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Everything posted by wardawg2038

  1. Best of the Preps ALl-Area Offensive MVP. Nobody in Chattanooga or the surrounding area was better this year. 1,892 and 30 TD's. Ran with power and speed never talked by one man. I feel this year his was the best in the area and good luck Derrick in the future.
  2. Good job Derrick, may not have got the Mr. Football award but you have received the recognition you deserved. A clean sweep on the all-state teams TFCA, TSWA, and AP, Offensive MVP of Region 3-AA, Chattanooga Times-Free Press All- Area Offensive MVP. A great player and student good luck in the future and on Saturdays at which ever college you choose.
  3. Just to update the list here goes from the information I have gathered 1. Coffee CO. - conducting interviews now 2. Alcoa - will start job search in January 3. McMinn Co.- Has a search comittee to screen resumes then will interview. 4. Celina - no info on interview process maybe ELA can help 5. Adamsville- Posted and taking applications 6. Red Boiling Springs- unsure on their process 7. Union City- Coach stepped down, do not know when interviews will start 8. Pigeon Forge - HAS BEEN FILLED. an assistant from within the program.
  4. About the entire list but the area players for Chattanooga that made the sport's writers all-state were listed in today's times-free-press . Also the Chattanooga all area, offensive team was listed. I want to say congats to Derrick Springs for making the TSWA All- State team and for being the Offensive MVP for the Chattanooga All Area team.
  5. Were you at the meeting to vote for your player? I don't know if he was on the ballot or not since I voted in 2A. Lets not make this a public- private issue since I am a public school coach. My guess would be he did not garner enough votes if he wasn't on the all-state team. Stats were not listed with players names so if the name was not recognizable the n the player, in our case anyway, was discussed if he was deemed worthy by coaches from his area in attendance the he was probably voted for. The main thing wrong with this all-state team I see is that many coaches were not there to vote. I believe in what my dad used to say about voting, if you voted then you have the right to complain but if you did not get out and exercise your right to vote then you have no right to complain. That is the way I feel about this situation. If as a coach you did not vote, I do not know if you did or did not so i can't say for sure, then do not complain if you did vote and your man still did not make it then that is the way the ball bounces sometimes(Majority rule)
  6. I was wanting to get a list of confirmed job openings in TN listed. If you have knowledge of a job that is open please post. NO RUMORS PLEASE!!!! ONly jobs that are truly open and can be backed up factually. The ones i know of are 1. Adamsville 2. Alcoa 3. Celina 4. Coffee County 5. McMinn County 6. Pigeon Forge 7. Union City 8. Bradley Central- Has been filled 9. Camden- has been filled As other confirmed openings occur please post. ONLY CONFIRMED OPENINGS No Rumors or I hope they open situations. As jobs are filled please post also Thanks.
  7. Let us see if we can clear things up a bit. When your teams met in their regional meetings (Soddy-Daisy, Ooltewah, Oak Ridge so on) To select all-region teams and redraw for regional games and all that they were supposed to collect nominations then. 2 from each team. Then these nominations were sent to the regional director who presented them to the TFCA and their names were placed on the ballot. Then at the TFCA meeting on Thursday night the ballots were distributed to all coaches present in their respective classification. For example 5A coaches got together in a group and voted on 5A and so on. As a voting member in 2A I know they were very few 2A coaches there to vote and most were from middle TN and Chattanooga Area. So most coaches voted on the kids they were familiar with and if a kid was not on a ballot or a coach was not there to help push a kid then he probably was not voted for. I was disappointed in the attendance of the coaches especially in 2A. Maybe if voting is done on Friday morning it will help but the bottomline is that the coaches are responsible for getting their kids on the ballot. The voters just vote for the names listed.
  8. Marion Co. opens with Page High School next year. The South Pittsburg game will be week 7.
  9. Very well put. I tried to explain the same thing earlier. Also I will add there were very few AA coaches at the TFCA meeting which was a surprise to me. The meeting was held late Thursday night so alot of people had time to make it. Like you said I also took a day on Friday to be there. Was not that hard. Alot of good AA players were not on the ballot because their name was not sent imn by their coach. That is where the fault lies. As for Memphis and other areas no representation and no players even on the ballot!! Why their names were not sent in.
  10. Yes. Coaches from each region were to gather nominations during their region meetings and then send them to the TFCA to get placed on the ballot. Alot of players were not on the ballot b/c their names were not sent in. Also the coaches from each classification got together and voted. I know that there was not alot of representation for 2A. votes were only gathered for the players on the ballot. If you have a complant you need to talk to your coaches in the region or school because they did collect and send in the names.
  11. I think every coach expected the final vote to be tabled. The TSSAA will now draw up some proposals for new regions and classifications get those out to the schools and go from there. I expect the split to come in time but nothing will be done anyway till 2005-20006.
  12. The ones I can think of are Derrick Springs RB Marion Co. Demonte Bouldin DL Tyner Josh Couch DB Polk Co. possibly Courtney McGlone RB/LB Tyner and a sleeper would be Joe Sanchez LB from Bledsoe Co, not alot of recognition because of team and record but arguably best LB in Chattanooga area if you had to play against him. Those are my nominations from our region.
  13. I hope he stays b/c contrary to what some UT fans Think they are not on the downslide.Lets look, if Anyone would have told you that UT would finish the season at 8-4 or 7-5 depending on the saturday outcome in August most people would have said you were crazy. Now, if you would have been asked the same thing then told that UT would have 18 starters miss at least one game, Kelley Washington would basiclly not play all year, Clausen would be hurt all year and play at about 70% if that, their best RB would miss half the year then would you have thought they would win this many games? Wtih the returning players next year and hopefully Witten will be one, they will be a contender again. Take that many starters off at Miami or Ohio state and see how they do. I think the receiver corp is getting better and will keep improving Brown, wade and Montrell Jones will be good receivers along with possibly Banks out there next year.
  14. We played South Pittsburg there a couple of years ago and really enjoyed the experience. It truly is a nice stadium with good overall facilities. I was there for the LFO game last week and the field probably could be in better shape,but with the weather this year and games played there it has held up pretty good. Have a safe trip down to Chattanooga and good luck to both teams.
  15. Earlier I meant to say good luck to these guys but left it off. I played for both of these men at TWC and have to say that the wildcats are lucky to have to coaches on staff the quality of these two. Both are not only good coaches but great men as well. I have the utmost respect for Coach Staff and Coach Martin. I wish them well the rest of the season and throughout their careers. I will say I learned alot from you guys good luck friday and keep it rollin'
  16. Not disputing Cothran's stats are good. Derrick also is an excellent student with a 3.3 or 3.5 GPA can't remember of the top of my head but one of the two. He also handled holding for PATS that I did not mention earlier, alot of times after his own long touchdown runs. As far as attempts go that was what I was talking about earlier if Derrick had carried it 300 plus times I would Guarantee he would have well over 2,500 plus rushing yards. Because we run an option offense he made the most of the carries he did get. Best player in the Chattanooga area this year and Would be a very good represtative as the example of a student-athlete.
  17. This will be a great game. We scrimmaged Sweetwater in the fall and played Lipscomb in the playoffs. I feel the Wildcats have more team speed and athletes but Lipscomb is tuff up front on Defense and the are well disciplined with good technique. They rarely give up the big play on defense. if sweetwater can put lipscomb in some long yardage situations as we did and put a little heat on the QB I feel they have opportunities to win. Their QB seemed uncomfortable to me during our game throwing the ball. Lipscombs backs run hard but are average talent wise. Overall I feel if Sweetwater brings their A game and So does Lipscomb it will come down to field position, special teams and turnovers. My prediction is Sweetwater 20- Lipscomb 14 if the score is that high.
  18. Derrick deserves the AA Mr. football Back He runs strong has great vision and one man is not going to bring him down. A consistant 4.5 forty at 185 pounds. Also strong with over a 400 pound squat 260 power clean amd 270 push press. He had 1,892 yards over 2,300 all purpose yards(not sure on exact number) and 30 TD's. He averaged alot less carries in the veer ofense than Cothran and Hill's stats don't compare. Also his value to the team as player and leader was immense. He played DB on defense and returned punts and kicks as well. Good luck to all finalist you are all deserving but I hope Derrick brings the award back to Marion Co.
  19. How about Jeff Smith? I would have to rank him as one of the alltime best. Also Theo Harris and the Greene kid that went to UTC. They were great players as well as Zach Harris. Seeing Meigs and playing as well as coaching against them these are some of the best players as well as the ones mentioned in previos post that come to mind.
  20. First off I am going to say both are good men and Good Coaches. I personally know both and will argue that point with anyone. As for Deeone don't worry about Marion and coach B because they will survive (1-1) with Grundy in the two year. Coach B is a very good caoc and motivator! I would dare say ask any player that has played for him and they will tell you so. The kids have alot of respect for him. I lost respect for the The GC program when they handled Coach B the way they did. Not alot of class if you ask me. They got a great coach in Coach C, record speaks for itself, but also lost one. Alot of things that Coach B wanted to get done but could not b/c grundy did not have the money suddenly got finished when Coach C gets the job?? the money was found then. The two year record you posted showed a two win difference and also Coach B was 2-0 versus Marion during that time. To me Coach B is a good coach as well as Coach C but will the program at Grundy be better off with one than the other remains to be seen. Don't see any Gold balls in the yellowjackets future but do see some good teams. Support coach C and Grundy Co all you jacket fans but do not put down or talk negative about Coach B. He is a great coach and even more a super person and good role model for young people and no one could convince me otherwise. Like I said I have been associated with Coach B for two years now, and I know his personality and coaching ability it is on par with anyone around.
  21. I promise you there is plenty of class here big guy. If you look at my post no names are ever mentioned I just stated some players came from this county and people knew who I was talking about. As far as facts go if religious reasons are why kids are going to boyd so be it. If taking out ads in the local newspaper with players holding up state championship trophies(not Boyd but another Chattanooga private school) is recruiting religious beliefs and academics then I am not as smart as i thought. My point is the split has been decided on and that everyone should move on. The playing ground with public and private schools is not level. They should be seperate. Zones for example if a kid in Whitwell wanted to move and play at Marion he would have to change residence or sit out a year. Private schools can move around the zoning issues kids can live anywhere and go to the private school and play. I am not on here to bash any of the kids in any way. The decide and do what they believe is best for them. That is great! My point is lets have a private league and a public league and see what happens b/c the one now is not working!!
  22. I know that all three finalist are very deserving of the award but if I had a vote it would go to Derrick. He had a tremendous year, he was the fastest back in Marion County history to reach 1,000 yards! That includes Eric Westmoreland, formerly of UT now with the Jacksonville Jaquars! He lead the Chattanooga area in scoring and rushing and he also rarely came off the feild. Started at DB and returned punts and kicks. Also held for PAT's!! He is a good student and person. Good Luck Dec. 2 Derrick we are rooting for you!!
  23. The bottomline is take your recruits and go over with the rest of the privates. That where you were voted and that is where you need to be. What irrates me the most is how some coaches can say we work harder or coach better when for the record they have no idea how hard other coaches work or what type of coach they are. The bottomline on that is what were the records of some of the coaches when they were at public schools? suddenly when they get to a private school they decide to work harder and coach better! I call B.S. on that!! I see Boyd go from a whipping boy to a solid team when the Headmaster/ Becomes Football Coach?? who knows? I see a sudden increase of students from a traditionaly football rich area in SP and Marion Co. go to football tradition poor Boyd? Things do not add up in someways. To me there are enough reasons to split that it will finally happen whether you thing it will be good or bad it is time to change because the current system just doesn't work.
  24. What is the matter UncleBuc the truth hurt? When someone questions the payment of tutuion of Peardon and the other kid from Marion you say it belongs on another board! Sounds like we don't want the truth out. As far as the trash talking I just wish that Boyd would show a little class and act like you have won before! The talk is for people with minimal skills who try to make themselves look good by running off at the mouth. If you are used to winning you do not have to tell people how good you are it is already known. So let your play do the talking and quit the cheap trash talking b/c it just makes you and your program look classless and undisciplined!!
  25. This team was was the only year the class of 96 did not win a state championship. The class had only one loss during their 4 year high school careers and that was in 93 to Kingston in the playoffs by 1 point in an upset. Most people around Jasper say this was the most talented of the four teams. That 96 class had a 4 year record of 56-1 with 3 state titles pretty impressive
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