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2020 Anderson County Football


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Ok, first off, I said from the get go, I don’t care if they practice or not, doesnt matter to me at all. 2, it’s not 20 again, as 20 can’t happen 2 years in a row, it’ll be 21 if it happens. If it’s ok for them to get together with their coaching staff, then why weren’t they at a local field here in town? Why travel up to Campbell to do it? If it was ok, why was our AD up there taking pictures? Why do you think Campbell county’s AD was taking pictures as well? 3, I have EVERYTHING to do with CHS soccer, no hiding there. And if the best AC can brag about is beating a team 20 years in a row, that’s sad. And it’s not really even 20 years in a row, as the record is actually held on regular season games. Lastly and most importantly, caught is accurate, it’s what it was, as nobody in the state was supposed to be in groups bigger than 10, and coaches weren’t even supposed to be near or around players, I know that because I still have the email from TSSAA in my inbox and the email from our AD telling us to keep clear of our kids till till the school board told us otherwise. My problem is this, in the middle of a pandemic, fluke or not, somebody thought it would be a good idea to go ahead and condone it, and not one coach stood up and said “hey guys, we can’t do that, we were asked not to” not one. Unlike how folks over at AC are about the kids at CHS, I wish nothing but the best for the kids at AC, I hope they go 9-1 every season. I dont wish poorly on any of our county schools, those guys are my co-workers, we represent the same school system. Thank God none of those kids got sick, because at the end of the day, it’s the kids and only the kids that matter. That’s the big deal, nothing else. I don’t care if they never stopped practicing at all, but in the middle of a pandemic!?!? Come on. 

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And on top of that book I wrote, we did call your principal, we had to get one of your football staff members and son off our campus after they cruised the parking lot everyday for 5 weeks trying to see if we were breaking the rules. Too bad we weren’t doing that, because then you would actually have something to say. I know what the rules were when this pandemic started and I know what they are now. If you were as much on the inside as you think you are, you would know too. You can call me a liar all you want, there were enough people seeing what was happening up there for them to call our AD at home to get him to actually come see it for himself. Make sure you’re not just the water or towel boy for the team before you start calling people liars. 

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Like I said, you are a Liar, and you continue to tell lies. Thanks for the info on the pandemic, who knew . Seriously though, Get off the AC thread with your lies, and get your own thread,  this was an information page for AC fans, not trolls who lie.   I can't get on here everyday and get in a coach t battle with you, I work.  However, I do have time today to let you know I  did see the principal and talked to him ,  and he told me neither the whole team nor the full coaching staff as you stated above were  at Cove Lake, and that no tssaa rules were broken.   Yes, there were kids there, and yes they were throwing the ball around the state park. As far as 20 years in a row, it absolutely is 20 years in a row.  Now, If we said 20 games in row, that wouldn't be the truth and would fit in with how you talk, a lie.  However, check the back of those shirts, they have been printing them for 10 years, so they should be easy to find, it is 20 straight years in a row.  That is the problem with your AD and you, all you care about is what AC is doing.  Here's an idea, focus on your team, and you might win few games. Yall focus on AC and all that they have done, and you will keep celebrating 2-8 seasons.   No football coach at AC cares about what was going on at clinton in the spring.  Could have been parents, but not a coach.   The waterboy comment was funny, you talk big, and I'll say it again, you sir and I use the term sir loosely, are a liar.  Second Baptist Church has cameras also, and I think if we checked the back playing area that we might see some of the clinton players on campus during the pandemic also throwing a ball around.  Thank the lord, none of those kids got sick.   Noone from AC came flying down to take video of that, because they don't care.   Don't get your feelings hurt,  I don't talk big, I just say the truth.  If you don't like it , go to another thread.  Like I said above, chs needs to worry about their own school, they have plenty to do other than chase down what AC is printing on a shirt.  I hope you buy a ticket to the show August 21, the beatings will continue, and so will the shirts. You can get one at the concession stand so that you can read all the 20 game scores on the back.   

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21 hours ago, CHSsoccer said:

Lol, ok buddy. You’ll drown on all that cool aid, but be my guest. As the man said above “liars in AC” lol. I hope y’all have a great season. Honestly. 

I apologize for the long post, but wanted to make sure I could still count years in a row while sipping on my cool aid.   You and op can count together, both of you will need all your fingers and toes to get to 20.

I can assure the Mavericks will have a great season, and it will begin on August 21 at home. This team is loaded.   If you can come by the following week,  the 21 years shirts will be on sale.  Don't  wait and don't take it personal, it's a great shirt and sells out in a week.



2000 AC 35  chs 34

2001 AC 14 chs 0

2002 AC 34. chs 13

2003AC 34  chs 0

2004. AC 26. chs 9

2005 AC. 42  chs 0

2006. AC 18. chs 0

2007  AC 23. chs 6

2008. AC. 34 chs 32

2009. AC. 31. chs 28

2010. AC. 46. chs 6

2011. AC. 28.  chs 27

2012. AC. 45.  chs 7

2013. AC. 53. chs 13

2014. AC.  35.  chs 19

2015. AC.   51.  chs.  47

2016. AC.  71.  chs. 43

2017.  AC.  49.  chs 10

2018. AC.  55.  chs. 21

2019.  AC. 26.  chs 0










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Lol, yep, that’s 20, you can count as well, I’m glad you can read the old max prep website scores and the back of those shirts, they left off 2009 regular season game where CHS won, but that’s ok. But you’re not listening. You said “20 years is getting ready to happen again” 20 wont happen again. You have 20 AC wins posted above, 20 doesn’t happen twice in a row, IT WILL BE 21 IF IT HAPPENS!! Lol, good grief. And as I said before, I hope AC does do great, they represent Anderson County Schools, kids deserve to be successful, always. You’re pretty confident about that game on the 21st aren’t you? I don’t think you’ll find anybody at CHS that really cares about that game anymore, all it is is a money game, a good gate, the new coach wants to take CHS back to the old rivalry, CHS and AC never had a big rivalry, it was always Oak Ridge. In the early 90’s AC wouldnt play CHS, and through the kid to late 90’s it was broken up evenly, it was a fun game back then, could’ve been anybodies game, that’s fun, that’s what I like to see. Like I said before, if beating the same team 20 years in a row is the most important game you all play, you have your mind in the wrong place, AC has a real shot to win state in that region they’re in, I’d be more concerned about trying to beat Greenville and Elizabethton than I would be making t-shirts about a game only you care about. But that’s just me. Good luck with your season!! 

Edited by CHSsoccer
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And don’t worry, I don’t get mad on this website. It’s a website full of opinions, that’s it. No need to get mad over anything on here. Besides that, with all the crap going on around our nation, high school football problems and drama is the least of my worries. But, that too is just my opinion. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mavericks have had two solid weeks back together.  The coaches seem to be very excited about this team.  I read on @5starpreps that Coach Gillum stated exactly what I was talking about this winter.  The team is very talented and deep with skill players.  The 5 Star Kicker/Punter was bringing the rain the other day when I saw him punting.   Coach GIllum usually will be reserve in his expectations about his team, but in the interview, he seemed very confidant about his team this season, and how he was impressed with how well his team came back from the break.  I hear they have 90 kids out for football, which is a little more than they normally carry.  I would expect a few more once school starts.  The strength coach is posting vidoes of the team each day lifting, they are moving some weight, and the team looks as good as they have.  I am excited, and know the folks all over the community are excited about this season.  Let's hope we can all stay healthy and get this season started.  

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Watched some practice  from the top this week a couple of days, and saw some really positive things from the Mavericks.   As I stated before, the Mavericks look to have a huge team, around 80 as I counted on both days.  Offensively, the offensive line looked big, Max is around 6'4, Big Goins is around the 6'3 mark as well, and then looking inside, I saw the three starters, Sexton, Workman and Shipley from last season anchoring it down.  As they usually do,  Hatmaker and Martinez were throwing balls all over the field.  Defensively, the defensive line was anchored by Lindsey, who I know will have a huge year.  The line backers are two deep across the board with returning starters Noe, Cummins, Eli Davis, and a big athletic LB who I think is Shannon.  The Brock kid looked thick and was running well.  The secondary is intact with Thomas, JMiller, WIlliams, Terry, and White.  I do see some young guys like BMiller, Russell, West, and Vowell out there because they are all over 6'and seem very athletic. Coaches were moving them around and getting great looks from the young guys.   Three kickers getting work, seems like they have one for almost each class.  They have never had three kickers.  As we head into the dead period with a head full of steam, I am hoping all of our kids have a safe break and come back as hungry as they looked last week.   I am sure I missed some folks, but I will be sure to get back up there soon to see how this team is progressing.  Go Mavs

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18 hours ago, olhickory said:

Watched some practice  from the top this week a couple of days, and saw some really positive things from the Mavericks.   As I stated before, the Mavericks look to have a huge team, around 80 as I counted on both days.  Offensively, the offensive line looked big, Max is around 6'4, Big Goins is around the 6'3 mark as well, and then looking inside, I saw the three starters, Sexton, Workman and Shipley from last season anchoring it down.  As they usually do,  Hatmaker and Martinez were throwing balls all over the field.  Defensively, the defensive line was anchored by Lindsey, who I know will have a huge year.  The line backers are two deep across the board with returning starters Noe, Cummins, Eli Davis, and a big athletic LB who I think is Shannon.  The Brock kid looked thick and was running well.  The secondary is intact with Thomas, JMiller, WIlliams, Terry, and White.  I do see some young guys like BMiller, Russell, West, and Vowell out there because they are all over 6'and seem very athletic. Coaches were moving them around and getting great looks from the young guys.   Three kickers getting work, seems like they have one for almost each class.  They have never had three kickers.  As we head into the dead period with a head full of steam, I am hoping all of our kids have a safe break and come back as hungry as they looked last week.   I am sure I missed some folks, but I will be sure to get back up there soon to see how this team is progressing.  Go Mavs

That’s great they, should be ahead of schedule with the extra work they got in at the park with some of there coaches.

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36 minutes ago, Djohnson said:

That’s great they, should be ahead of schedule with the extra work they got in at the park with some of there coaches.

don johnson comes in from Miami throwing barbs.  Our kids like to work, and I can't fault them or their parents for that.   I am just cheering my team and our kids on here on this thread, not tearing down anyone's team, just reporting what I see.  Too bad trolls like you have negative things to say.  Here's an idea, go to your teams thread and say something good about those kids instead of being on my thread for our fans. If you don't like Anderson County, stay off the thread.  


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