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No private Schools in State "A" Tournament?


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Usually the private schools dominate the state tournament in single A...what happened? Has TSSAA clamped down on recruiting? Or, didn't they recruit as well last year? I'm very happy to see an all public school tournament!

Multiplier pu them in AA

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Usually the private schools dominate the state tournament in single A...what happened? Has TSSAA clamped down on recruiting? Or, didn't they recruit as well last year? I'm very happy to see an all public school tournament!


Guess public schools got better at bringing in players this year. Amazing what magnet school or open enrollment public school can do. Kids play where their parents feel they can get the best education to provide for them in the future. Did you get a degree at college? Probably not, else you wouldn't begrudge the extra work it takes to go to some of these schools. An education can open up many paths for your families future. As has always been the case, them that work the hardest go the farthest, let's leave it at that.

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Can't really say that private schools dominated Single A because in the last 10 years private schools won 5 titles (CCS,Temple-3 times and CA) while publics have won 5 times (Unaka, Middleton, Union City-2 times and Manassass). Looks even to me. Also if you go to the last 6 years it is 4-2 publics. as far as privates has really just been the Chattanooga privates(Temple, CCS, Grace)showing up and playing well. Just thought I'd drop a little info for everyone.

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Guess public schools got better at bringing in players this year. Amazing what magnet school or open enrollment public school can do. Kids play where their parents feel they can get the best education to provide for them in the future. Did you get a degree at college? Probably not, else you wouldn't begrudge the extra work it takes to go to some of these schools. An education can open up many paths for your families future. As has always been the case, them that work the hardest go the farthest, let's leave it at that.

Lets not leave it at that,sounds like you're trying to belittle the working class,or through your infinite wisdom let them down gently to the fact that their kids are doomed to a life of poverty and embarassment if they did not have the ambition to "better"their children by sending them to a private school.I went to a small rural school,around 125-150 enrolled while I was there,and of the eight or nine of the lot who have become "very successful"by your standards,only two have degrees.Of course you're probably thinking on a much grander scale than us common folk so I'll drop some names that you may recognize,Michael Dell,Steve Jobs,and of course Bill Gates who all share the field of p.c.'s and software.Then Frank Wright of archetectural engenering and design,and Barry Diller,founder and C.E.O. of Fox network,and Pixar too,until Disney aquired that stock from him.Not one degree in the bunch....oh,and did I mention that 'ole Walt was a high school dropout? An education is a grand thing,and no one will ever be worse for having all that they can aquire,but not everyone has the opportunity,nor the rescources to obtain one of your precious degrees,and society should not look down their noses at those less fortunite.Also,how is this relevant to a basketball thread?

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Lets not leave it at that,sounds like you're trying to belittle the working class,or through your infinite wisdom let them down gently to the fact that their kids are doomed to a life of poverty and embarassment if they did not have the ambition to "better"their children by sending them to a private school.I went to a small rural school,around 125-150 enrolled while I was there,and of the eight or nine of the lot who have become "very successful"by your standards,only two have degrees.Of course you're probably thinking on a much grander scale than us common folk so I'll drop some names that you may recognize,Michael Dell,Steve Jobs,and of course Bill Gates who all share the field of p.c.'s and software.Then Frank Wright of archetectural engenering and design,and Barry Diller,founder and C.E.O. of Fox network,and Pixar too,until Disney aquired that stock from him.Not one degree in the bunch....oh,and did I mention that 'ole Walt was a high school dropout? An education is a grand thing,and no one will ever be worse for having all that they can aquire,but not everyone has the opportunity,nor the rescources to obtain one of your precious degrees,and society should not look down their noses at those less fortunite.Also,how is this relevant to a basketball thread?



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All that was said was them that work the hardest go the farthest, As is supported by people you named. Both my parents were public school teachers. I went to large public school, hit books and sports hard. Why chastise a program for strong academics? If you don't think some programs don't push harder than others your mistaken. Sounds like a tick in your psyche concerning parents wanting to give there kids a better education ( chance ) to advance. Them that work the hardest go the farthest.


Represent district 4.

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All that was said was them that work the hardest go the farthest, As is supported by people you named. Both my parents were public school teachers. I went to large public school, hit books and sports hard. Why chastise a program for strong academics? If you don't think some programs don't push harder than others your mistaken. Sounds like a tick in your psyche concerning parents wanting to give there kids a better education ( chance ) to advance. Them that work the hardest go the farthest.


Represent district 4.

I don't remember chastising any program,what I do remember is taking offense to your degredation of another poster with your assumption that he/she didn't recieve a degree,and your incinuation that the "publics" had learned to recreuit better players.The way parents "choose" the schools that their kids attend in this neck of the woods is which bus route is assigned to their address,and our coaches "recreuit" the best athleates from the student body.From your aloof attitude,I'll take the liberty of assuming that you do possess a little framed piece of parchment sporting a prize ribbon shaped scrap of gold foil,and from the double negative in the fifth sentance,your capitalization of the word as after a comma,the misuse of the word there(their kids,not there kids),and the tense of the word them used incorrectly in the first and last sentances,(they if specific,those if not),I'll also assume that your degree is not in english lit.The feeling that you have now is the same feeling that you casually inflicted on the earlier poster by your ridicule of his "inferior" education.By the way,a tick is a parasite,I believe the word you were looking for is tic.

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Eye ain't got no yoose fer thease dubel negutivs and englush lesons. Sorry, that was just too good for me to pass up. :roflol:

LOL! That dude would have a blast around here! "aint nary no"...."right in that over tharr".


He'd use a 5-subject note book to diagram a single sentAnce 'round hear! :mrgreen:

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All that was said was them that work the hardest go the farthest, As is supported by people you named. Both my parents were public school teachers. I went to large public school, hit books and sports hard. Why chastise a program for strong academics? If you don't think some programs don't push harder than others your mistaken. Sounds like a tick in your psyche concerning parents wanting to give there kids a better education ( chance ) to advance. Them that work the hardest go the farthest.


Represent district 4.


Is that public school or private school grammar you're using there?

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Private Schools in all other sports, except baseball and softball, are even in my with public schools in my book. In single a football it was split in the past decade with DCA, Boyd, and CPA winning early in the decade, and when Trousdale County come back down they and South Pitt has dominated A football. In the 90's Trousdale pretty much had its way in single a football, so in football there haven't been much difference in private and public schools. You have seen statistics for A mens basketball in the last 10 years that wardawg give, so private schools have been even in basketball as well. In single a womens basketball Jackson County has 2 gold balls, Clarkrange has 2, Forrest has 1, and Gleaseon has 1 all in the last 10 years so public schools have won more in womens basketball. The sports private schools really take control in is baseball and softball. Over in region 4a, Friendship Christian has won this region every year since Upperman left A and went up to AA and even then I know they were winning it then some too. In region 4a softball only 2 teams have put FCS out of tournament play and that was Trousdale County early in the 00's who beat FCS for the district championship and in the same year RBS elimated FCS from the region tournament. Other than that FCS has won this region as well. When Forrest won the softball A state championship a few years back it was the first time a public school had done so since Westmoreland had won it in the 80's, so in baseball and softball is where private schools get their bad name...not any other of the major sports!

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