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FRA Playoff Situation


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Panfan, I agree 100% that the loses to DCA and CPA were very very expensive. I also agree that this whole issue has private-public issues written all over it. But what is the "spirit" of a playoff system? Is it not to allow the best teams to rise to a championship game?


FRA could have played Jo Byrnes schedule and been 7-2 and this situation would not have been an issue. But how does spanking East Robertson prepare you for Ezell, CPA, or DCA, or any other potential playoff candidate, other then Jo Byrnes?


This is a great lesson in life for young people to exam. There is legally wrong and morally wrong, and this situation is morally wrong.

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I can't argue with that FRADad. 7-2 would be FRA's record if the roles were switched. It is not morally wrong though. It is unfair. Sports is a replica of life. Many things happen that are not fair. Now, it is fairly obvious that TSSAA went out of their way to be unfair in this case. That of course, adds steam. The point is, yes FRA is getting the short end of the stick here. But, had they won either of the big region games on their schedule, this would not be an issue. When you point a finger at someone else, three point back at you (four if your thumb is double jointed).


The TSSAA is going to short change as many private schools as possible, there is nothing you can do about it.

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If you believe this is a public-private issue then take it to that message board.


Posted by panfan:

I can't argue with that FRADad. 7-2 would be FRA's record if the roles were switched. It is not morally wrong though. It is unfair. Sports is a replica of life. Many things happen that are not fair. Now, it is fairly obvious that TSSAA went out of their way to be unfair in this case. That of course, adds steam. The point is, yes FRA is getting the short end of the stick here. But, had they won either of the big region games on their schedule, this would not be an issue. When you point a finger at someone else, three point back at you (four if your thumb is double jointed).


The TSSAA is going to short change as many private schools as possible, there is nothing you can do about it.

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Panfan, I agree with most of what you say. FRA made the bed they are forced to sleep in.


In my home state, we incorporate secondary points into the calculations to determine who goes to playoffs. Beating inferior competition does not benefit you with secondary points. So after the last game the computer kicks in and compiles all the points and then the qualifiers are named. A much more complicated system, but much fairer. This situation would never occur.

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You're probably right. A computer would be more fair. However, a computerized ranking system is farther from the field than this is. The best way to solve this which might actually pass, would be to start football one more week earlier in the summer. Then, you take the week after the end of the Regular season off. Any teams tied that did not play head to head, play a "sub-state" game to determine seeding. The problem there would be, of course, an unbreakable three way tie. I don't like the idea of computers at ALL.

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Now I am from Adams/Ceder Hill, but I went to a privite school in Nashville (i wont mention where). But I am going to defend my hometown on this issue. Jo Byrns should not be punished for playing East Robertson (traditional rival for over 50 years) or Red Boling Springs (another team they have been playing over the last 20 years). Now when the region was set 2 years ago it was broken down into 2 divison A group and B group. The deal was to play everyone in your group, keep a permenent team in the other group and rotate the other fours from the other every 2 years. Now you say how sad it is for the FRA seniors to be left, what if the Jo Byrns seniors were on the other side no one would be sticking for them. I hate to tell everyone FRA could not beat Jo Byrns this year or last year. Davidson would have beaten FRA this past friday, if they had a head coach who knew what he was doing. Now everyone will, FRA beat DA 32-7 and DA beat Jo Byrns 21-14, so that means FRA will beat Jo Byrns, no it doesnt. I know this b.c when I was playing we beat a team easily that beat a team we played in the State Title and they beat us. But to get back on the subject FRA and Jo Byrns both knew the tiebreakers and schedule, so why complain in week 9. If your gonna complain do it before the season starts, its changing the rules in the middle of the game. And by the way if any of you FRA people can tell me the original name of Jo Byrns, I give some props.

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You people are forgetting that FRA's coffin is not nailed shut just yet. If I'm not mistaken, FRA is still scheduled to play Ezell this Friday night. Now I know that the odds are very much against FRA in this contest, but Ezell is by no means unbeatable. Sure, they have won 23 straight games, but I do recall 2 years ago, FRA beating a USJ team that had a 41 (I think) game regular season winning streak. Also, this victory over USJ came in the last regular season game.


FRA can make this tiebreaker nightmare go away by traveling to Ezell Friday and proving to everyone that they do belong in the playoffs.

[Edited by KGP3428 on 10-30-02 10:41P]


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VeerCoach, I agree with you also. You cannot wrong one group to benefit another group without still having a wrong committed.


This whole thing is such a mess the only way I know it could be corrected is to incorporate secondary points to reward wins over quality teams.


If it ends up Jo Byrnes goes to the playoffs, don't let all the theatricals on here confuse you, you did earn it.

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If I remember correctly, the NCAA, or at least the OVC, uses wins against common opponents as the second tie breaker if two teams have identical records without playing each other. I do know in Metro, the middle schools and 9th grades have a simple tie breaker solution to this and it has been done several times. If two teams from the same conference have identical records without playing each other, they have a "tie breaker overtime" game on the Monday following the regular season. Put the ball on the 10 yd. line and play "overtime". The winner goes on and the loser goes home.

The only problem with it is, i'm sure the TSSAA won't go along with it, or any other ideas, and maybe rightfully so. Has this situation ever came up before now anywhere in the state? :confused:

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There is also a similar situation in Region 5 of 3A where Page will not make the playoffs. It is a little clearer in that all the teams have played each other with no overall winner (In 5-1A JB and FRA have never met). The TSSAA guidelines then go to overall record where Page have most likely fallen short by scheduling much tougher teams such as Centennial and Brentwood.


I spoke to a Page parent of a senior last week at church and he was under the impression that Page would qualify if they won this Friday which is a relatively easy game for them within the region. I'm sure the reality of the TSSAA guidelines has hit him by now and he was no doubt shocked.


I do believe this playoff qualification structure should be revisited as it does potentially hurt teams that are trying to get good playoff preparation by playing tougher teams during the regular season. We can come out with formulas on who beat who etc, however the only acceptable way would be to let the decision be decided on the field. I don't much like the idea of putting the ball on the 10 yard line, I would much prefer more of a real game. We could shorten it to just 2 quarters of play and select a neutral site.

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