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Were the police not called and were they not drunk and causing a disturbance. Seems to me like that is what happened and the sad thing is they where at one of the parents houses--- I sure hope it wasn't your house since you see no problem with what they done. I have always heard the apple doesn't fall far from the tree so where does that put you?????????????


Softball, you keep talking about kids getting arrested. What and when are you talking about? When the boys miss a game last year, they were not arrested. Maybe you don't have all your facts straight.

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Well, when the kids feel this way, then it isn't anything new. The kids love their Coach T. They do NOT hesitate to say that. But, some also have said there needs to be change. They want that leadership, they are tired of certain things happening. You have no idea of how many kids on that team have come to me and said something. I will forever and always support the team. I work with the boosters, work gates, concessions, etc. I am known as 'mom' by many of the boys, both on and off the field. But then again, so are so many more mothers out there. I am no one special. Just a concerned parent who wants the most for the kids of LCHS. I will always vote for property bonds that go directly to schools and/or taxes that go directly to schools, no if/ands/or buts.


No, I am not from here. I am from an area where things are MUCH different. It is time for a change. Too much politics. I have been asked by many to run for school board to start the movement for change, yet I hesitate because of people like you; entrenched in the old with blinders and a refusal to change. No wonder why the South lost the war. The refusal to change has been historically famous in the South for generations and centuries. What angers me is, I am sure the same people on here touting not to speak in public against our kids and school ball team, are probably the same people that do not hesitate to degrade and down our government and political system without doing anything about it either.



Again you are wrong. It most be wonderful to know everything like you /roflolk.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflolk:" border="0" alt="roflolk.gif" /> . I am a voter and I vote for what I believe in,God and my country.(Country First: Reform*Prosperity*Peace) /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" /> And when someone crosses the line, I have not problem letting them know about it. That is why I am trying to make you understand that you are doing more damage than good. You need to think more about the good of the players than you very stupid opinions.

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If you read one of my earlier post I said that we were not happy with what happened that night. But you better get the facts right because no one went to jail. I never said that what happened was OK. However, my son made a mistake and he had to pay for it. Kids do really dumb things, if you have never made a mistake before you are the only living person not to do so. And why do you keep bringing this up. If you think that this is the only school that something like this has happened at, you must live in a shell. This kind of thing has happen before these boys and will happen again; I don't care who the coaches are.

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By the way I had a player on one of the teams I coached that decided to go party with a older lady one night, and was drinking. The other coach of team and myself got wind of what was going on. Guess what we went to the house kicked the door in got our player and called the law on the lady. She was sentenced to time for contributing to the delinquency of a minor. As for the player he was a junior college prospect runnig back at that point. Since it was his first time that we had caught him, we suspended him for six games with him knowing that if it ever happened again he was gone no questions asked. Guess what that player went on and graduated the next year and played major college football and is now a pastor of a church. I talked to him recently and he told me that what we did was the best thing that had ever happened to him and helped him straighten his life out. He made the statement that he never drank again because he knew we meant exactly what we had said. Amazing---- a little tough love goes a long way doesn't it.


Were the police not called and were they not drunk and causing a disturbance. Seems to me like that is what happened and the sad thing is they where at one of the parents houses--- I sure hope it wasn't your house since you see no problem with what they done. I have always heard the apple doesn't fall far from the tree so where does that put you?????????????

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Flying Mom-if you are just a concerned mom, then go somewhere else to get answers to the things that you feel are problems. This is not the place. A house divided will never stand. When you air your dirty laundry on a web site that the whole state reads, how is that helping the boys? It only gives the other teams fuel. That is all I have been trying to say all night. Think about the boys and the team, if you think that something needs to be done go thru the proper channels.


Softball are you trying to be the next coach at LC. Are you trying to get Coach T out so you can have his job?

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They could get Plus memberships and slam each other by PM also. At least that way the BOARD would benefit other than the entertainment they are providing! /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />



That would be good, but apparently they're enjoying the public airing too much.


Hey powersoftball - exactly what do you hope to accomplish by trashing the coaches in a forum where players hang out? Incite a mutiny? Motivate folks to grab their torches and pitchforks and run the coaches out of town? Is your motive more important than the potential harm you're causing by anonymously trashing folks?


Do you think you're doing something good by trashing the coaches anonymously?


What's your goal?

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I don't know, and yes I do. /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" />


i work in fayetteville and alot of the guys i work with said the his coaching metods and play calling is out dated and they are hoping they can get oconner from giles co. to come back to lincoln co. i had a 1995 speed triple and i miss it.

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No way you could not pay me enought to deal with all the politics in LC.


Flying Mom-if you are just a concerned mom, then go somewhere else to get answers to the things that you feel are problems. This is not the place. A house divided will never stand. When you air your dirty laundry on a web site that the whole state reads, how is that helping the boys? It only gives the other teams fuel. That is all I have been trying to say all night. Think about the boys and the team, if you think that something needs to be done go thru the proper channels.


Softball are you trying to be the next coach at LC. Are you trying to get Coach T out so you can have his job?

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i work in fayetteville and alot of the guys i work with said the his coaching metods and play calling is out dated and they are hoping they can get oconner from giles co. to come back to lincoln co. i had a 1995 speed triple and i miss it.



Everyone has their own opinion, and I've got no problem with anyone expressing it face to face with other folks...trashing coaches anonymously on this site is a bit like walking through the halls of the school with a paper bag over your head while you're trashing the coach...except in that case it wouldn't take long for someone to rip the bag from your head and see if you've got the guts to say it to his face...you don't have to worry about anyone doing that on this board, which I suppose is why folks do it.


I have a couple of the old Triumphs...I've ridden a couple of the new ones and the power is incredible. I should probably get with the 21st century.

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