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District 11 AA


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MVP should of been the Purcell kid from Waverly. I don't care if he is a freshman or not. Without him Waverly would not of won the district tourney. Take him off Waverly's team and Waverly doesn't make it out of the play in game this year. Sycamore was overrated all year, just benefited from a weak district.

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MVP should of been the Purcell kid from Waverly. I don't care if he is a freshman or not. Without him Waverly would not of won the district tourney. Take him off Waverly's team and Waverly doesn't make it out of the play in game this year. Sycamore was overrated all year, just benefited from a weak district.


calm down. these sycamore fans arent finishing the story. guye was CO-mvp. purcell was also co-mvp. but i agree purcell shouldve been hands down mvp by himself.

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MVP should of been the Purcell kid from Waverly. I don't care if he is a freshman or not. Without him Waverly would not of won the district tourney. Take him off Waverly's team and Waverly doesn't make it out of the play in game this year. Sycamore was overrated all year, just benefited from a weak district.

I would hate to say how the Tigers would have done with out Purcell... I mean pre-season most everyone had Waverly coming in the lower half of the district, now they come in second during regular season and win the tourney! I realize Purcell is a freshman, I would like to think that shouldnt matter when picking the MVP, he is the reason Waverly made it to the top. I know it takes a team, but you take any one person off a team, take Purcell off Waverly and that is by far the largest impact!

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Purcell was the MVP this year no question. Guye wasn't even the MVP on his own team, much less this district. Case in point look at the tournament. Purcell pitches a 2 hit gem and shuts out Sycamore. In that same game Guye got picked off first by Purcell and loafed to second and was tagged out. Then yesterday against Fairview he makes a wonderful baserunning play on third when the fake to third throw to first move worked for once. Guye couldn't hack it at Cheatham, so he goes to Sycamore to be on a better team and quits just about everything he does when the going gets rough. I would be surprised if he didnt quit baseball today because he lost a game or two. Take him off Sycamore's baseball team and they win the same amount fo games as they did with him. You can't say that about Purcell.


On a side note, not once this year have I seen Purcell disrespect an opponent or the game of baseball. I saw this from Guye everytime he steps on the field. Case in point, when you take a pitch in the batters box, why try to get the world to look at you by freezing and not moving one bit after the pitch is called a strike and thrown back to the pitcher. Great show of sportsmanship there. Take the pitch and get ready to hit the next one. This is typical of Sycamore sportsmanship in every sport, maybe its why their baseball team is an underachiving team year in and year out.

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Easy now! Tyler Guye batted something like 600 in district games according to one of Harpeth's coaches. He can play and he helped his team. If he transferred legally, I don't have a problem with him swapping teams. Purcell had a great year and class shouldn't have anything to do with it. One of the best games I watched all year was when Purcell and Ben Howell locked up in a pitching duel at Harpeth. Purcell came out after 7 in a 1-1 tie. Howell pitched all 10 innings with around 115 pitches for Harpeth and wound up with the W 2-1. MVP is very subjective. I'm not a fan of individual awards in a team dominated sport to begin with. Andy Brown was pitched around and walked more than he was pitched to. If not MVP, he's at least the one everybody in the district was most afraid of pitching to and he made all state as a junior. Take him out of the lineup and everybody pitches to Harpeth's 3 hole batter. As it was, Andy probably didn't have enough official at bats to be eligible. For comparision purposes, Harpeth's lead off guy had 84 at bats for the season. Andy had about 45. MVP depends upon your perspective I guess. If you won't pitch to him, how can you discount his value?


Hats off to Waverly. They did it when nobody expected them to. Congratulations to Sycamore. You still have to do it when everybody expects you to. Good luck in regions to both teams.

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Purcell was the MVP this year no question. Guye wasn't even the MVP on his own team, much less this district. Case in point look at the tournament. Purcell pitches a 2 hit gem and shuts out Sycamore. In that same game Guye got picked off first by Purcell and loafed to second and was tagged out. Then yesterday against Fairview he makes a wonderful baserunning play on third when the fake to third throw to first move worked for once. Guye couldn't hack it at Cheatham, so he goes to Sycamore to be on a better team and quits just about everything he does when the going gets rough. I would be surprised if he didnt quit baseball today because he lost a game or two. Take him off Sycamore's baseball team and they win the same amount fo games as they did with him. You can't say that about Purcell.


On a side note, not once this year have I seen Purcell disrespect an opponent or the game of baseball. I saw this from Guye everytime he steps on the field. Case in point, when you take a pitch in the batters box, why try to get the world to look at you by freezing and not moving one bit after the pitch is called a strike and thrown back to the pitcher. Great show of sportsmanship there. Take the pitch and get ready to hit the next one. This is typical of Sycamore sportsmanship in every sport, maybe its why their baseball team is an underachiving team year in and year out.




Kid, coach, player, or parent whoever you are you should probably get your facts straight before you start throwing out random stuff. As for purcell supposely pickin off me at first i would have to say the runner on first was matt grahm not even me so good call on that one. And for the fake throw to first move once again i would have to say you were wrong there again also kyle took off on first move and kid got lucky and did it the exact time when he was suppose to and ran at kyle and i leaked to far down the line thinkin the kid was gonna throw it to second and the kid threw it back to third getting me out. and another thing for the whole freezing up at the plate thing we were told to take till he throws a strike wasnt disrespecting anybody and i was ready for the next pitch cuz i was in my stance already but once again another good call by whoever this is lol. and i couldnt hack it at cheatham huh??? not tryin to diss on my old school or anything but for them to come in last place and me bat around 600 might say that i could of hacked it at a last place school team. but whoever this is just next time keep stupid comments like this too yourself till you have a slight clue what your talking about. and as for the purcell thing yeah if waverly didnt have him they might of not have won 3 games all year. so the mvp thing could of went to just him.

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this last post shows what kind of ego problem you have. a true player does not read his press clipping or get on a message board to "set things right". a true player who cares more about his team then what people think about him would have something better to do then to get on a message board to defend his actions. but of course, if you didnt have a disrespect people or ego problem people would probably not say things about you.


good luck to Waverly and Sycamore Monday night, but i have to say if Sycamore's players are going to worry about what is being said about them on a message board instead of worrying about how to find their offense that they lost over the last week, they could be in for a long game on monday.

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I would say the ego problem comes from you ball basher. Who are you to talk about any of these kids? Off any team. Who ever you are (parent, coach, player). You were a spectator at the District Championship game and district tourney. You have no clue what you are talking about, you got every play wrong in that game while you were dissing on Guye. And I think I remember you saying he wasn't even the MVP of his team, is that correct? I think so, anyhow, I have a friend close to this team and they said Tyler batted around .450 for the year. Led the team in runs scored, batting average, stolen bases, doubles, and fielding percentage. But hey I guess your right about him not being the MVP of his team since he didn't lead the RBI category as a lead off hitter.


But I will agree that Purcell was the District MVP. But in this district (except for one year) they usually give MVP to a player off the Season Champ team. Sycamore's coach was worthy enough of this kid to give him CO MVP.


So to everyone, If your just going to sit on here and bash these 15-18 year old KIDS, just stay off this message board. These players play hard every game for their team, their selves, and their coaches. And all you people do is sit on here and bring them down with these negative comments. Of course these kids read these silly posts on here, this might be the only "glory" they get in a lifetime, because most of these kids are done playing after this. So just wise up or stay off..

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he took the second place plaque and spiked it into the ground. he didnt even pick it up. you know people talk about sycamores player's attitudes and maybe they need to look towards the source of the problem. maybe they feel it is ok to act like the way they are. this was a pretty classless move.


and about guye, he is not a good guy at all(no pun intended). will talk smack before, during, and even after the game. thats just the way he is and always has been since middle school.

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