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Oak Ridge Job


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I agree there is a huge difference. However, I would think it is much easier for a male to go from girls to boys as opposed to going from boys to girls. Regardless, most "successful" coaches can handle either one.




There are major differences between the two, both in terms of strategy and most importantly in terms of how to handle the players.


I agree though that a good coach can modify their style and adapt

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There is not much difference in the x's and o's, but the major difference, imo, would be in handling the Jimmy's and Jimmeta's, (don't really know if that is a word. Tnbreaker, it is kind of amazing that we do agree again. What is the world coming to? If we keep typing long enough, surely we will find a point or two to disagree about.


As far as hiring a coach, personally, I would choose both Wright's and David Scott over Aaron Green. I am probably being unfair as most likely it is a personality thing with him. I just do not care for his style and I probably have too much background information to be totally objective. Enough said from this person. Good day to all.

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There is not much difference in the x's and o's, but the major difference, imo, would be in handling the Jimmy's and Jimmeta's, (don't really know if that is a word. Tnbreaker, it is kind of amazing that we do agree again. What is the world coming to? If we keep typing long enough, surely we will find a point or two to disagree about.


As far as hiring a coach, personally, I would choose both Wright's and David Scott over Aaron Green. I am probably being unfair as most likely it is a personality thing with him. I just do not care for his style and I probably have too much background information to be totally objective. Enough said from this person. Good day to all.


So you're just going to let us hang????

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While at CHS, Green frequently lost his temper during games/after games. A lot of coaches do, so no big deal. Except that he publicly called out officials [by name] in the local paper after a loss to Bradley Central. (Who hasn't wanted to at some point!!!) There were other rumors, but nothing more than temper tantrums. I know that some were growing tired of the antics.


Maybe this is some of what o21putt was referring to....???

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Green would not be a good hire, he wants to be in college, and he will jump ship as soon as Pearl or one of the other assistants move on and hire him. He wants to coach somewhere he can get paid because if i'm not mistaken he just had another kid. Its hard to support a family for free. But he will still jump ship if u give him a HS job.


Wright would be a comfortable hire for Oak Ridge, but in my opinion not the best one. They need to take their time and make a splash like they tried to do with the Football job. They have the talent walking the hallways to compete, but they have to get the right coach in there to get them to play. The new coach needs to be able to goto the valley and pull those kids out and get them onto the court.


Someone would be crazy to not apply for Oak Ridge with the up and coming freshman. Roberstville has 2 boys and Jefferson has 1 that will likely make varsity as freshman. R. Hall will be able to contribute right away as a freshman.

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I've done both at a high level and would repectfully diisagree.


There is a huge difference. Girls are very difficult to handle when it comes to drama, monthly visits, and hurt feelings. Boys are easier in my opinion bc u can put that crap aside and just coach basketball.

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"Monthly visits"? What an idiot! Have you done both? Or either? Let's hear your resume. Fact is that girls are either the same or easier to coach.


I have coached both. And obviously your comprehension skills are not so hot; I stated that certain things are tougher. The X's and O's are easier with girls, but its the other things that can be a headache.


Back to the point before this guy started running his suk.


Has anybody heard that Coach Narramore might be a candidate. I am going strictly on thought here, but I believe he has a good relationship with Jody Goins the VP at Oak Ridge. He is a young energetic coach, but not sure if he has the results at Loudon yet to get him a job like this.

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