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Ricky Bowers Paid $600k to coach HS football


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RedRobin1, your fanatical support of Ensworth has left you confused.   I am the conservative and you are the liberal.  Conservatives want to use resources wisely.  Liberals, like you, want to waste money on any hair-brained scheme that comes along.


And yes, spending $600,000/year on a HS football coach is a waste of money, especially since it is partially funded by tax deductible contributions.  Even good HS coaches, and Bowers is a good coach, are not worth that amount.

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RedRobin1, your fanatical support of Ensworth has left you confused.   I am the conservative and you are the liberal.  Conservatives want to use resources wisely.  Liberals, like you, want to waste money on any hair-brained scheme that comes along.


And yes, spending $600,000/year on a HS football coach is a waste of money, especially since it is partially funded by tax deductible contributions.  Even good HS coaches, and Bowers is a good coach, are not worth that amount.


Ahhhh Grasshopper: I didn't use the words, "conservative" and/or "liberal", but I can see that a lesson is indeed in order:


A liberal likes to tell others how they should spend their money, while a true conservative believes that how others spend their money is none of their business.  For some reason, you seem obsessed with decisions that Ensworth has made and/or envious of the benefits received by one of the true founders of that institution.  Unless you are somehow connected with Ensworth, I contend that how they spend their money is really none of your business.  


btw: Ensworth does an even better job academically and in the arts than it does in athletics.  If you really want to get envious, you should check out the colleges and universities at which Ensworth graduates matriculate - if you don't like Bowers, that will really throw you for a loop.  Guess your stock response is that we should check into and expose the benefits that they extend to the people responsible for that. 


Let it rest.   

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You are avoiding the point.  It is not only “their moneyâ€.  It is only partially “their moneyâ€.  If it was only “their moneyâ€, they would not have to file public financial statements.


Let it rest.



The late great Margaret Thatcher said, "Liberals are great at spending other peoples' money...until they run out of it."  I am the one that called you a flaming liberal and that's exactly what you are, precisely for the reason RedRobin stated.   And how elitist of you to proclaim whether anybody gets compensated too much (or too little) for what they do. 


Private schools get a considerable amount of their working capital from private donors and the endowments they create.  By your twisted logic, because these are tax deductible contributions, these really are forced contributions by taxpayers like you, and thus your basis for complaint.   Thus, any institution, organization, business, whatever, that benefits from a tax deduction is fair game for your scrutiny.  That's virtually all of them, and if they are a private non government entity they can spend THEIR money HOWEVER they choose.  If I give my church $1,000,000 and we choose to pay our minister $600,000 annual salary, or if I give $1,000,000 to St Jude and they pay their head administrator $600,0000 salary, it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.  You act as if I've taken $500,000 away from the government, as if it were THEIR money.  IT IS NOT.  IT IS MINE because I earned it NOT because it is what the government has allowed me to keep. More power to all charitable givers who see to it that as much of THEIR hard earned dollars are spent where THEY want it spent and not by a profligate out-of-control wasteful federal government.


Please crawl back under that rock on the public school threads from whence you emerged.  You will find no comfort on the D2 thread.  Everybody here knows what it means to make our own choices of what to do with OUR money in a FREE country.

Edited by owlbooster
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I am the one that called you a flaming liberal and that's exactly what you are are, precisely for the reason RedRobin delineated. Private schools get a considerable amount of their working capital from private donors and the endowments they create. By your twisted logic, because these are tax deductible contributions, these really are forced contributions by taxpayers like you, and thus your basis for complaint. Thus, any institution, organization, business, whatever, that benefits from a tax deduction is fair game for your scrutiny. That's virtually all of them, and if they are a private non government entity they can spend THEIR money HOWEVER they choose. If I give my church $1,000,000 and we choose to pay our minister $600,000 annual salary it's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. You act like I've taken $500,000 away from the government, as if it were THEIR money. IT IS NOT. IT IS MINE because I earned it NOT because it is what the government has allowed me to keep.


Please crawl back under that rock on the public school threads from whence you emerged. You will find no comfort on the D2 thread. Everybody here knows what it means to make our own choices of what to do with OUR money in a FREE country.


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There is another example of why it is only partially “their moneyâ€.   Ensworth made a profit of $9 million running the institution.  They got to keep $4.5 million in state and federal taxes because they are a non-profit.




year 2014  page 1


So now you have jumped to an argument that a private educational institution is not allowed to invest it's endowment in a fiscally responsible way?  In addition to Ensworth, Princeton, Yale, Harvard and many other fine institutions of higher learning will be crushed, broken and left for dead once your expose hits the mainstream.  You should probably contact your Congressman to get this bombshell rolling.


I will not debate finance with someone who can't (or won't) distinguish profit from revenue stream.  Those "profits" are the reason Harvard no longer conducts classes exclusively in a single wooden building in Cambridge.  I suspect that you understand what I am saying, but your crazy hate-fueled quest has blinded you.  


I am done with this discussion since this has devolved into a frivolous rant which has no relevance whatsoever to high school football.  Best wishes to you and to whatever school(s) you support.

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You liberal Ensworth supporters have gone off the deep end.  I am sure there is a designated “safe space†at Ensworth that you can retreat, with your Starbucks coffee, from the big, bad message boards.


Y’all are a little thick.  Ensworth is not a business.  Ensworth is not a church.  It is a non-profit.  And yes, you are exempt from paying taxes on your operating profit and your investment income just like Harvard (who you frequently compare yourselves to).


You operate, partially, with public funds and that is why you open to public scrutiny.


You liberals at Ensworth are supposed to be tolerant, diverse, inclusive but you are intolerant of people who have different opinions.  And yes, it is ridicules to pay a HS football coach $600,000/year.

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owlbooster You edited your post and added the Margaret Thatcher quote.  She never would have wasted $600,000/year on a HS coach.  She was a conservative.

Margaret Thatcher would NOT have told a private prep school that they were overpaying it's AD/FB/BBall coach and advised them to pay him less.  You are a clueless liberal who doesn't even know the difference between a liberal and a conservative.  It has nothing to do with how much you spend but rather with who determines how the money is spent.  Conservatives believe they know best how to spend their own money.  Liberals think other people are too stupid or uninformed to know how best to spend their money and need their enlightened guidance to tell them how to spend it, or even worse, to spend it for them.  Hence, your admonishment to Ensworth to not "waste" all that money on Bowers but rather pay him only $150,000 and do something better with the remaining $450,000.  And I'm sure you also would love to tell them where best to spend it.  And I would love to tell you where to shove the entire $600,000.


Frankly, I think $600,000 is a heckuva big salary for any HS staff member.  But he is the best at what he does, that's what Ensworth thinks he is worth, and it really is their money.  There are a lot of people in all walks of life that I think are overcompensated or undercompensated.. That's my opinion.  Employers pay their employees what THEY - not Ironman or I - think they are worth.  If the employee doesn't doesn't like it, he can sell his services elsewhere.  That's how things work in a free society. 

Edited by owlbooster
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I don't get the whole "argument" thing...even the public schools decide how much their coaches are paid. There are many differences between publics/privates, and though the amount being discussed is monstrous compared to what the public systems are used to seeing, the ability to choose the coaches salary isn't one of them. Don't get me wrong...no public could justify anything as astonishing as $600,000 (not sure that Ensworth can, but that's not my business), but there's a wide margin between the lower and higher ranges of public coaching stipends for doing the same job. If Ensworth (or any other private school) has the funding to afford it, the administration accepts the responsibility of the decision, and they value winning to that degree...more power to them.

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