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These two teams tied early in the season. And I am sure that both teams have improved greatly since then. I will have give CCS a slight edge going into the game though just based on some of their scores against teams but I know last year Boyd was heavily favored and CCS came in and shocked them...so you never know what will happen. Good luck to both teams it, should be a good game.

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Any other predictions? I would give mine, but I'm obviously biased so that would be pointless. Who is Boyd throwing? If you don't want to say, that's no big deal, I'm just curious. Should be another close game, just trying to get better for that next game to go to state.

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Thanks RHSfan, good luck to your team as well....I hope to see you guys in Memphis. We have to win on Friday though. If anyone knows anything about Westmoreland let me know please. I'm not asking for a scouting report, just anything general(how they've done this year, good hitting team or defense? or both?) We know that they must be good to play Friendship so close so we need to bring our A game. Travel safely Boyd and Westmoreland.

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Here is what I can tell you about Westmoreland Dice. Their defense is usually solid, but they do have a tendency at times to make some errors. They do a pretty good job of putting the ball in play and they dare you to throw the ball inside on them. The pitcher that they will throw is a good one. Good luck to both teams and may the best win.

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Congratulations to CCS and Coach Visser on their second straight region championship. They obviously have a very solid team and shopuld do well at the Spring Fling. BBS has had a good year, expecially considering some of the personnel losses they had coming into the season. Best of luck to both teams on Friday!

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Thanks Supersteve17-to be honest with you I didn't think Boyd would be all that good after losing the great players they did. Boyd has done much better than many people probably thought they would have. They have played really well against us last night, and if they play Friday like they did against us they have a good shot at winning. Will Ben Wilson be throwing? In my opinion he is Boyd's best pitcher, but I am biased too since I played fall ball with him. Thanks orangecrush for info, that's the only kind of stuff that I really wanted to know.


Hey Supersteve-we haven't made it yet! Still have another tough game ahead of us if we want to go to Memphis.

Edited by Dice1550
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