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Ooltawah's bad sportmanship


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It's sad when a team cannot accept defeat and mouths off to the players and the catcher drops the F bomb to the coach during the hand shake after the game. The players even turned to the pioneer fans and gave the double "your # 1" sign on their way back to the dugout. Their fans on the other hand were very nice and although quite for most of game, showed class after the game.

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Another big upset (IMHO) for WC! Disappointed to hear about the bad sportsmanship on the Owl players part, they need to make a bunch less errors and get a few more clutch hits if the TFP article is correct.


By the way they think you guys are from East Ridge in Chat-town.




"East Ridge Pioneers oust Ooltewah Owls in nine innings"


I bet the Southern Standard gets it right though. :roflol:

Edited by StarRaider
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In the articles I've read on the game, more on the Chattanoogan website, the coach doesn't give any credit to Warren. He is busy explaining how his team played badly and saying the Owls gave Warren the game. Maybe the sportsmanship starts at the top. You also have a player saying Warren was lucky which probably explains Ooltewah's overconfidence.

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Now those last two comments were sportsmanlike. Now, what's worse a few teenage players upset after a tough loss or a couple of grownups making petty comments well after the fact? As far as the coach's comments, I think they were right on the money. Ooltewah gave the game away and to Warren's credit they hung in there long enough to get the win. If you look at their records,their schedules, and their players Ooltewah had a much better year. They just had a bad day and got put out by a team with 17 losses. I was at the game and Ooltewah was not overconfident, they looked nervous from the beginning.


I didn't see any of the post game things that supposedly occurred. The most unsportsmanlike thing I saw from Ooltewah was one of the big lefties stared a kid down after hitting him hard in the back. As far as Warren, their coach was yelling at the Ooltewah pitcher trying to induce a balk a couple of times and the Warren female fans were doing some kind of screaming or whistling or something. More annoying than unsportsmanlike I guess.


I thought it was actually a pretty mild mannered game. But, like most baseball games this one was lost more than it was won. There is no shame or disrespect in that. It is called truth. Congrats to Warren County for turning your program around this year. Like your coach said you guys are scrappy.

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I am in no way affiliated with ooltewah , but I do know the coach does not put up with anything like you say happened. I also was at that game and none of this happened. The only thing I thought was funny after the game was watching a bunch of oompa loompas dog pile after winning a region game. Must be the biggest thing in Warren County school history? I will say the kid was right you did get lucky and I hate to say , but you guys are pretty classless getting on here and bashing a team and a coach about something that never happened .... STAY CLASSY AND TRASHY WARREN COUNTY. Have fun getting 90mph and a no hitter against you in the substate. Warren County LOL.


In today's news::


The Warren County oompa loompas defeat ooltewah 4-3 on pure luck and a 79 mph fastball! STAY TRASHY WARREN! Clean it up! You are lucky you even got this far. Your district is terrible and so are your fans!

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Oh I forgot.... Can you people that live where the movie 'deliverance' was filmed at least spell Ooltewah correct? One last thing also, enjoy your last win of the season cannot wait to tell my coach to schedule you hillbillies next year!

Sometimes it's just better to delete things after you type them...just get them off your chest then think better of putting it in a public forum. Consider that next time.

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Could careless to be honest. Sometimes it's best just to tell the truth. Sorry if you can't handle the truth . It's a public chat board / forum for a reason. To state your opinions.

You are correct...you have the right to say any stupid thing you like. It is public and this is a free country.

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