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Charging a fee to park at a High School Game?


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"Could I borrow your soapbox?"




"If we are to pay for parking at high school football games, why is it that we don't pay for parking at the baseball or soccer games? "


My first guess is that number of spectators/parkers is considerably less

at most schools' baseball, softball and soccer games?


"Aren't there umps and refs for those that have to get paid? I was under the impression that they got paid from fees (paid by the schools) to TSSAA? Of course then, there ARE times when I think the winning team may be chipping in. "


I was referring to the gate costs for that, not the parking fees. And keep in mind the TSSAA gets 'a cut' of post-season gates and sets those prices. Don't get me started on the cost of a high school kid and his parents and siblings to attend the basketball state tournament :D


"You know it's not the $5.00 at the gate that gets me, except when a five year old that cares nothing about the game but HAD to come with the parent gets charged adult price too. IF we are going to charge to park (for whatever club) then why not set a staggered price on admissions...like $5 for adults and high school students, and $3 for kids under 10?"


I hear ya! I have posted on coach T on more than one occasion a student should never have to pay more than $1.00 to attend any game. Period...


"I realize it would be hard to verify ages, but most people are generally honest about those things. Just think, as it is now it cost $25 for a couple to take three children to a ballgame. That MAY be why attendance is low at some gates."


I agree - if anything error on the side of giving up a dollar or two to bring folks back for more...


"And as far as writing a check to a booster club, have you paid for football gear lately? By the time that check is written, I am a BOOSTER."


My point exactly. But if an active booster club can raise some funds and get that cost of those pads from 100% of the cost to say 75% by having some funds, how many other families may be able to afford a set of them? Agreed?


"Here's your soapbox...thanks. "


Anytime! :D

Edited by davidlimbaugh
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Cookeville charges to park next to the visitors side but not the home side. Kind of tacky. So if you go to Cookeville, park in the lot behind the school, walk to the stadium and move you car to the parking lot next to the bleachers during the half. They dont charge after the half and you get to stretch you legs. :D

Also, don't forget to leave your dog at home when you go to a Cookeville game, unless you have it a bullet proof vest. I heard that McGruff the crime dog won't even make a guest appearance for fear of being gunned down. :D

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Cookeville charges to park next to the visitors side but not the home side. Kind of tacky. So if you go to Cookeville, park in the lot behind the school, walk to the stadium and move you car to the parking lot next to the bleachers during the half. They dont charge after the half and you get to stretch you legs.  :D

If that's true, then that is bush league. That's just taking advantage of the situation, they know that the people that have driven to the game won't turn around and go back home.

When we used to play Columbia, they always charged us to park, although we never have charged anyone to park at Lincoln County, and at 3 to 6 thousand people per game that would be a lot of money.

I think that no one is complaining about a donating a dollar to a worthy cause, it's just the principal of the thing, taking advantage of the situation. :D

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i believe i paid $6.00 to get in the gate at columbia central. they also charge to park, some wrinkled civic club dudes collect the money, so i guess they get half of it. some enterprising gents made several dollars at a sectional basketball game last year charging to park, until school officials heard and called the cops!

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I don't mind the $2 to park, but I think it should be everywhere or nowhere.



And, I was back to Beech tonight for a JV game and they turned the field lights off while the boys were shaking hands on the field, and people had to feel their way out of the stands.

I've NEVER seen a scoreboard go off as fast as it did Friday night. :D


You would think they were trying to erase that 48-28.

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Boy, it's a sad world when people complain about giving a donation to kids who are making an effort to earn it! It's not like they're collecting to spend it on something frivolous(sp)! It's for a school function for Pete's sake! There are a lot of things behind the scene that have to be paid for that no one hears about! Besides the obvious our football booster club pays the ROTC to clean up the complex after the game. They're a small group that have few avenues to raise money! It adds up to be a nominal fee. Maybe we should charge to park? These people that complain should stop and think about where the money is going before they complain! What's funny is the ones that are complaining are the ones that never volunteer when their kids clubs or teams need support, but don't mind when their child recieves awards, scholorships, or free activities from these different entities which their children are involved! I guess they think these things are free! NOT! Someone has to fundraise! There are around 90 players on our football team and we struggle to get volunteers to help with the concession stand! With this many kids that's rediculous! We had to pay a college sorority to cover us last friday! That's sad considering their kids get free shorts and Tee-shirts and awards and jackets at our awards banquet where we even feed the kids and parents for FREE! I've said it before and I'll say it again 1/3rd of the people carry the whole world, the rest sit back and complain they aren't getting what they deserve! If only that were TRUE! For those of you who step up and help your kids "THANK YOU" very much from one volunteer to another, as for the complainers well you can guess what you can do!! Sorry about the banter but it gets old hearing these slackers complaining! :D

Thank you a concerned parent,


Edited by slim589
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I agree with some of what you have said, but there needs to be a uniform template set at these games. For example, the fans of Team A are going to play a game at Team B's stadium Team A's fans are charged to pay to park, but NEXT week, Team B comes to play at Team A's field and no one is charged to park. Is this fair for Team B's clubs, ROTC, etc, to be funded by Team A's fans and not vice versa?


On the other hand, if a team can draw 200 more people because there is only a Gate charge, will that same fan possibly not give up a little more at the concession stand or for a program? If you have to pay for parking before you even get out of the car, if anyone else is like me, I am already thinking about how much money I have left in my pocket for concessions or extra's like t-shirts, etc that will fund some other club of the school.


As far as everyone griping and doing nothing, you MAY be right. But I think you will find that most of the parents here have spent their most valuable asset, their time, doing a little something here or there for their kids and whatever activities they are involved in whether it is taking other players home from practice or buying stadium seats, t-shirts, season passes, etc. I have many friends who along with myself have stood over a grill cooking hamburgers, working the concession stands for my kids teams as well as doing whatever it takes for Tiger, Cub and Boy Scouts as they grow.


I don't think there's anyone here that truly can't afford $1 for parking, but a request for a donation would be much nicer than someone telling us we have to pay to watch our own sons play when we are not used to doing so at our own field.

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SuperBowlDream, I want you to think about this for a minute. If you are a parent I want you to think back to every group activity your child has been involved with in his or her short life! Everytime there was some kind of volunteer work I'll bet it was the same ole people that showed up everytime to volunteer! At least that's what I have become accustomed to as a volunteer from little league all the way through high school! I have been involved in 2 high school booster clubs for 4 years and it's always the same ole group every year! Thank god for these few regulars or we would be just like Clarksville wondering if we were going to have sports in our schools! I'm not saying they should charge to park at the games, I'm saying that more parents should step up and maybe it wouldn't be necessary! But I do know I would rather give a small donation at the game than be solicited at home by kids with candy or magazine sales! Hey as far as money goes I'm at the bottom of the food chain but I do my best to help any kid when I can afford it! What I said in my earlier post I believe to be true until someone proves me wrong! Once again thank god for the 1/3rd who really care! :P

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