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Region 4-5A


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Guest region4fan

Gasser, i think you are right on the money with what you said about Smyrna and Lebanon. Spotlighting just one player sure makes it tough on the other boys who are busting their chops in practice. No good ever comes from that kind of promotion.

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Like I have stated time and time again, only time will tell how good each team will turn out to be.


And Meredith is not the only player left on the Blackman offense. A skilled receiver and a quarterback who has been with the program for four years will take the helm next year. It should be interesting.



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Lordfrost, never said Blackman was surpassing anybody. Just made the statement that the Blaze was working hard, I would hope that everybody is working hard. Read my post, never said those two guys were all their respective teams had just stated that if you want to stop those teams stopping or controlling those players was the key.





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OK Gas Man, since you know how to stop Lebanon and Smyrna.....let's see how smart you really are.


Question: What would you do to stop Blackman and what would be the keys to beating them?


Since you know how to stop those others...please answer this......

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Well kind sir, stopping Blackman:1st I would put eight men in the box and make them pass the ball. From what I heard the Blaze features youth at the Qb and receiver positions. I would basically force them to pass and put constant pressure on the Qb. I would defenitely not let Merrideth(spelling) run on me. And on offense I would pound away at them since they lack depth and alot of kids will be playing both ways. 2nd I would try throwing the ball since they lack depth at the defensive back positions. So basically force them to do something they are not so good at. 3rd I'm a Blaze alum so I know a little more about them. 4th anymore questions?




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To JohnnyC and blsOL,


Riverdale hasn't lost a district game in quite some time now!! Can you guys recall the last time they have lost a district game!! They have also played in several State championships and won a few of them!! They do deserve respect.


Oakland hasn't beaten Riverdale or Lebanon in three years. That puts them second!! Oakland also can not lose to blackman or smyrna this year!! My boys have numbers returning, but little back-up. Must stay healthy and focused.


Smyrna has Wolke and Shannon. Wolke makes their recievers look good by just passing to them. They also have good speed. Shannon makes the line look good. I've been told they have many lineman back and Shannon runs hard.


Lebanon has A.J Stewart. Word is that they can make some noise. They do have good team speed. But they also lost some key incrediants from last year.


Lavergne is huge and have a great coach in Thomas. Other than that, don't know much about them. What are their skill people like and whhat kind of defense do they run.


Blackman lost several key players to graduation. They lost to Riverdale and lebanon pretty badly!!!! They beat some teams last year by getting lucky!!!! REAL LUCKY!!! Those teams will be looking for blood because they have numbers returning. Sorry, th truth hurts!!!!


Siegial has a great coach, but unlike Blackman. They don't have a year to prepare before playing. They should get one win at least.


Wilson Central has a new coach; is, another one. This year doesn't look better.


Sorry if I hurt someone's feelings, but th truth hurts a little!!!

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Thtruth, what recievers do Smyrna have. Tigert graduated, from what i hear Brandon James quit so that would only leave Marsalaus (sp?) Johnson who has great speed but not solid hands. :D


Then i would say that the only team they beat last year by luck would be Smyrna, but hey thats what is great about the game some games are going to come down to luck. :D


I just feel that people are counting the Blaze out this year not because they lost alot of people to graduation, but because they will have to win this year with "homegrown" talent. All of the Seniors have been their for the full 4 years, so they know what it takes to win close games. As for the Blaze D it should be very well off. They have an AWESOME linebacking corps, and a modest D line. The cornerbacks will be sufficient enough to shut down recievers. Then on offense you have a runningback you played enough last year to show that he can cause a threat and a QB thats been in the System for 4 years and has a great arm. The O-line will be solid no matter what ppl say, our tight end is a great one, and we have sound recievers. All i am trying to say is not to take the Blaze lightly. They have constantly been in an underdog position and they proove that they are better than that. :)

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Guest region4fan

To thtruth...........glad you are backing my boys at Oakland. You are right about the depth. I am worried about that too. Even though we have quality players, the lack of depth worries me a bit.I heard that they got a new player yesterday that came form Riverdale. I don't know his name or anything about him. Hey Olineathlete.....I've got a job for you!!!!!Find out the goods on this guy. I am also hearing that Aj. Alexander is fitting in nicely in our scheme of things.




To Rashard from Lavergne.....who is your new defensive coordinator there? Is he going to change things around defensively?How many seniors are on the team?



And anyone with the know about Brandon James. why did he quit? Do you know Shady? Wasn't he one of their starters?

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tha nu corrdinator is from overton coach williams..we run a cover 2 defense like tampa bay.there is some talent there but were young.our d line is gonna be good last year our starting tackles and our starting end were ineligable.things can look good for us if we stay healthy.coach thomas has us goin in tha right direction.u guyz never answered my question about riverdale.

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