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Melrose vs Maryville Round 2


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Like usual, Papa you are right on the money.


First there is no one with the Maryville Rag that could ever write that well and secondly if we had all those transfers making a difference, more people would think and insist Maryville some how cheats! But it's ok elsewhere. I don't care what outsiders think I know how much class and disipline occures in and around the Maryville program, I don't care what others think. Good post.


Better bring that rain gear men!



Let me go ahead with one of my very infrequent, dangerous posts that will be sure to get fire rained down upon my back but must be stated here. If by definition, a "transfer" is a kid who decided to leave leave a school in one district and move to a school in another district, either by family moving--or paying tuition--then Maryville certainly has some "transfers" making a difference. The primary difference is this case ... most of the Maryville kids transfer in as freshmen ... rarely ever as upperclassmen.


I'm not bemoaning the fact ... it's just the way things are. I do not argue with the class and discipline theory. I do not know any finer men than those on the Maryville coaching staff. Some of them are some of my close friends.


I'm a MHS fan for 13 of their 15 games every year. I made the trip down on Saturday and cheered them on. It thrilled me to see Matt 'Night-hammer" score a big td ... he's a great kid and deserved a moment of glory. One of the MHS faithful--and he knows who he is--thought it was cute to take a dig at me as I was leaving Saturday because I'm a William Blount fan... I just take it in stride. I love WB for a lot more than just the success or failures of their football team.


But FBE--and others--you can own it or not ... but you all had transfers on the field Saturday that "made a difference." Your transfers--and their families-- do it the "more acceptable way" and transfer in early ... not as "ship-jumping" seniors like some of the Melrose kids. I'm sure that's what you meant FBE?

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Let me go ahead with one of my very infrequent, dangerous posts that will be sure to get fire rained down upon my back but must be stated here. If by definition, a "transfer" is a kid who decided to leave leave a school in one district and move to a school in another district, either by family moving--or paying tuition--then Maryville certainly has some "transfers" making a difference. The primary difference is this case ... most of the Maryville kids transfer in as freshmen ... rarely ever as upperclassmen.


I'm not bemoaning the fact ... it's just the way things are. I do not argue with the class and discipline theory. I do not know any finer men than those on the Maryville coaching staff. Some of them are some of my close friends.


I'm a MHS fan for 13 of their 15 games every year. I made the trip down on Saturday and cheered them on. It thrilled me to see Matt 'Night-hammer" score a big td ... he's a great kid and deserved a moment of glory. One of the MHS faithful--and he knows who he is--thought it was cute to take a dig at me as I was leaving Saturday because I'm a William Blount fan... I just take it in stride. I love WB for a lot more than just the success or failures of their football team.


But FBE--and others--you can own it or not ... but you all had transfers on the field Saturday that "made a difference." Your transfers--and their families-- do it the "more acceptable way" and transfer in early ... not as "ship-jumping" seniors like some of the Melrose kids. I'm sure that's what you meant FBE?



well thanks for the warm hearted congratulations from one of our kind hearted county neighbors !! :thumb:

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well thanks for the warm hearted congratulations from one of our kind hearted county neighbors !! :D




Sorry if I said anything unkind ... and I certainly do congratulate Maryville on their win. I was there fist-pumping and yelling and being amazed by GQ just like everyone else. I'm simply "speaking the truth in love".


Little defensive, aren't we? :thumb:

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Maryville is a very solid football team, and no one is suggesting that one plyaer would beat them, I am a football purist and to think that any two or 3 players can beat a team that is very good is ridiculous. However, I would want the football in my best players hands as much as possible. I didnot think that Melrose ran it too much last year, 7-6 ball game, I would say, make an extra point. With a Mr. football candidate in the back field, I would give him some oppurtunity. Before Mr. Tallent's 66 yard run, he had not had a great deal of success. Even with the 66 yarder late in the 3rd quarter he was still not over 100. It took a few more carries to get to that point. My point is get your man the ball and good things are more likely to happen, that is what Maryville did and they won, Melrose did not and they lost.

I see where you are going with this and I understand your logic to a point. But don't you agree more and more even at the high school level you really need offensive balance to compete at the State level? I have seen Maryville play so many Wing-T teams (and yes, I know Melrose is not one) and get them down by 3 or 4 scores and there is no way they can come back. Maryville was obviously keying on Cooper. In hindsight the Melrose coach likely did shy away from him prematurely but it was the passing game that moved then down field to get their first three points and Cooper was stopped in the red zone. And to answer your question previously their passing game was non existent pretty much. It may still not be a work of art but much better than last year. I felt they were trying to be more balanced this year and their fans had said as much leading up to the game. Another consideration is the fact they were down 13 points for likely the first time all year and maybe the panic button was hit. I think the only point Maryville folks are trying to make with Tallent is that Cooper, "the Coop show", and all the blazing speed of the enire Melrose team was a lot of what we heard last week and in the overall scheme of things Tallent made a pretty good showing for himself.

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Let me go ahead with one of my very infrequent, dangerous posts that will be sure to get fire rained down upon my back but must be stated here. If by definition, a "transfer" is a kid who decided to leave leave a school in one district and move to a school in another district, either by family moving--or paying tuition--then Maryville certainly has some "transfers" making a difference. The primary difference is this case ... most of the Maryville kids transfer in as freshmen ... rarely ever as upperclassmen.


I'm not bemoaning the fact ... it's just the way things are. I do not argue with the class and discipline theory. I do not know any finer men than those on the Maryville coaching staff. Some of them are some of my close friends.


I'm a MHS fan for 13 of their 15 games every year. I made the trip down on Saturday and cheered them on. It thrilled me to see Matt 'Night-hammer" score a big td ... he's a great kid and deserved a moment of glory. One of the MHS faithful--and he knows who he is--thought it was cute to take a dig at me as I was leaving Saturday because I'm a William Blount fan... I just take it in stride. I love WB for a lot more than just the success or failures of their football team.


But FBE--and others--you can own it or not ... but you all had transfers on the field Saturday that "made a difference." Your transfers--and their families-- do it the "more acceptable way" and transfer in early ... not as "ship-jumping" seniors like some of the Melrose kids. I'm sure that's what you meant FBE?


You make a good point govman. I hadn't really thought of it that way. In any event, I do hope that you understand the point that FBE and I were making as well. That being that there is a story of guys who are stars at one school transferring solely for the purpose of playing football (and admittedly so) and immediately making an impact at their new school. No matter how you look at it, that is not happening to any degree at Maryville where we're talking about kids choosing which high school they want to attend. And as a Blount County guy I know that you know that if that same story had been written and the name of the school changed to Maryville that an unholy crapstorm would have erupted...that was my only point.

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Sorry if I said anything unkind ... and I certainly do congratulate Maryville on their win. I was there fist-pumping and yelling and being amazed by GQ just like everyone else. I'm simply "speaking the truth in love".


Little defensive, aren't we? :D



Glad you never get defensive Govman...... :thumb: While you are at it does WB have any transfers?

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I went to WB, in fact I played on the first 3 varsity teams there and received 3 letters in football (6 if you count the W and the B as 2 letters each) and now my kids are in Maryville City Schools. We didn't want to wait until the end of eighth grade to put them in Maryville Schools. I hope you know that I am just kidding with you. I see you graduated in '80 - were you on that first team?


An Original Governor

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You make a good point govman. I hadn't really thought of it that way. In any event, I do hope that you understand the point that FBE and I were making as well. That being that there is a story of guys who are stars at one school transferring solely for the purpose of playing football (and admittedly so) and immediately making an impact at their new school. No matter how you look at it, that is not happening to any degree at Maryville where we're talking about kids choosing which high school they want to attend. And as a Blount County guy I know that you know that if that same story had been written and the name of the school changed to Maryville that an unholy crapstorm would have erupted...that was my only point.


Couldn't agree with you more Papa. If what happened at the Orange Mound with those senior transfers happened here ... it would be scandalous. To be honest, I never took exception to anything you said ... but I did want to remind FBE that there were some transfers that made a difference for MHS.


I don't think we county folks need to turn a blind eye to the fact that occasionally we lose some good players to Maryville (Wood, Shuler, Kimsey, Lawhon--although things didn't work out the way John would have wanted--etc.) The answer is not to throw stones or accuse your team of recruiting ... the answer is to bring in the right coaches and administration to make our schools and programs more attractive. My overly simplistic approach when I'm asked by parents where they should send their kids to school --- "send them where they're supposed to go." If you live in the WB district ... go to WB. If you live in the Heritage district ... go there. If you live in the city of Maryville ... be a Rebel. If you live in Alcoa ... go there.


Ultimately, I know though ... parents do what they think is best for their kids. I've rode the roller coaster. I've got two eighth graders that are pretty decent basketballers. I don't know if either of them will ever be high school stars, but I think they have some potential to be good high school players. I've thought of what it might be like to send my "taller than average" daughter out to Heritage to team up with an already good group of 8th graders they have out there. But you know what, I'm a William Blount Governor grad; a WB fan; I bleed blue and orange ... and I live in the WB district ... and that's who I want to support and that's where I want my kids to play ball. The only thing I guess that would change that is if we were to move ... but for me, I wouldn't move solely to place my kid in another school for sports related reasons. That's just me though.


You're fine Papa. You didn't say anything I disagree with.

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All i'm hearing is " pretty average back " ... and then a bunch of reasons and excuses of how Melrose would have won if this and that .... geez , just say great game guys , we'll try and get you next year . Say what you want .. prohet was trying to make Ryan Tallent's accomplishments look smaller than they were .... btw , i wasn't even talking about you , why did you feel the need to jump in ?

Its an inside joke on HC threads that the prophet and I are clones! :o I didn't mean to ruffle the feathers worse. I just felt the need to jump in and give my two cents worth. Knowing the prophet, I know it wasn't meant that Ryan Tallent was just an average ole joe. He is a great back, no question about it. His numbers for the year don't lie about that and also there was a reason he was chosen as MVP - I thought that I heard he was the offensive MVP for the game. He never said that Melrose would have won. In fact, he stated that Melroses passing game wasn't good and that they would continue to lose to Maryville until they learn some patience and quit going for the big play.


I am with you pepvol, not against you. And I did congratulate you guys on a great game. You deserved to win! But I don't hope that Melrose gets you next year! I am hoping for a different team from the West!!! :P

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Darn it MLREB ... you got me. I should have never said anything. I'm sorry.



Nothing to be sorry about......I was playing with you. My guess is it would be difficult to find a team without some tranfers contributing.


I appreciate you and the pre-game talk you gave a few weeks ago. I thought your's was one of the better ones. The competition got stiff at the end of the year. Some of those talks came from heavy hitters. My guess is you swung for the fence and may have made a move to the "A" list...... :P

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