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McKenzie at Manassas


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What they said!!!!



Go Region 7A!!!!!!







Bring it home guys!!! We can hang with 'em----------prove it!!!!


NOBODY comes home with their heads down!


REBEL PRIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!


REGION PRIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Can ya' hear me now???


/popcorneater.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":popcorneater:" border="0" alt="popcorneater.gif" />

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Yeah your right, but McKenzie's 419 to Huntingdon's 382 is an astronomically high number. There's a difference between 30 kids determining whether you are classified as 1A or 2A and having a 700 kid school in the 1A classification.


To be honest, I'm not really that concerned over their numbers, because fortunately Manassas doesn't have 3A caliber athletes yet since Manassas didn't become a 3A school until a year or two ago, so McKenzie isn't at a disadvantage. It was merely a note of interest, nothing more.


A lot has been said about the number of students at Manassas. The fact is that the last time the tssaa classified, they were a very lagitimate 1a school. Two years ago they opened a new building that is VERY nice and a lot more students were assigned to the school. When Westside closed, many of it's students went to Manassas. In addition, a lot of kids fron Kingsbury were sent there as wll because of overcrowding.

You should have the joy of having them in your basketball league for the last 4 years, thay had 8 kids from the bball team sign with colleges this year and one has already signed with Ole Miss for next year. last year they had all of thier starters and four of westsides.

The football program has grown in a lot of ways over the last 4 years too. They have gone from bad to better to good to real good in the last 4 years. The play a disiplined game and are well coached. They have always been a well behaved group when we have played them in football (can't always say the same about bball)

This years team does have 3a atheletes.....we have played some 3a teams this year and the talent at Manassas was much better. Good luck to all this week, McKenzie is a good team....but I have got to pull for region 8 this week.

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A lot has been said about the number of students at Manassas. The fact is that the last time the tssaa classified, they were a very lagitimate 1a school. Two years ago they opened a new building that is VERY nice and a lot more students were assigned to the school. When Westside closed, many of it's students went to Manassas. In addition, a lot of kids fron Kingsbury were sent there as wll because of overcrowding.

You should have the joy of having them in your basketball league for the last 4 years, thay had 8 kids from the bball team sign with colleges this year and one has already signed with Ole Miss for next year. last year they had all of thier starters and four of westsides.

The football program has grown in a lot of ways over the last 4 years too. They have gone from bad to better to good to real good in the last 4 years. The play a disiplined game and are well coached. They have always been a well behaved group when we have played them in football (can't always say the same about bball)

This years team does have 3a atheletes.....we have played some 3a teams this year and the talent at Manassas was much better. Good luck to all this week, McKenzie is a good team....but I have got to pull for region 8 this week.



the bball team must have beat the crap out of yo school!!!! lol!!!!! get over it dude!!!!!


(can't always say the same about bball)

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They do not have a field. The game will be at Booker T. Washington High School, just south of downtown memphis.


Sparky, you may know this better than me, but to all the McKenzie people coming down, I would suggest NOT parking in the parking lot next to the railroad tracks. The best place to park at BTW is to enter the stadium from Danny Thomas and park inside the stadium area. I think there are 3 diff parking areas, and this is the best one. I just don't know if if will be available during the playoffs since officials/police/staff park there.


Also, its a rather large stadium, so you should have plenty of seating.


I've only been to the stadium once this year, so others may be more knowledgeable than me on the parking issue

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McKenzie fans,


For all of you fans from McKenzie who arent streetwise, take it from this country boy who lived in Memphis for a long time; go in groups...stay in groups....and take HWY patrolmen and McKenzie cops with you. This is a very rough area of Memphis....especially on a Friday nite. I cannot stress enough how much danger you could get into in a very short period of time. Do not go to the bathrooms alone...unless you're Butchie. But seriously, take great precautions...lock the doors of your cars, even while driving in that area. Have good maps if you're driving in your own car and not following the bus and crowd. Getting lost down there is not healthy.


Hope you all stay safe, and I hope the Rebels play hard.

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McKenzie fans,


For all of you fans from McKenzie who arent streetwise, take it from this country boy who lived in Memphis for a long time; go in groups...stay in groups....and take HWY patrolmen and McKenzie cops with you. This is a very rough area of Memphis....especially on a Friday nite. I cannot stress enough how much danger you could get into in a very short period of time. Do not go to the bathrooms alone...unless you're Butchie. But seriously, take great precautions...lock the doors of your cars, even while driving in that area. Have good maps if you're driving in your own car and not following the bus and crowd. Getting lost down there is not healthy.


Hope you all stay safe, and I hope the Rebels play hard.



just ell them to stay home! if they got to do all that just dont go!! McKenzie gone lose anyway!!! that would just be a bad night!!! lose get robbed or bricked!!!!!! just dont come lol!!!!!

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Yeah your right, but McKenzie's 419 to Huntingdon's 382 is an astronomically high number. There's a difference between 30 kids determining whether you are classified as 1A or 2A and having a 700 kid school in the 1A classification.


To be honest, I'm not really that concerned over their numbers, because fortunately Manassas doesn't have 3A caliber athletes yet since Manassas didn't become a 3A school until a year or two ago, so McKenzie isn't at a disadvantage. It was merely a note of interest, nothing more.


Manassas is still not a 3A school. The only reason Manassas number has grown is because of the Freshman class that came in. You built a new school people want to come. You can only move classification every four years not just when you want to. So Manassas had to wait their time to move back up the 2A. the only reason that drop was because the enrollment dropped.

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Big school, little school, who cares. /mad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":angry:" border="0" alt="mad.gif" /> I can think of some little schools that beat big schools this year and I didn't read about any complaining then. We play about 16-18 kids on both sides of the ball. Not like we put 45 kids on the field at one time against their 11. It's called building a program and getting BETTER. I can remember when we were getting bullied all the time and we worked on our program and got better. So if you can't take it then do something about it.


As far as the game this Friday, don't underestimate our speed. We can cover the ground pretty good ourselves. Size, we may not be as big but don't let that fool you. We aren't coming to Memphis this weekend to just show up. We will play to the end and if all goes well, hopefully a pleasant ride home.


McKRebelDad I'm glad somebody understand what the message that is supposed to be mention on here. Good luck to McKenzie. We have not forgot about the lost that we took from McKenzie in 2005. Our first year in the playoff. McKenzie had a great QB then and that lost show Manassas what we needed to work on to get a the level that we are on now. Thanks again and i know that it will be a great football game and we hope everybody can get out injure free on Friday night.

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McKRebelDad I'm glad somebody understand what the message that is supposed to be mention on here. Good luck to McKenzie. We have not forgot about the lost that we took from McKenzie in 2005. Our first year in the playoff. McKenzie had a great QB then and that lost show Manassas what we needed to work on to get a the level that we are on now. Thanks again and i know that it will be a great football game and we hope everybody can get out injure free on Friday night.




MTiger, Mannasas goes to show what a program can do if they work on it. I know the fans of Manassas are proud of their kids and they ought to be. Other schools can follow what ya'll and others like South Fulton have done and better themselves. Programs are only as good as what's put into them. It all begins with the support of the fans and builds from there.


As far as this Friday night, I don't see what we did then will happen this week. Both schools are proud of their kids and it should be a classic to watch. Of course me being a Rebel fan and all, you know my prediction and wish for the outcome /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" /> . Either way, we both will be proud of our kids and will hold our heads high when the clock hits 0. Good luck and we will see ya in Memphis Friday Night and yes Legend we are coming. I don't think we're going to stay at home because it's in Memphis...lol. /biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" /> .

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