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McCallie Invitational


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I don't know Westerman



If the old brackets were still online I think Westerman may have already won this tournament more than once.


The link here shows he won by a fall last year in the finals:


He finished with 4 pins and 1 tech fall. The tech was 17 - 1 over Mark Simpson of MBA.


He's tough.

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If the old brackets were still online I think Westerman may have already won this tournament more than once.


The link here shows he won by a fall last year in the finals:


He finished with 4 pins and 1 tech fall. The tech was 17 - 1 over Mark Simpson of MBA.


He's tough.



RMC- I'm looking forward to watching this young man. He does sound like the man to beat,,,,and a beast. Thanks for the link,,,I will certainly check this out.


I'm beginning to wonder if Hooker will go 125 or 130? If he goes 125,,,I hope these two wrestle. I'm filling in my list of kids to watch (other than Baylor and McCallie) and I still have blanks for 119 and 152,,,,any thoughts?



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I'm filling in my list of kids to watch (other than Baylor and McCallie) and I still have blanks for 119 and 152,,,,and thoughts?




Not much help at those two weights, but at 145 - Markely and 160- Brandon Savransky both from Pope are very good.


The 171 from Peachtree Ridge....Chapman is good...and Peachtree Ridge also has a set a Russian twins that are tough and they may be at 152 and 160. The heavier of the twins was an alternate at state last year and ended up placing.

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Okay....don't worry about Brandon Westerman......cbg says he's not any good.

Don't try to place words in my mouth RMC. All I said is that he was seeded 4th at the Walsh Jesuit Ironman tournament and did not place. I do know that the Walsh Jesuit Ironman tournament is considered one of the best tournaments in the USA every year. Since you are so well educated please inform this dumb ole Tennessee boy living down in South Florida what happened to Mr. Westerman and why he failed to place.

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Don't try to place words in my mouth RMC. All I said is that he was seeded 4th at the Walsh Jesuit Ironman tournament and did not place. I do know that the Walsh Jesuit Ironman tournament is considered one of the best tournaments in the USA every year. Since you are so well educated please inform this dumb ole Tennessee boy living down in South Florida what happened to Mr. Westerman and why he failed to place.


I don't know.........everybody gets to have a bad day.


Hey.....I was just giving you a hard time. I'm just a dumb ole Tennessee boy living in Atlanta....well Suwanee.

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I don't know.........everybody gets to have a bad day.


Hey.....I was just giving you a hard time. I'm just a dumb ole Tennessee boy living in Atlanta....well Suwanee.




RMC- Doesn't Suwanee have a large greenway (like 30 miles long)? Back when I lived and worked in your great city I trained for the NYC marathon somewhere around there. P-diddy beat me in 2003 and I never fully recovered from that loss!



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Just the usual ...those shorts you like so well. BTW ... How long where you in the desert again...



Sexy- I would expect nothing less then those shorts,,,and maybe a sexy t-stirt and hat. I don't expect you to dress up like you did in Iowa.


I spent about 5-6 weeks in the beautiful mountains of A-stan this last trip,,,life will get better in Jan when I head over to Africa. I seem to have a special way of landing all the great vacation spots.



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CUPCAKE didnt know you had done marathons before ...new respect for you.


My PR for a marathon is 4:03 @ Marine Corp in 1995. I am sure that I ran slower than yours.


1995 was the year after Oprah ran Marine Corp and thank goodness that I beat her time.


PDiddy is one thang but if Oprah had beat me I would have ...given it up for good !


I did get passed in the last mile by a guy CARRYING A EGG ON A SPOON THOUGH lol


My two other marathons came at the end of Ironman races ... they were not quite as fast as the first one I ran though. Little bit harder to run 26.2 after swimming 2.4 and biking 112.

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Don't try to place words in my mouth RMC. All I said is that he was seeded 4th at the Walsh Jesuit Ironman tournament and did not place. I do know that the Walsh Jesuit Ironman tournament is considered one of the best tournaments in the USA every year. Since you are so well educated please inform this dumb ole Tennessee boy living down in South Florida what happened to Mr. Westerman and why he failed to place.




From the AJC: McEachern??™s Brandon Westerman had a tough weekend, going 1-2 at Walsh Ironman. Westerman, the four-seed at 125 pounds, opened the tournament with a 6-2 loss to Brent Fickel of Padua Franciscan (Ohio), a Tulsa national champion in his pre-high school days. Westerman dropped to the loser??™s bracket and defeated unseeded Tom Collum of Glenbard North (Ill.), 18-3, before dropping a 10-1 major decision to nine-seed Stephen Robertson (Montini Catholic, Ill.).

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CUPCAKE didnt know you had done marathons before ...new respect for you.


My PR for a marathon is 4:03 @ Marine Corp in 1995. I am sure that I ran slower than yours.


1995 was the year after Oprah ran Marine Corp and thank goodness that I beat her time.


PDiddy is one thang but if Oprah had beat me I would have ...given it up for good !


I did get passed in the last mile by a guy CARRYING A EGG ON A SPOON THOUGH lol


My two other marathons came at the end of Ironman races ... they were not quite as fast as the first one I ran though. Little bit harder to run 26.2 after swimming 2.4 and biking 112.



Sexy- As much as I hate to admit,,,,my PR is 4:12. We all (I think) have a purpose in life,,,and mine wasn't to run marathons it seems. During 2003-04 my goal in life was to keep my butt small enough to fit into a first-class seat on an airplane. I had a lazy-mans job in Atlanta and marathons seemed like a great idea.


My P-Diddy Story: I was a member of the NYPD running club,,,,so like all the fireman and police,,,I was able to start up front with P-Diddy. I passed him at mile 3,,,,and never looked back. With 'NYPD Running Club' proudly across my chest,,,,I was on pace to finish at around 3:30 based on my time at the 8 mile mark. Hearing the crowds of people cheer PD,,,PD,,,PD motivated me. After 911,, NYC certaily had a special place in their hearts for Fireman and Police Officers. Nevertheless; I hit the WALL at mile 20 just after crossing the bridge into Harlem,,,stopped to walk,,,and ignored the crowd cheering PD,PD,PD.........


Within a couple minutes P-Diddy's entourage passed me,,,and I realized that the crowds of people hadn't been cheering for me and the other PD members,,,but had been cheering for P-Diddy all along. I was unable to pass him back,,, and finished 4:26. I was so upset with myself that I entered the Huntsville City Marathon 4 weeks later with the goal of not walking. I completed my mission,,,and retired from marathons that same day. It's a beautiful sport but not for short fat people like me.


So what does this have to do with wrestling? Nothing,,,,but the lesson learned was some sports ain't for everyone,,,,and I'm much better suited for sitting in the bleachers all day and watching young warriors wrestle.



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Sexy- As much as I hate to admit,,,,my PR is 4:12. We all (I think) have a purpose in life,,,and mine wasn't to run marathons it seems. During 2003-04 my goal in life was to keep my butt small enough to fit into a first-class seat on an airplane. I had a lazy-mans job in Atlanta and marathons seemed like a great idea.


My P-Diddy Story: I was a member of the NYPD running club,,,,so like all the fireman and police,,,I was able to start up front with P-Diddy. I passed him at mile 3,,,,and never looked back. With 'NYPD Running Club' proudly across my chest,,,,I was on pace to finish at around 3:30 based on my time at the 8 mile mark. Hearing the crowds of people cheer PD,,,PD,,,PD motivated me. After 911,, NYC certaily had a special place in their hearts for Fireman and Police Officers. Nevertheless; I hit the WALL at mile 20 just after crossing the bridge into Harlem,,,stopped to walk,,,and ignored the crowd cheering PD,PD,PD.........


Within a couple minutes P-Diddy's entourage passed me,,,and I realized that the crowds of people hadn't been cheering for me and the other PD members,,,but had been cheering for P-Diddy all along. I was unable to pass him back,,, and finished 4:26. I was so upset with myself that I entered the Huntsville City Marathon 4 weeks later with the goal of not walking. I completed my mission,,,and retired from marathons that same day. It's a beautiful sport but not for short fat people like me.


So what does this have to do with wrestling? Nothing,,,,but the lesson learned was some sports ain't for everyone,,,,and I'm much better suited for sitting in the bleachers all day and watching young warriors wrestle.






you left out your Huntsville time.

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