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Here's to the HOLDERS!


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Probably one of the most overlooked positions on the field - the field goal or extra point holder. Here's to those brave souls who have the guts to catch a football on one knee (wait, aren't they down at that point?), hold it steady while 11 bloodthirsty teenagers come like a pack of wild dogs after a three legged cat, twist the laces towards the uprights, and pray that the person kicking doesn't miss their target and bring their foot in contact with something valuable.


Sounds like a beer commercial ought to be done for these real football players of genius.


Here's to the holders! Where the only penalty they can't be called for during an extra point is...



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Probably one of the most overlooked positions on the field - the field goal or extra point holder.  Here's to those brave souls who have the guts to catch a football on one knee (wait, aren't they down at that point?), hold it steady while 11 bloodthirsty teenagers come like a pack of wild dogs after a three legged cat, twist the laces towards the uprights, and pray that the person kicking doesn't miss their target and bring their foot in contact with something valuable.


Sounds like a beer commercial ought to be done for these real football players of genius.


Here's to the holders!  Where the only penalty they can't be called for during an extra point is...





Thats got to be the funniest post ive read in sometime, but very true.

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much appreciated, guys...


Anyway, it's also probably one of the most thankless jobs on a team. It actually might be worse for a holder to miss a hold than for a kicker to miss a kick. I just thought these guys need some support for the job they do. For there cannot be field goal kickers without holders.

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It just makes you think how important the holder is in this situation...I mean, the center makes the snap - then it is all out of his hands....(no pun intended)


The holder then has to gauge the snap, make a clean catch (or deal with a bad snap if he has to), put the point of the ball down on a spot that he had to memorize and can only see for less than a second while at the same time the kicker has already taken their first step. As the holder then spins the ball to make sure the laces are away from the kicker, the kicker puts their plant foot down. Then the holder's spin hand has to get out of the way and the second hand has to be so patient when not only are there defenders bearing down on you (and there is no penalty in football for roughing the holder) while at the same time, a foot bent on hitting the ball quite hard is bearing down on the holder from the other side.


Then as the foot makes contact with the ball, sending it in a hopeful, powerful, upward trajectory, the holder's job is done.


If you think about it that way, the holder just very well might be the most pressure packed position on the field if a game winning field goal is on the line. I think that many people think that they just catch the ball and put it down. But surely, the holder is due a whole lot more credit than being the last guy that held the ball before it went through the uprights (hopefully).

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