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Rankings Week 3 for 9/7-9/13


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SMEAGLE- Good Point...


We originally had just enough numbers for a varsity and JV team, but at the beginning of the season, with multiple injuries, we have dropped JV for right now...although just a few injuries have been during actual games, most were preseason, or even during warm-ups...seems the luck of the Irish has not touched us this year...We have a few ACL injuries already repairing, one due for ACL surgery soon, our varsity senior keeper dislocated her elbow at the Baylor Tourney warm-up, countless sprains and deep bone bruises, etc....we may need to have an orthopedic surgeon on retainer soon...


D :thumb:

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SMEAGLE- I have to admit I was a little taken back by the Signal Mountain coach's quote in the paper today- "We were prepared for Notre Dame to be physical and for it to not always be clean soccer, but I told my girls not to retaliate in a negative manner.".....Give me a break !!!!!!!! :thumb:


D :thumb:


Nothing like a little bulletin board material, not that ND needs any sort of motivation to be physical. It is kind of strange for a coach to accuse at team of being dirty in the paper. She is probably more upset about last year's game when one of her eight graders had a serious injury against ND. She should take responsibility for that one, though, for having an 8th grader out there in the first place.

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The Lady Eagles have a lot to be proud of, and their improvement from their inaugural year was evident last evening. They showed a lot of hustle, and they refused to give up anything to the Lady Irish. Players, parents and other spectators from both sides proved to be good sports and showed a lot of class while enjoying a very entertaining and lively game.


Too bad the same can not be said for the Lady Eagles coach. It is fortunate for her that the TimesFreePress only printed her tacky quote and not some of the other things she said to and about the Lady Irish players.

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The Lady Eagles have a lot to be proud of, and their improvement from their inaugural year was evident last evening. They showed a lot of hustle, and they refused to give up anything to the Lady Irish. Players, parents and other spectators from both sides proved to be good sports and showed a lot of class while enjoying a very entertaining and lively game.


Too bad the same can not be said for the Lady Eagles coach. It is fortunate for her that the TimesFreePress only printed her tacky quote and not some of the other things she said to and about the Lady Irish players.

You bring up a very good point that most coaches learn the hard way... you can't control what the press puts in the paper, so be careful what you say during your interview. I would imagine there were positive things said about ND, but the paper put in the thing that would get the most attention.

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The paper will put in something that sells papers. That's the goal behind the newspaper. It is a business, and a failing one at that.


Coaches and athletes- watch what you say in interviews.

Coaches and athletes- don't put too much stock in what someone says in interviews.


Agreed. My own personal experience with reporters (not all but many) is that they don't see it as their professional duty to place a quote in context. What is tricky about soccer is that what the referees will allow varies tremendously from game to game. A good coach will tell his players to get as physical as the referees will allow. That doesn't mean holding jerseys or intentionally tripping players or trying to hurt someone but it means seeing how much pushing and shoving to gain position the referees will allow. When the referee starts calling fouls, you know where he/she has decided to draw the line and you adjust your play accordingly to avoid yellow and red cards.


I am very familiar with the ND coach's philosophy (my child played for him in club ball), and as person of genuine character, the last thing he would do is condone dirty play. But he does want his players to be physical since all really good teams are physical.


Regardless of what happened on the field (I was not there), I think it is counterproductive to complain to your players or the press about the dirty play of the opposition. What is productive is to challenge your team to raise their level of intensity and to match the physicality of the opposition. I suspect that the real problem in the ND-SM game is that SM could not match up physically with ND. Soccer is a contact sport.

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The paper will put in something that sells papers. That's the goal behind the newspaper. It is a business, and a failing one at that.


Coaches and athletes- watch what you say in interviews.

Coaches and athletes- don't put too much stock in what someone says in interviews.


You are exactly right about the newspapers, as it was stated that in the Hardin Valley/Powell game that " When Milner was injured 3 minutes later in a collision with a Lady Panther ". Though we hated to see her injured, it was not a collision, I even went back and watched the video, no one was within 3 yards of her, it was of those bad situations where she was trying to make a cut and went down with no contact. I truely hope she is fine though because she is an incredible player, but I don't like the way it was portrayed in the paper as though our girls caused it.

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"She is probably more upset about last year's game when one of her eight graders had a serious injury against ND. She should take responsibility for that one, though, for having an 8th grader out there in the first place."


Wow! Another supporter? Another case documented? Perhaps after a couple, say 20-30 children hurt, we may set up a task force or hire some consulting team to look into this. Hmmm. Middle Schoolers playing a high school contact sport, thee has got to be something here....

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"She is probably more upset about last year's game when one of her eight graders had a serious injury against ND. She should take responsibility for that one, though, for having an 8th grader out there in the first place."


Wow! Another supporter? Another case documented? Perhaps after a couple, say 20-30 children hurt, we may set up a task force or hire some consulting team to look into this. Hmmm. Middle Schoolers playing a high school contact sport, thee has got to be something here....

Now, now, Canes... If you want to talk statistics, I have had more seniors injured in a season than I have 8th graders get hurt. Maybe seniors are too old and fragile to play? :roflolk:


The problems occur (and I know this is on the 8th grader topic an not on the topic of the thread, but oh well... nothing else to talk about on the boards) when coaches pull up 8th graders that aren't ready. Injuries happen all across the board. Pulling up can be done correctly and with great success for the student and team. Is it always done that way? No. Should we continue to have that rule? I am still trying to find out what started it in the first place!

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The paper will put in something that sells papers. That's the goal behind the newspaper. It is a business, and a failing one at that.


Coaches and athletes- watch what you say in interviews.

Coaches and athletes- don't put too much stock in what someone says in interviews.


Agreed. My own personal experience with reporters (not all but many) is that they don't see it as their professional duty to place a quote in context.

That is definitely not my experience (and I know quite a few), but I do know that those types of reporters do exist.

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