.

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The Manassas being a big school that shouldnt be in Single A comment strikes me as very funny. McKenzie shouldnt be in Single A. But, they are.


I hope that Region 7 wins every game this Friday night.


But, if Manassas beats McKenzie, I hope that Manassas will have a 14 point lead with 3 seconds on the clock. I hope that they're on the 5 yard line of McKenzie. They call a time out. They end the game with a TD pass to King.


I predict that McKenzie will get beat Friday night. It will be a close game. But, I dont see them winning.




Still A Lil Bitter Because Of The Thrashing We Gave Ya.

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Regarding bottom paragraph, should McKenzie be in 1A? If Huntingdon is 2A and has fewer students than McKenzie, maybe they shouldn't be in 1A ball either.



Yeah your right, but McKenzie's 419 to Huntingdon's 382 is an astronomically high number. There's a difference between 30 kids determining whether you are classified as 1A or 2A and having a 700 kid school in the 1A classification.


To be honest, I'm not really that concerned over their numbers, because fortunately Manassas doesn't have 3A caliber athletes yet since Manassas didn't become a 3A school until a year or two ago, so McKenzie isn't at a disadvantage. It was merely a note of interest, nothing more.

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We played both teams this year Manassas in a preseason scrimmage and we beat Trinity in the regular season and I watched the film of Manassas and Trinity. I felt in my opinion Manassas was clearly the better team in that game but penalties got them. I think Trinity is a good footbal team they do a lot of things offensively out of their wing t, but they had trouble with Manassas' speed and i think the Rebles will also. I think Manassas in a close one.

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Big school, little school, who cares. /mad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":angry:" border="0" alt="mad.gif" /> I can think of some little schools that beat big schools this year and I didn't read about any complaining then. We play about 16-18 kids on both sides of the ball. Not like we put 45 kids on the field at one time against their 11. It's called building a program and getting BETTER. I can remember when we were getting bullied all the time and we worked on our program and got better. So if you can't take it then do something about it.


As far as the game this Friday, don't underestimate our speed. We can cover the ground pretty good ourselves. Size, we may not be as big but don't let that fool you. We aren't coming to Memphis this weekend to just show up. We will play to the end and if all goes well, hopefully a pleasant ride home.

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Big school, little school, who cares. /mad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":angry:" border="0" alt="mad.gif" /> I can think of some little schools that beat big schools this year and I didn't read about any complaining then. We play about 16-18 kids on both sides of the ball. Not like we put 45 kids on the field at one time against their 11. It's called building a program and getting BETTER. I can remember when we were getting bullied all the time and we worked on our program and got better. So if you can't take it then do something about it.


As far as the game this Friday, don't underestimate our speed. We can cover the ground pretty good ourselves. Size, we may not be as big but don't let that fool you. We aren't coming to Memphis this weekend to just show up. We will play to the end and if all goes well, hopefully a pleasant ride home.



Very true. I believe many still vividly remember an itty bitty school that whipped a bigger school in the state championship. Wasn't pretty but it was definitely a humbling experience.

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Big school, little school, who cares. /mad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":angry:" border="0" alt="mad.gif" /> I can think of some little schools that beat big schools this year and I didn't read about any complaining then. We play about 16-18 kids on both sides of the ball. Not like we put 45 kids on the field at one time against their 11. It's called building a program and getting BETTER. I can remember when we were getting bullied all the time and we worked on our program and got better. So if you can't take it then do something about it.


As far as the game this Friday, don't underestimate our speed. We can cover the ground pretty good ourselves. Size, we may not be as big but don't let that fool you. We aren't coming to Memphis this weekend to just show up. We will play to the end and if all goes well, hopefully a pleasant ride home.



Possibly the best responce so far to the comparison factor. Union City is noted as a speed team and we hung with them very nicely and argueably should have won the game. It seems like every team we have faced this season has had this or that or those speedsters that would eventually beat us. People, the Rebels are NOT slow!!! Not as big as last season but, very well conditioned and a bit quicker. Not only that but, we utilize more ways to beat an opponent. The Rebels are more patient and methodical now.


These Rebels will not be making this trip to Memphis to come home disappointed. We would kind of like to re-discuss at least one of our losses from the regular season. I feel like the speedsters we have run into during the season have prepared us for what we will deal with Friday night. We have 4 backs (one for all occasions) and none of them are snails ya'll.


Our defense can and most likely will be smothering. At worst it could be a 100 total point gunfight decided on the last play!!!! Or a 17-16 game. Don't ask but if you must WE have the kicker.

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duckman, I have to agree 100 percent with you. We aren't going to Memphis with our heads down because of finishing 3rd. I think the boys know what they have to do and I believe they will get it done. I stated in a ealier post about our backs. We have 4 that I don't think they can stop all, no-one else has been able too so I don't see Manassas either. I think the LC game will have helped them prepare. I haven't seen speed like that since I was a youngster... /roflolk.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflolk:" border="0" alt="roflolk.gif" /> And as for the defense, IMO, they are as good if not better than last year. I know one thing, you better take some tylenol before the game, because I know they will give some headaches out.


Anyways, it'll be a good one to watch for all. I just hope that it's injury free and plenty of sportsmanship all around.

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