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Danny MCcoin..


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Man I had tons of respect for that coach being from Fulton!! I didn't know too much other then what I read and what I saw on the field... but he was legit!! Oh wow who hasn't heard cussing at a football game?? I hate that this has happened at LA, he was an amazing coach that won the state against all odds!!!


P.S. I'm sure that the Fulton staff would LOVE to have McCoin!! Please come on over we need a great QB like your son as well!!

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Sounds like a witch hunt!


"It is something that has been building all season, but finally came to a head Friday night," the coach pointed out.


"After the game, I was going to get something to eat and I got a phone call saying the Board of Education was holding a work session and I was on the agenda.


"I was never called or told anything about it. I was never contacted or asked 'Danny, what's your side of the story?' "

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So what is your point, and you said parents should be happy. What a crock, not everyone can be happy. Who is this anyway jacob parsons,


That aint parsons, as far as i know he dont post on here, but dont jump on no kids aight specially if youre a parent, someone is just trying to make a point looks like settle down

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ok, now ive read and read and read and my turn, i see both sides yes i do, i have parents and im a player, so people wonder where i stand, i stand nowhere, Coach was a very fine coach and ive known him all 15 yrs of my life and respect him the most i can respect somebody. I hate it that this has happened and I myself asked if he would stay on the staff next year hoping he would reply yes. But he didnt and i respect that decision. The parents pay salaries, and i agree that they should be happy. But theres always a lil line and i dont think noone crossed it at all. Things were said and one thing led to another. I think Brannon (coach's son) will continue his career at LA and i am a great friend of brannons and i hope he does stay. To Mr. Aldridge, i cant agree with you, or stand with you, and neither can i you #81. I have my opinion and i hate it for Coach, i love him and respect him. To my brothers in battle for the next 2 seasons, keep heads high and get the most out of yourself you can.

I didn't ask you to agree with me. I was stating my opinion just like you did. Good luck for the next two seasons!

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I see that the political situation hasn't changed any in Overton County since I left . . .


WOW!! Isn't that the truth!! This time last year everything was just rosy. The thing that some people just don't seem to realize is that we were no where near as talented this year as we were in the last four or five. Add to that we play in the toughest region in the state. Last years team was a once in a lifetime team. We will probably not have a team like that for a long time---if ever again. If we still played in our old region we may have won 3 or 4 games. Everyone with any common knowledge of football knew going into the season that 3-7 would be a good year for us and we could have done that. I've known Danny for a long time and think he is a good guy. It's time for all of you people who have laid all of this years problems on him to wake up! This season has taken its toll on us fans after the last 3 great years, but just think of how bad the players and coaches must feel. Lets all get behind next years team, no matter who the new coach is, and help them regain some respect!! Good luck Danny wherever you wind up or whatever you choose to do.

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ok, now ive read and read and read and my turn, i see both sides yes i do, i have parents and im a player, so people wonder where i stand, i stand nowhere, Coach was a very fine coach and ive known him all 15 yrs of my life and respect him the most i can respect somebody. I hate it that this has happened and I myself asked if he would stay on the staff next year hoping he would reply yes. But he didnt and i respect that decision. The parents pay salaries, and i agree that they should be happy. But theres always a lil line and i dont think noone crossed it at all. Things were said and one thing led to another. I think Brannon (coach's son) will continue his career at LA and i am a great friend of brannons and i hope he does stay. To Mr. Aldridge, i cant agree with you, or stand with you, and neither can i you #81. I have my opinion and i hate it for Coach, i love him and respect him. To my brothers in battle for the next 2 seasons, keep heads high and get the most out of yourself you can.



If no one crossed the "line", then why is LA without a head coach now?

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The parents pay salaries, and i agree that they should be happy.

I respect your position, but I have to disagree with a qualifier.

The parents have a right to expect quality instruction, a following of school policy, a safe but challenging environment for their child to be in, to be kept informed of progress and problems, and to know up front the expectations of the program and that their child will be held responsible to those expectations, with appropriate consequences (including disqualification from the team in serious infractions).

They do NOT have the right to run or interfere with the program, to expect special treatment of their child at the expense of the team and the program, to advise their child to ignore team guidelines, and to continually stir up controversy. They may 'pay the bills,' but they do NOT make decisions on playing time, position, practice expectations (as long as they are safe), or any other matter of the actual operations of the program as regulated by the board and law. If these lines are crossed in a group/team activity you have anarchy. All you have to do is look at the consistently losing programs in the region and the atmosphere surrounding those programs and you will find the reason why they are losing and unstable.

I have observed SOP at the school; and although there is a hard line talked concerning parental interference I have seen too many times that the malcontent minority are given too much voice and that too much time is spent pacifying them. And that there is at times unrealistic demands put on the sports programs insofar as won-loss records....and the ubiquitous 'playing time' expectations of some parents. This is common; but how the administration handles the chronic complainers can determine the stability of the programs. IMHO there is an increasing failure by the administration to keep this in check..and to even play politics, and this led to Danny throwing in the towel.


And that is a dammed disgrace :D

Edited by beegdawg
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