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Never too early...Who Wins Class A 2019-20 and why?


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1 hour ago, MrMiyagi said:


I probably won’t be at another Loretto game but if i were to be there would be no chatting. Snowflakes chat, men do not.

Again I saw the Huntingdon game live and watched the video. There were fouls not called both ways just like every single basketball game on earth. Loretto grabbed, hand checked, pushed just as Huntingdon did. If you weren’t a homer you would concede this. If it was so bad why would your head coach let it go and not put a ‘head hunter’ in the game to fight back. Either your coach has no spine, the refs were from Huntingdon, or you are just plain wrong.

I will go with you are wrong.

One of the refs was from McLemoresville and the other 2 were from Lexington. One has ties to Huntingdon and shouldn't have been working the game. Enough said

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Called class?

If I heard it I would handle it right there on the spot instead of announcing it on this forum with absolutely zero proof.  Letting someone get away with something like that is not an indicator of class if indeed it happened the way you described. 

We all know that things get exaggerated on this forum. Just like the ‘face mask’ being ripped off multiple times. That was an outright lie. Now I am hearing that they just tried to rip it off. Ridiculous 

Also if it was being ripped off (which it wasn’t) or even trying to be ripped off then your coach would have been totally justified if not held up as a hero if she sends someone on to the floor to handle it.  Protecting your own is the definition of class. 

Edited by MrMiyagi
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23 minutes ago, MrMiyagi said:

Called class?

If I heard it I would handle it right there on the spot instead of announcing it on this forum with absolutely zero proof.  Letting someone get away with something like that is not an indicator of class if indeed it happened the way you described. 

We all know that things get exaggerated on this forum. Just like the ‘face mask’ being ripped off multiple times. That was an outright lie. Now I am hearing that they just tried to rip it off. Ridiculous 

Also if it was being ripped off (which it wasn’t) or even trying to be ripped off then your coach would have been totally justified if not held up as a hero if she sends someone on to the floor to handle it.  Protecting your own is the definition of class. 

How would you handle it if you were an adult and they were teenagers? And it happened. More than a few people heard it. I wouldn’t have said it otherwise. I have no reason to lie. Ask some of the punks that were up there. There were words exchanged and would’ve ended badly if not for people showing more restraint than you seem to have. 
And since you don’t seem intelligent enough to read what was said earlier, we were up double digits for most of the game and our assistant coach got called for a technical foul for protesting what was happening. Why would we send someone out there to be an “enforcer”? Only a scrub would do that. Like I said, we’re up big over a team that wasn’t coming back, why cause a possible suspension that night hurt the team later? Do you understand now? We’re one of the top teams in the state and can play with anyone. Why put that in jeopardy to lower ourselves to that level? We played the game, won the game (by double digits by the way) and looked like the better people for handling all the things that happened and not reacting. Listen, there’s no love loss between us and Summertown. We compete for everything and it gets pretentious at times since we see each other so much but it never gets that bad. And I had multiple fans of theirs who were commenting on everything that went on. Again, it’s over. Maybe we’ll see the Fillies again. But if they try that box and one stuff and they get in foul trouble again, the result will be the same or worse. 

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2 minutes ago, pioneer42 said:

He is a Greenfield Fan. According to him, the rest of the field just as well to not show up.

Ahhh...   we could be 30-0 and had won every game by 40, and I'd never think or speak that way.  Basketball is a funny sport.  Anyone can lose to anyone come tourney time. 

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Again, accusations with no proof.

I tell you how it should have been handled. You point the young men/women out to security and have them own what they said. AD issues warning and it’s over unless mom/dad get involved. If mom/dad act stupid, you have the entire family removed. If dad alone acts stupid and it’s my kid recovering from surgery being mocked, then dad pays the price and I call someone to bail me out.

But to come on here and throw an entire city under the bus without proof is irresponsible and unintelligent. 

By the way, the assistant coach having to absorb the technical foul speaks to the entire issue. The head coach should have handled it early and send the message, we will protect our own. Technical gets issued early and no one gets punished any further. She chose to play quiet mouse instead of getting in front of the issue. I repeat, if it happened like you said then she would have been hailed the hero while teaching her players a valuable life lesson. 


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32 minutes ago, pioneer42 said:

He is a Greenfield Fan. According to him, the rest of the field just as well to not show up.

He’s not from Greenfield but he could be a fan. We have picked up a bunch of fans this year, This group of girls are so much fun to watch. Our gym will be packed tomorrow night.  We have looked for this next week all season but  everybody is capable of a bad shooting night. 

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26 minutes ago, MrMiyagi said:

Again, accusations with no proof.

I tell you how it should have been handled. You point the young men/women out to security and have them own what they said. AD issues warning and it’s over unless mom/dad get involved. If mom/dad act stupid, you have the entire family removed. If dad alone acts stupid and it’s my kid recovering from surgery being mocked, then dad pays the price and I call someone to bail me out.

But to come on here and throw an entire city under the bus without proof is irresponsible and unintelligent. 

By the way, the assistant coach having to absorb the technical foul speaks to the entire issue. The head coach should have handled it early and send the message, we will protect our own. Technical gets issued early and no one gets punished any further. She chose to play quiet mouse instead of getting in front of the issue. I repeat, if it happened like you said then she would have been hailed the hero while teaching her players a valuable life lesson. 


You’re not real smart are you? Who threw the “city” under the bus? You get security involved and the kid denies everything what does that help? Do you cause trouble for a kid down the road because they get caught up and act a fool? If their parents get involved and they haven’t been raised any better to be saying that crap, do you think their parents will be receptive to their kid being sent out? 

And a coach doesn’t have to act a fool to for her players to know she has their backs. If one of our players had caused a major issue and cost us down the line, that’s not being a good teammate or “protecting your teammates.” Do you know who the assistant was who got the technical? Do you know anything about either of our coaches other than they beat y’all the other night and have a top 5 team?

You’re really proving a point by acting so manically about this. How you think a coach should overreact. How a teammate should have stepped up and started some trouble. May need to read back and see how bad you sound. And I’m plenty intelligent. Maybe we can meet up and have a spelling contest. You’ve already proved yourself to be an over reactionary fool from your responses alone. See you down the road but like I said before, I can’t convince you that you’re wrong and you certainly can’t convince me that I am because right now, by your comments you’ve reinforced everything that’s been said about your team and some of your fans attitude. Good night and good luck to your team. 

Edited by 1MustangFan
None really
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You are wrong and your mentality is what is wrong with a lot (not all) of the the younger society. Snowflakes let the bully off the hook even if they go so far as to mock a kid recovering from major surgery. I guarantee you more of your fans believe (like I do) they should take up for themselves and hold bullies accountable than believe (like you do) that the bully should be able to walk away with zero consequences. That only enables the bully and the next kid they attack or mock will get it even worse.

I stand by my statement, if my kid is the one being mocked after a major surgery then I will handle it the old fashioned way not the snowflake way so that it may save the next kid from something even worse.

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