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Dobyns Bennett & the Playoffs


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So, I undestand it this way...if MLC were in VA then THS, SSHS, and SCHS would be (for example) 3A and the rest of the MLC would be 3A Jr. and their would essentially be 2 3A champions...one big...one little. Volman, honey...I'm your ally but I sorta see Whacks point of view. Waco...one thing is for sure...VA (sad to admit) does put more people in D1 and NFL. BUT...I agree with you on one thing, their state classification system is a joke. However, to simi-understand it one only need work the SWVa coalfields and drive to each community and then an understanding will be available. To go 30 miles in SWVa is to go 100 miles in TN. Just try and travel from St. Paul to Clintwood and see what happens! First of all it takes all day and also you go through 10 other towns (with high schools) to get there...SE Kentucky isn't much better. I think everyone should do some sort of community service after high school...i.e. military, job corp, garbage man...etc. also everyone should have to spend time working in SWVa and SE Kentucky. It's where we all came from you know...well except for those North Carolinians.


I didn't say I liked the classification system in Va., I just told you how it works. It's a travel issue thing. So teams won't have to travel so far for conference games. BUT, unlike the issue wacko was trying to come across with, it's still based on enrollment numbers and u still essentially have 6 DIFFERENT state champs. it's not like you're having two state champs with the same enrollment numbers.

Edited by VolmanScott
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(Buzzer sound) Wrong answer! I hate it when Wacko shows his ignorance. Btw, Ignorance is not a degrading remark, it just means you are ignorant to the correct information. Now, here's the correct answer. Virginia is separated into 6 groups. 2 divisions for each A, AA, and AAA. All are based on enrollment just as we do in Tennessee. The ONLY difference is, you have 6 state champs in Va and 5 in Tennessee excluding private institutions. Just for Wacko, I'll try to make it simple. It would be the same as D-B winning the 5A state championship and South winning the 4A state championship and only being a few miles apart. Another example would be, Appalachia winning the smallest single A state and Gate City winning the largest single A state. Powell Valley and Gate City both could not win the state. They are in the same class. I hope everyone can understand this. Wacko, I know you don't, but if you get a chance, we can meet and I can bring pictures.


Well I don't know about that. Maybe you know more about Southwest Va. sports than I do. I could be wrong but I think that Gate City and Powell Valley have both been state champions, the same year, they were both in the same clasification and their within 50 mi. of each other. Unlike your example of DB and South who are in different classifactions. 4A & 5A. Nice try though.

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So, I undestand it this way...if MLC were in VA then THS, SSHS, and SCHS would be (for example) 3A and the rest of the MLC would be 3A Jr. and their would essentially be 2 3A champions...one big...one little. Volman, honey...I'm your ally but I sorta see Whacks point of view. Waco...one thing is for sure...VA (sad to admit) does put more people in D1 and NFL. BUT...I agree with you on one thing, their state classification system is a joke. However, to simi-understand it one only need work the SWVa coalfields and drive to each community and then an understanding will be available. To go 30 miles in SWVa is to go 100 miles in TN. Just try and travel from St. Paul to Clintwood and see what happens! First of all it takes all day and also you go through 10 other towns (with high schools) to get there...SE Kentucky isn't much better. I think everyone should do some sort of community service after high school...i.e. military, job corp, garbage man...etc. also everyone should have to spend time working in SWVa and SE Kentucky. It's where we all came from you know...well except for those North Carolinians.


How come you called VolMan "honey" :thumb:

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Wow, I'm getting more hits than Monica Lewinsky at the national democratic convention here! I'll try to answer as many questions as I possibly can. Someone said for me NOT to mention state championships. I didn't. Another D-B fan did. He said D-B has more than Gate CIty and Powell Valley. Maybe so. I don't know. P.V. has 7 and the City has 4. But they were all won on the field against weak Va. single A teams and are not as prestigous as the ones D-B won by being voted on by upper east tennessee sports writers. So D-B wins that argument hands down. Another poster said I was wrong for saying D1. He was correct. I meant D1A. Another asked about the young talent at P.V. Their names he asked? Cedric Mitchell and the Pinkston brothers. Especially the 5-10 200lb freshman Myron Pinkston......BIG TIME. Another poster boasts of D-B having more wins than both the City and P.V. He is correct. But, he discounts all southwest va. wins because they play weak teams and weak 4A tennessee teams like Tennessee High (gate city won 5 of 6 from them in the late 90's and early 2000 then stopped playing them because they weren't "doing them any good as far as playoff preparation" as some D-B fans have said was the Indians' problem). he is correct. D-B's early year wins (probably half) came against upper east tennessee powerhouses that most of which don't even exist anymore. Again, advantage D-B. I tell you what, you guys win. I give up. But, just to make this interesting, since you guys are loving this, I'll be willing to make a small wager. I'll bet that Gate City alone (that's excluding all the other teams for those of you who are a tad bit slow at comprehension) with a tiny total school enrollment of less than a third of that of D-B, has double the amount of college football scholarships of D-B in the last 30 years. Oh and one other thing. Another poster said that the score would be 50-0 if these teams played. He probably is correct if he's speaking of the time when the Jones brothers were running at the Valley. So, I'll give him credit on that one too. Now the good news, I'm tired of arguing with you boys. This topic WAS about D-B until another poster brought up the Va. teams. Back to the Indians.

Talk about reading comprehension problems (wasn't there an old saying like "reading is fundamental"?). I did not say you were wrong for saying D1....you said Appy State (and MTSU) was not D1, which it is...D1-AA. Yet you made the comment that ETSU did not recruit local "soft" kids...but hey they were D1-AA not D1! I'm a jeenyus! So I guess D1A is your measuring stick for success. That would limit most schools nationwide period. And Alcoa probably places as many "D1A" players as MAryville...and they only have 1/3 the enrollment as Maryville...how can that be?!?!?!? Your point was to discredit to accomplishments of the football program because of your hatred for it but you actually do a diservice to the kids that play and while not getting to play at the "highest" level, they still use it as a springboard to an education and I would be just as happy that my kid played at Appy State (or ETSU) and got an education as going to a big time D1A school. But I guess you are there to play not learn right? I guess you'll be sorely dissappointed if #10 for the Rebs doesn't get to play at the D1-A level.

Also, you said DB got half there wins in the "early years" against teams that no longer exist. They have been playing quite some time...so what are the "early years" to you? They actually account for over half of there wins since 1965 (346)...so I would say that most the schools they have played since are still in existence...and if they are closed then that statement would have to apply with most area schools in the near area. It still equates to top 25 all-time nationally and #1 all-time state....spin it how you want but you would just be living in a fantasy world :thumb:

Oh and one other thing. Another poster said that the score would be 50-0 if these teams played. He probably is correct if he's speaking of the time when the Jones brothers were running at the Valley.

Not sure...are you speculating on the past or specualting on the present if they matched-up? And I don't think the Jones brothers played at "the Valley" at the same time...and I seriously doubt the score would have been 50-0 either way. And just because they (or DB) would have had an NFL caliber player doesn't equate into a W.

As far as the wager...not sure how anyone could go back and prove either way, but I don't need to place a bet on whether it is true or not because I believe there is enough history and tradition involved in all the programs that it doesn't benefit any of them to try and deminish what they have accomplished. But hey...wear yourself out

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As far as the 50-0 score I will stand by that. The Jones brothers are gone so that doesn't even figure in. However if you want a example of how a future D1/NFL player would figure into a win at the high school level here you go. DB and Elizabethton when Jason Whitten played. It was to be the game of the century for Elizabethton. Fans were standing on top of houses to see the game because it was so packed. DB killed them and Whitten was never a factor. Thats just a example of why your argument about D1/NFL players don't hold water. Besides you still don't even know how many D1 players DB, Gate City, or Powel Valley have had. So you can't say who has had the most.

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P.V. has 7 and the City has 4. But they were all won on the field against weak Va. single A teams and are not as prestigous as the ones D-B won by being voted on by upper east tennessee sports writers. So D-B wins that argument hands down.

Volman...I know you don't like the school, community, team, etc but let me pose this to you:

OK I'm assuming you're a UT fan with the name Volman (but I'm not really sure if you are a "fan" of anybody at this point...other than SWVa schools ;) ). Anyway...

Tennessee football claims 6 National Titles, 1938, 1940, 1950, 1951, 1967, 1998. Guess how many were "won" on the field...0. Guess how many were voted on by the sports writers...6. So do you as a UT fan claim 6 titles or 0 titles?

And for the record, in the history of college football there have been all of 0 nantional titles awarded according to you....so no college football team can claim any..not 1...title, despite the fact that the NCAA record book says different. Oh I forgot...you are in the "know" though, so I guess you trump the NCAA and the TSSAA.

So if the NCAA ever would go to a playoff...you would claim that Tennessee would have to give up recognition of there 6 titles...and Notre Dame there 13...Alabama there 11...etc.

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As far as the 50-0 score I will stand by that. The Jones brothers are gone so that doesn't even figure in. However if you want a example of how a future D1/NFL player would figure into a win at the high school level here you go. DB and Elizabethton when Jason Whitten played. It was to be the game of the century for Elizabethton. Fans were standing on top of houses to see the game because it was so packed. DB killed them and Whitten was never a factor. Thats just a example of why your argument about D1/NFL players don't hold water. Besides you still don't even know how many D1 players DB, Gate City, or Powel Valley have had. So you can't say who has had the most.


I don't know Waco you know maybe all these points are not the issue. I mean after I re-read these things I get the feeling that Volman is trying to say one thing...not mobetter D1 athletes or who could beat who in what decade but simply stated that maybe SWVa overall has a better work ethic than NET. I mean we are here on your thread and welcomed from the beginning to try and figure out why our region has issues. We have concluded that our coaches are good and we don't want to trade them in but that they have soft spots that evidence themselves at the most inopportune times. And now I see that we are unearthing a substandard work ethic. So in the past 30 years who has had more RAW talent...NET or SWVa? They have had more celebrated talent but I think that we have had more RAW talent. I think the work ethic determines where this talent goes. As for DB playing Gate City in the near future...and you think the South rilvalry had issues?! But, it would be a money maker.

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Looks like I'm still the Monica Lewinsky of the board! You guys won't let up will you? Real quick, I'll try to touch on a couple of points brought up. Wacko, u r so confused. G.C. and P.V. DID win it in the same year, but they were in different classes. G.C. was 'playing up' into division 3 and won it. P.V. won it in division 2 and actually that same year, Appalachia won it in Division 1. So, like you said, nice try. G.C. has since dropped back down to their normal division. But, I think next year, their enrollment numbers have gone up (due to a lot of TN kids wanting to play some real football, lol, you loved that comment didn't you) so they will once again be in a different division than P.V. As for the Jones kids, they did play together. Julius was a Fr. while Thomas was a Sr. And let's not compare apples and oranges. College and high school are different. Btw, the Vols did win the title on the field in 98. That was the first year for the BCS. I know it's still voted on, but the one game is called the national championship game. Guys, u make me tired. Can you argue amongst yourselves for a while? Oh, one more thing, u should be glad u didn't take my bet. G.C. has way more football scholarships than D-B. Heck, their last state title team of 2003 had 9 boys sign college scholarships. 5 are at Carson Newman right now. Oops, I guess CN doesn't count though. Sorry. lol I'm done with it. GOod luck to you boys and your Indians. Maybe next year is the year!!!!!!!!


I don't know Waco you know maybe all these points are not the issue. I mean after I re-read these things I get the feeling that Volman is trying to say one thing...not mobetter D1 athletes or who could beat who in what decade but simply stated that maybe SWVa overall has a better work ethic than NET. I mean we are here on your thread and welcomed from the beginning to try and figure out why our region has issues. We have concluded that our coaches are good and we don't want to trade them in but that they have soft spots that evidence themselves at the most inopportune times. And now I see that we are unearthing a substandard work ethic. So in the past 30 years who has had more RAW talent...NET or SWVa? They have had more celebrated talent but I think that we have had more RAW talent. I think the work ethic determines where this talent goes. As for DB playing Gate City in the near future...and you think the South rilvalry had issues?! But, it would be a money maker.


BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

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Looks like I'm still the Monica Lewinsky of the board! You guys won't let up will you? Real quick, I'll try to touch on a couple of points brought up. Wacko, u r so confused. G.C. and P.V. DID win it in the same year, but they were in different classes. G.C. was 'playing up' into division 3 and won it. P.V. won it in division 2 and actually that same year, Appalachia won it in Division 1. So, like you said, nice try. G.C. has since dropped back down to their normal division. But, I think next year, their enrollment numbers have gone up (due to a lot of TN kids wanting to play some real football, lol, you loved that comment didn't you) so they will once again be in a different division than P.V. As for the Jones kids, they did play together. Julius was a Fr. while Thomas was a Sr. And let's not compare apples and oranges. College and high school are different. Btw, the Vols did win the title on the field in 98. That was the first year for the BCS. I know it's still voted on, but the one game is called the national championship game. Guys, u make me tired. Can you argue amongst yourselves for a while? Oh, one more thing, u should be glad u didn't take my bet. G.C. has way more football scholarships than D-B. Heck, their last state title team of 2003 had 9 boys sign college scholarships. 5 are at Carson Newman right now. Oops, I guess CN doesn't count though. Sorry. lol I'm done with it. GOod luck to you boys and your Indians. Maybe next year is the year!!!!!!!!





BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)



BINGO is CORRECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I will now bring out the 'ole "Mo-ron of The Day Award" and present it to you proudly. Congradulations Volman!


How many scholorships have the Gate City kids had compaired to DB? You must know sinse you claim Gate City has more. I say you made that one up to.


Gate City and Powell Valley were in the same clasifacition that year (2A) Just as I said.


How many (if any) "Tn. kids" can you name that will be attending Gate City next year. (that statement alone was enough to earn you the "Mo-ron of the Day Award"


You said you were done with this argument 2 days ago. Whats up with that?


Why do you keep insisting you are Monica Lewinsky? We all know what she did for Bill.

Have you had your "Blue Dress" cleaned yet ?

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And let's not compare apples and oranges. College and high school are different. Btw, the Vols did win the title on the field in 98. That was the first year for the BCS. I know it's still voted on, but the one game is called the national championship game.

What apples and oranges?

The Vols won a game yes...but the championship was still voted on. It is a joke that is why the AP pulled out. And by the way, the NCAA recognizes Ohio State as the Sagarin champ that year...so what does that tell you about the BCS (link here: http://www.ncaa.org/champadmin/ia_football_past_champs.html). And it is NOT called the national championship game...it is called the BCS championship game. Big difference. Anyway...how about all those other titles that Tennessee claims and the ones ND and Bama? By the way...why doesn't South play GC or PV or Richlands? That would put you over the top :thumb:

Oh, one more thing, u should be glad u didn't take my bet. G.C. has way more football scholarships than D-B. Heck, their last state title team of 2003 had 9 boys sign college scholarships. 5 are at Carson Newman right now. Oops, I guess CN doesn't count though. Sorry. lol I'm done with it. GOod luck to you boys and your Indians. Maybe next year is the year!!!!!!!!

BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumb:

Where are you getting that info all of a sudden to lead you to conclude "way more"? By the way...while Carson Newman is a great institution with a great football tradition it isn't D1 (remember that is your watermark)...or even D1-AA...it is DII. So first you compared DB to all of SWVa for D1 and now you are putting in DII athletes. I guess whatever makes your arguement. :thumb: I mean do you want to talk scholarships period? Or D1? Make up my mind :blink:

By the way...you couldn't carry Monica Lewinsky's jock strap :P

Edited by maroonandgrey
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