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Ravenwood vs. Oak Ridge


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Allow me to share this final thought so you understand my perspective....I was a member of the committee that hired Joe Gattis in Oak Ridge in the late 80's.......at no time did it ever occure to me..... (that by having an impact on which coach was hired...or because I coached most of the kids on the 91 team in their development years.....) never occured to me or anyone else in the Ridge that I somehow deserved or wanted any credit for the championship in 91....(didn't matter how much credit there was to go around)......Nobody indicated that Coach Young, Coach Hale, Coach Martin, Coach Armstrong...or anyone else, put their stamp on that program.....Joe...his staff and players....got the credit they so richly deserved.


Lots of Class.....unlike some BHS folks who seem to think the credit should go elsewhere...just because they had been a coach or that they had an impact on who was hired....! The only credit goes to the Raptor organization.....period


Once again, Mr. RavenCat, have a good off-season. Remember to keep weeding out those weaker ones and by all means, keep drinking that kool-ade.

Edited by papabear74
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As a Ravenwood supporter, I'd just like to thank all the Oak Ridge posters for their class and sportsmanship. You guys had a great team and played a great game Saturday night!


By reading a lot of these other posts on here that have nothing to do with the game saturday night...... you'd think Ravenwood played BHS. Disappointing that fellow Williamson countians can't be as gracious as you Oak Ridgers have been.

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As a Ravenwood supporter, I'd just like to thank all the Oak Ridge posters for their class and sportsmanship. You guys had a great team and played a great game Saturday night!


By reading a lot of these other posts on here that have nothing to do with the game saturday night...... you'd think Ravenwood played BHS. Disappointing that fellow Williamson countians can't be as gracious as you Oak Ridgers have been.

CATs have class, BA-?

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As a Ravenwood supporter, I'd just like to thank all the Oak Ridge posters for their class and sportsmanship. You guys had a great team and played a great game Saturday night!


By reading a lot of these other posts on here that have nothing to do with the game saturday night...... you'd think Ravenwood played BHS. Disappointing that fellow Williamson countians can't be as gracious as you Oak Ridgers have been.

Walking out of the game saturday night was tough for us Oak Ridgers, but to a person, everyone made the same comments, Ravenwood is well coached and were better prepared for the game, this is NOT a knock on the Oak Ridge coaches or team,

they played with heart and left nothing on the field, Ravenwood was an worthy opponent, and deserving champion!

Edited by catback
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Ravenwwod was more prepared and had a better game plan in my opinion and on the night the game was played was obviously the better team. Congratualtions to their entire team, coaches and fans. What a great season and great job!


I agree with most of what else you posted. We defended the pass while they ran and we ran up the middle while they stacked it up. I think we were just caught up in the moment.

Ole Dad

LEt me two my two cents in here, without reading the post for the last 21 pages.

I had the chance to watch OAk Ridge and Ravenwood during the year. The difference Sat Night was OAk Ridges Coaches were Outclassed and outcoached. The CURRENT Coaches of Ravenwood not the previous, but the current coaches stopped Guilmire and that stopped Oak Ridge. Ravenwood beat them upfront and the coaches convinced them they could beat OAk Ridge and they did. I am not a Ravenwood fan nor an OAk Ridge one, But I rooted for OAk Ridge.

The atheletes were close in talent, the teams were close in talent and maybe Oak Ridge had the edge( they did on paper anyway) but Ravenwood believed and executed a plan that Oak Ridge Never caught up on.

DId OAk Ridge look past Ravenwood, maybe, that game Friday night in Oak Ridge was a boomer and afterwards the feeling in Oak Ridge was noone could get in the way this year.

Spencer Guilmires greatest strength was speed, yet the Oak Ridge coaches kept running him up the middle???? PLay the game again and maybe OAk Ridge wins but Sat Night when it mattered The players, Fans and Coaches of Ravenwood earned and own the State Championship.

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