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Coaches Humiliating Players


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I think it is disgraceful for coaches to humiliate kids especially at games. This is a topic on the girls forum but thought it would be good on the guys side too. I experienced the coach at Dickson County in a game with Waverly when the DC coach publicly verbally abused a player that did something he didn't like or was supposed to do. The humiliation continued for several minutes with the coach in his face. He sat him on the bench and every minute would turn and yell at him some more or look at him, like he shot his dog or something. I was embarrassed for the kid and this was not my home school. I am from Waverly.

This coach's action was classless and I think he should be reprimanded or even fired for his action. There is no room for things like this. Yell if you want, correct if you want, but don't humiliate. These are kids.

What do ya'll think? :D

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I think it is disgraceful for coaches to humiliate kids especially at games. This is a topic on the girls forum but thought it would be good on the guys side too. I experienced the coach at Dickson County in a game with Waverly when the DC coach publicly verbally abused a player that did something he didn't like or was supposed to do. The humiliation continued for several minutes with the coach in his face. He sat him on the bench and every minute would turn and yell at him some more or look at him, like he shot his dog or something. I was embarrassed for the kid and this was not my home school. I am from Waverly.

This coach's action was classless and I think he should be reprimanded or even fired for his action. There is no room for things like this. Yell if you want, correct if you want, but don't humiliate. These are kids.

What do ya'll think? :lol:



I think that what humiliates one player may not another and so on and so forth. Just to see ones actions on the sideline does not tell the story. What was said? I knew a coach once that would stomp the floor and he did this to get his palyers attention, not out of anger, but all the folks int he stands saw him stomping his foot and thought he was acting a fool. I was not at the game, the coach may have been out of line but just a few weeks ago, I heard the Media talking about Bob Knight smacking a young man, well the video footage clearly showed that there was no smack, it was a lifting of the chin, and that is nothing inappropriate.

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I think it is disgraceful for coaches to humiliate kids especially at games. This is a topic on the girls forum but thought it would be good on the guys side too. I experienced the coach at Dickson County in a game with Waverly when the DC coach publicly verbally abused a player that did something he didn't like or was supposed to do. The humiliation continued for several minutes with the coach in his face. He sat him on the bench and every minute would turn and yell at him some more or look at him, like he shot his dog or something. I was embarrassed for the kid and this was not my home school. I am from Waverly.

This coach's action was classless and I think he should be reprimanded or even fired for his action. There is no room for things like this. Yell if you want, correct if you want, but don't humiliate. These are kids.

What do ya'll think? :lol:


Many times I think things do get misconstrued. It's hard to make a judgement from outside when you do not know the exact situation. The coach may have been out of line, but on the other hand maybe that's the way that particular kid is best motivated. If a coach has a players respect, sometimes he can get on to them pretty harshly because they know that he cares for them and has their best interest in mind. I don't know about this particular situation but I also wouldn't be quick to jump to conclusions when it comes to bad mouthing coaches.

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Well let's fire every coach everywhere that gets fired up and jumps on a player. That is the solution. Let's not try and build character and stress to players and young people that their mistakes cost them. Instead lets just let them make mistakes and then tell them everything is not their fault. I am not in favor of demeaning players but there is a line that the fans can't see. If a player has a problem with a coach then the player (an possibly the parent) should go to the coach. Many good coaches have been suspended and fired because of people who didn't understand what was going on or because their administration was too afraid of their job to do their job and back the coach. Don't get me wrong; if the coach is out of line or has been warned then something should be done, if not then leave them alone.

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what is the difference when a player is humiliating the coach with the way he plays. Sometimes players act like they have not been coached and need a reminder or two. If you have not coached before you really dont need an opinion on this anyway. Let coaches coach, players play, and FANS CHEER!

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what is the difference when a player is humiliating the coach with the way he plays. Sometimes players act like they have not been coached and need a reminder or two. If you have not coached before you really dont need an opinion on this anyway. Let coaches coach, players play, and FANS CHEER!



I don't agree with your comments. Players do not play to humiliate coaches. They may not do everything correctly but humiliation is not their intent. Reminding is one thing but it can be carried to far. I am a coach, parent, and fan. I know where to draw the line.

The comment about "If you have not coached before you don't deserve an opinion" is a disgrace to coaches and parents. This comment puts a terrible light on coaches. Also, you must not have children and if you do, you don't think much of them to make this statement.

Good coaches do so with motivation in mind. Coaches deserve respect and so do the players and parents. Mutual respect is the first step to motivation.

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Many times I think things do get misconstrued. It's hard to make a judgement from outside when you do not know the exact situation. The coach may have been out of line, but on the other hand maybe that's the way that particular kid is best motivated. If a coach has a players respect, sometimes he can get on to them pretty harshly because they know that he cares for them and has their best interest in mind. I don't know about this particular situation but I also wouldn't be quick to jump to conclusions when it comes to bad mouthing coaches.


I totally agree! You have to know the dynamics of the team to understand the entire situation. Fans don't always know the coach well enough to grasp the situation. Before jumping to conclusions, get the full story.

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Look at all of my posts. I never said that a coach couldn't get on to a player. Sometimes they need to be gotten on, but that is different than humiliation.

Everyone knows the difference between yelling at a player for a mistake and humiliating them. and in this situation it carried on for the remainder of the game with the coach being a complete idiot by giving him death stares and constantly badgering him. Telll him what he did wrong, yell if you have to, but correct it and move on. There is no place for humiliation anywhere. These are kids, they make mistakes. Help them correct the mistakes but don't humiliate them.

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This is a tough subject. As a teacher and coach of sorts, it is easy to see both sides. More has to be taken into account than the final product. Sometimes parents see my interaction with my players and they see something way different than what my players see. Also, each person has a different opinion as to who can do or say what. I once got reprimanded for rewarding a girl who came up with an acronym using the word "Fart" for something we were learning in class. It was creative and two years later every student I had remembered the material taught because of that very thing. I got calls from parents saying it was brilliant and others saying it was disgusting and she should be given detention.


In this situation I don't know what happened. But my opinion is this:

If you don't want your kid getting yelled at, take him off the team.

Its sports, not girl scouts.

If he is physically abusing him, fire him.

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Tough subject concerning coaches or teachers. Fair. That's the only thing my wife and I look for with a coach or a teacher. Kids screw up, adults might get angry. Fine. Define the boundaries of the teacher/pupil relationship and if a kid steps over the boundary, then the kid should know what to expect. If the teacher steps over that boundary, then they should expect a visit from the parents.


You'd like to say 'treat them all the same', but I think different kids are motivated in different ways. Some shut down when criticized and some are motivated to do better. Some coaches can get a player's attention with just eye contact (Pat Summitt). Different strokes I guess.

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Whats next? Parents can't spank their kids because it hurts their confidence? All kids need a good chewing out regardless of todays liberal ethics. I bet you people were mad when Bobby Knight tapped his players chin up earlier this year too? You screw up on the court you should hear about it until you get the point. You dont want that? Dont screw up

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Look at all of my posts. I never said that a coach couldn't get on to a player. Sometimes they need to be gotten on, but that is different than humiliation.

Everyone knows the difference between yelling at a player for a mistake and humiliating them. and in this situation it carried on for the remainder of the game with the coach being a complete idiot by giving him death stares and constantly badgering him. Telll him what he did wrong, yell if you have to, but correct it and move on. There is no place for humiliation anywhere. These are kids, they make mistakes. Help them correct the mistakes but don't humiliate them.



How do you know that the player was humiliated? You act as if you interviewed the player post-game and asked him. Simply put, anybody that has spent time on the sideline of any sport knows everyone ticks differently, and it's the good coaches that know how to get their players to respond. I've seen Dickson's coach a few times, and I've never seen him do anything remotely out of line. Just because you are uncomfortable with his reaction doesn't make it wrong.

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