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Hendersonville VS Gallatin


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I don't get all this "rivalry equals good game" crap. I believe UT-FLorida, UT-Alabama are both pretty dang big rivalries and UT got thumped by both because UT doesn't have a defense. Well guess what. Gallatin doesn't have a defense. They are giving up about 30 points a game and have been beaten by running teams and passing teams. I'm sure both teams will come out fired up, but after a while things settle down and the better team wins. The better team this year is HHS.



Yes that is a solid point with those two UT games.But just look at this game last year that mighty greenwave team got all they could handle from the commandos in a close game.Rivalry games do tend to bring out the best in both teams.And actually take a look at the last time Vanderbilt beat UT,Vandy should have had no chance in that game and they came out and beat UT.Maybe UT just doesnt do well in Rivalry games.But just do the resarch most rivalry games are close thats why their rivalry games,because despite the records both teams have a shot.

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The Gallatin faithful that you are referring to are not by any means true Gallatin fans. They are fairweather Gallatin fans. They talk good about the players, the coaches, and past Gallatin teams when the Green Wave is winning and then abandon ship when things are going wrong with the team. I know that this has not been an exceptional year for Gallatin football, but I have continued to support the Green Wave every week and still believe that Gallatin has a legitimate shot at making the playoffs because I am a true Green Wave fan and I believe in the team and the coaches not like some of these other pretend Gallatin fans that get on here and type up all of these negative posts about "their team."


I don't know if this is directed at me or not but I asure you that I am not a 30+ year Gallatin Green Wave "fairweather fan". However I am a realist. And I don't like the odds. Can Gallatin win? Of course, if they tackle better, block better and can line up in the right formations with out having to call a timeout 1 min into the game. Will I be there? Yes, I would not be anywhere else dressed in all of my Gallatin attire. Will I cheer for Gallatin? Heck yea!! I do every week. And have for years!!! Will I when most on here no longer go to games or even care about highschool football? Plan on it!! There have many posters who have gone by the wayside. All of this Hendersonville trashtalk that we have been reading will be gone when Gallatin starts dominating again. It did in 2001 and will after this year too. Gallatin is not 40-11-1 against Hendersonville for no reason. So if you did call me out (and I don't know if you did) , I never will stop supporting the PROGRAM. Gallatin however, has got some serious issues right now, from players to coaching. That is a fact..not fiction. This team quit last week and everybody saw it. But lets move on.....



Hendersonville has got a pretty good offense being able to run and throw. Watson has been making good decisions from the QB spot. What makes Hendersonville even more dangerous is Roper. Roper is a classic Commando fullback. Fast and tough. He may even be faster than some of the previous fullbacks that Hendersonville has had lately. He will be hard to stop. I also hear that they are running more speed sweeps this year which is a change from the traditional wing-t that we are used to. Hendersonville's defense is spotty at best. They have given up some yardage and points this year. Roper again is the man on defense from the middle linebacker postion. Gallatin will have to mix it up well to move the ball consistantly. However I think we will score some on Hendersonville. On defense if we can tackle at the point of contact than we could surprise them by putting them in long yardage situations. Ingham may be the ace card. I would like to see us throw more down field as well. I think opening them up with the long ball early could bold well for our running game. The key to this game is not getting behind by more than 2 scores. If we do...well...

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I don't know if this is directed at me or not but I asure you that I am not a 30+ year Gallatin Green Wave "fairweather fan". However I am a realist. And I don't like the odds. Can Gallatin win? Of course, if they tackle better, block better and can line up in the right formations with out having to call a timeout 1 min into the game. Will I be there? Yes, I would not be anywhere else dressed in all of my Gallatin attire. Will I cheer for Gallatin? Heck yea!! I do every week. And have for years!!! Will I when most on here no longer go to games or even care about highschool football? Plan on it!! There have many posters who have gone by the wayside. All of this Hendersonville trashtalk that we have been reading will be gone when Gallatin starts dominating again. It did in 2001 and will after this year too. Gallatin is not 40-11-1 against Hendersonville for no reason. So if you did call me out (and I don't know if you did) , I never will stop supporting the PROGRAM. Gallatin however, has got some serious issues right now, from players to coaching. That is a fact..not fiction. This team quit last week and everybody saw it. But lets move on.....




GO GREEN WAVE!!!!!!!!!!!

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GWAVE1, my reply was not directed at you. It was a reply to barnburner09's statement that said: "According to the Gallatin faithful, Gallatin has already lost the game." My comments are to the true fairweather Gallatin fans who do get on here and bash everything that has to do with Gallatin football and then act like they support the Green Wave. You are realistic in your posts on here, but you do not get on here and completely bash the Green Wave like some. I believe that there is a differnece in the posts that you and I ost on here and the ones that I am referring to by the "other Gallatin fans."

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I don't know if this is directed at me or not but I asure you that I am not a 30+ year Gallatin Green Wave "fairweather fan". However I am a realist. And I don't like the odds. Can Gallatin win? Of course, if they tackle better, block better and can line up in the right formations with out having to call a timeout 1 min into the game. Will I be there? Yes, I would not be anywhere else dressed in all of my Gallatin attire. Will I cheer for Gallatin? Heck yea!! I do every week. And have for years!!! Will I when most on here no longer go to games or even care about highschool football? Plan on it!! There have many posters who have gone by the wayside. All of this Hendersonville trashtalk that we have been reading will be gone when Gallatin starts dominating again. It did in 2001 and will after this year too. Gallatin is not 40-11-1 against Hendersonville for no reason. So if you did call me out (and I don't know if you did) , I never will stop supporting the PROGRAM. Gallatin however, has got some serious issues right now, from players to coaching. That is a fact..not fiction. This team quit last week and everybody saw it. But lets move on.....

Hendersonville has got a pretty good offense being able to run and throw. Watson has been making good decisions from the QB spot. What makes Hendersonville even more dangerous is Roper. Roper is a classic Commando fullback. Fast and tough. He may even be faster than some of the previous fullbacks that Hendersonville has had lately. He will be hard to stop. I also hear that they are running more speed sweeps this year which is a change from the traditional wing-t that we are used to. Hendersonville's defense is spotty at best. They have given up some yardage and points this year. Roper again is the man on defense from the middle linebacker postion. Gallatin will have to mix it up well to move the ball consistantly. However I think we will score some on Hendersonville. On defense if we can tackle at the point of contact than we could surprise them by putting them in long yardage situations. Ingham may be the ace card. I would like to see us throw more down field as well. I think opening them up with the long ball early could bold well for our running game. The key to this game is not getting behind by more than 2 scores. If we do...well...



Well said.


It's interesting to see how people react when seasons struggle. Fair-weather fans, they are there, but you don't have to tell those boys in green and gold right now how painful it is to lose. And yet, day in and day out, they show up on the practice field after school giving their bodies a beating for the love of the game and the pride and tradition they represent. Just think of the abuse these guys are getting from their own peers while they're in class. And yet, they play on. /cool.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="B)" border="0" alt="cool.gif" />

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Agreed much props i dont know how you can be a fair wheather gallatin fan i mean with as much tradition and pride as that program has.I have used the H word for the Green Wave before but much respect for what they have down the road.I hope that the Green Wave do show up with that pride Friday because i want to see a game not a blowout.

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Gallatin is a terrible team and no matter how much pride they show up with on friday, hendersonville will have more pride and talent so look for the commandos to win 42-0


Why 42-0? Why not 60-0, 70-0 or even 100-0?


Why sell your team short? Don't you have more confidence in them than that? Come on, everyone in the state knows that the Commodes are the best in the state!

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Why 42-0? Why not 60-0, 70-0 or even 100-0?


Why sell your team short? Don't you have more confidence in them than that? Come on, everyone in the state knows that the Commodes are the best in the state!


well nice exageration but the 0 for gallatin is doubtful unless the hendersonville defense really picks it up this friday night but still the commandos win big

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The Gallatin faithful that you are referring to are not by any means true Gallatin fans. They are fairweather Gallatin fans. They talk good about the players, the coaches, and past Gallatin teams when the Green Wave is winning and then abandon ship when things are going wrong with the team. I know that this has not been an exceptional year for Gallatin football, but I have continued to support the Green Wave every week and still believe that Gallatin has a legitimate shot at making the playoffs because I am a true Green Wave fan and I believe in the team and the coaches not like some of these other pretend Gallatin fans that get on here and type up all of these negative posts about "their team."


You can absolutely count me amongst the "fair-weather fans". Life is too short to dedicate my time and money to something that is not going to give me any enjoyment. I have a family and I have other interests. When Gallatin is putting good products on the field I am there no matter where they are playing. Period. But when things are as bad as they have been this year I am going to replace time with the Wave with family time, hockey, and other interests. And anyone who thinks less of me for changing priorities based on wins and losses is foolish and misguided. My child is not in high school yet, so I don't have a lot of direct ties to GHS anymore. I just want to see my alma mater succed. And last year at the HHS-GHS game I saw people that I had not seen in years. Why? Because GHS was undefeated, rolling, and looking poised for a title run, which is what we all want to see again. Will we see that kind of attendance this week. I think not. GHS coming off a 35-0 route to a Metro school is not going to compell people to come en mass. I'm sorry, it just isn't going to happen. Especially with cooler weather coming. Last I checked fans don't get a refund if Gallatin loses, so I think ripping "fair-weather fans" just keeps them away longer.

It's kind of the "fool me once-fool me twice" thing. Too many times in recent years Gallatin has looked great and then reality hits us in the face when the playoffs arrive. The loss to Ravenwood coupled with the two win season so far has, like it or not, admit it or not, set the program back a good decade. Fans are not going to come back in numbers again until Lassiter can prove he can take a team deep in the playoffs. Too many times we've been fooled now and I think too many of us feel like the program is the boy who cried wolf. We'll believe it when we see it.


Put me down all you want, I don't care. But I gave four years to the program, and I have supported with time and money since then. If nothing else that entitles me to an opinion. I don't expect all to agree, but at least make the attempt to see things my way. Because the reality is others like me don't get on here to express their displeasure. They just ignore the program entirely. It's called the silent majority.

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GWAVE1, my reply was not directed at you. It was a reply to barnburner09's statement that said: "According to the Gallatin faithful, Gallatin has already lost the game." My comments are to the true fairweather Gallatin fans who do get on here and bash everything that has to do with Gallatin football and then act like they support the Green Wave. You are realistic in your posts on here, but you do not get on here and completely bash the Green Wave like some. I believe that there is a differnece in the posts that you and I ost on here and the ones that I am referring to by the "other Gallatin fans."


Thank you for not including me in that category. I wasn't sure to whom you were referring and I admit that I have been critical this year especially because of what I see as lack of natural progression. I love this sport and Gallatin football but I feel that I have to be objective as well. I spend my money and a lot of time to go to the games and support this team anyway I can. But I, just like everybody else, do want a competitive football program. It has been very hard to find bright spots this year. I know the boys want to win. I know the coaches want to win. I sure know the fans want to win. There just seems to be something wrong with the program on a number of fronts. And I don't mind telling you or anybody else....I want it fixed!! How is not as easy...but apathy is not what I am hearing in the stands. Now as for the Hendersonville posters, they can mouth all they want too. It is their right and I prefer them to be obnoxious as to being silent like some teams we play. Fact is they are upset because Gallatin has beaten them like a drum throughout the history of this matchup. Yeah they have a few wins and might even get one Friday, but it will take many more for them to equal the pain we have inflicted over the years. And by that time, the ship will be righted and many more wins will fall our way. So hopefully we will get angry enough and be just fed up enough with all their predictions that we will show some heart and return the favor Friday night. (and I still remember the prediction of being up by 35pts in the third) We will see.


Lets Roll Green Wave Lets Roll!!

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