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He's probably as honest and sincere as any ref that calls but why even have it there as subject for talk. If any ref has any connection to a school, he does not need to call for games that involve that school. Plain and simple. Again, he's probably completely on the level but why give people a reason to speculate. I honestly wouldn't want a former alum calling a GB game.

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Thank you very much for clearing that up about Mr. Pond.


And yes, that was the longest game. I thought the refs were actually down there talking to each of the players and getting to know them between plays.




I don't post much...but can we stop this already?


The referee's name is Al Pond and he calls very, very, very, very few White House games. I do not believe that he has called a White House game this year, but if so, it is only one. Al Pond has a very good crew, by the way. They are not a low-rated officiating crew. However, Al Pond and his crew do call the scrimmages for White House every year, and they handle a lot of freshmen games, so you do see them often in White House. But during the regular season? Not so much. In fact, I think it used to be more frequent than it is now.


I am not an expert on who the officiating crews are. But at the first game of the season, the White House community honored "Doc", who passed away last year and officiated something like 40 years. His crew is the most frequent, and because of their success, the most popular and well respected crew around this area including at White House. When Doc died, his son took over and the officials locker room at White House is named in Doc's honor.




The crew at last night's game was brand new. I have never seen them before. The clock operator evidently had all kinds of trouble and it appeared (I'm not being funny) that the head official was blind. Every time he took out his notebook to write a penalty or a timeout down, the game had to be delayed because he couldn't see what he was doing. It was bad for both sides but every second lost was put back on the clock.

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Info on refs. I have a little first hand knowledge on how the TSSAA handles these situations.

1. The Ref is responsible for removing himself from any game where he may have any bias. Even if he is the brother of the coach, the TSSAA recognizes that it is a problem, but they leave it up to the Ref to remove himself from the situation.

2. The only recourse is for the coach to complain to the scheduler (the guy who lines up all the refs to the games). If a coach is aware of a referee who has a situation where he believes the Ref should have removed himself and did not - then the coach can request that the referee not be assigned.


My experience was with an official, who was the brother of the principal and a former student of the school we were competing against. TSSAA agreed the official should have removed himself, but could only refer me to number 2 above.


This guy in question should remove himself, if not - the coaches need to get the scheduler to block him from their games.


As far as the TSSAA goes - they have no ownership in these issues. :thumb:

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Greenbrier2 is the one complaining about the ref.


Geez. It was a question about TSSAA rules. I'd be asking the same question if it were at ANY school. I never accused anyone, but why would any school want to chance the speculation if it came down to questionable calls, and it came to the forefront that a ref was a alumni? I appreciate the explanation of who he is, but I still don't think any alum of ANY school should put themselves or their school in a possible protest situation. It was a QUESTION.

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MACON CO Needs New head football coach.

You, sir, are a joke.

You will not be saying the same thing next year, because Macon will be winning.

well coach goolsby will not be here next year. and 2nd if you are the 28 year old little boy trying to help him you will not be here neither. 3rd where ever he goes they will have a loosing record. coach goolsby needs to open up a karate class. And stay away from coachingFootball.

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Once again, no one from White House is complaining about officials. We simply recognize that Friday night, the clock operator did not effectively do his job, and the head official had lots of trouble seeing his card and writing down issues during the game, resulting in long delays between plays.


Further, the clock issue hurt Macon County, not us, and it was corrected by the press box.


Finally, with all due respect to the Greenbrier fan - he is the one that made the correlation that since there were officiating problems at a White House game, then it must have been Al Pond as the official. We have both established the crew was NOT Al's crew, and that Al's crew is hardly ever at White House to officiate a varsity game.


It's kind of a shame we're still having the discussion. It should have been cleared up by now. I appreciate the efforts to clarify the rules, but Greenbrier needs to let it go. When Al calls another White House game, then I would say that's the time to bring it up.


Until then, clanking cymbal meet hollow air. It's a lot of noise about nothing.

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MACON CO Needs New head football coach.

You, sir, are a joke.

You will not be saying the same thing next year, because Macon will be winning.

well coach goolsby will not be here next year. and 2nd if you are the 28 year old little boy trying to help him you will not be here neither. 3rd where ever he goes they will have a loosing record. coach goolsby needs to open up a karate class. And stay away from coachingFootball.


What is your problem?! You've been saying horrible things about Coach Goolsby ever since the Hartsville game! He has done a great job this year with what he was left with. The team is in a completely new system this year and it's going to take some time getting used to. It's already been effective seeing as how the offence that GOOLSBY brought in has outscored mc's team last year 129 to 67 and there's still 2 games left in the season. The defense is starting to pull together and the team is becoming a whole. By this time next year you'll be eatin your words when we're gliding to a winning season.

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Once again, no one from White House is complaining about officials. We simply recognize that Friday night, the clock operator did not effectively do his job, and the head official had lots of trouble seeing his card and writing down issues during the game, resulting in long delays between plays.


Further, the clock issue hurt Macon County, not us, and it was corrected by the press box.


Finally, with all due respect to the Greenbrier fan - he is the one that made the correlation that since there were officiating problems at a White House game, then it must have been Al Pond as the official. We have both established the crew was NOT Al's crew, and that Al's crew is hardly ever at White House to officiate a varsity game.


It's kind of a shame we're still having the discussion. It should have been cleared up by now. I appreciate the efforts to clarify the rules, but Greenbrier needs to let it go. When Al calls another White House game, then I would say that's the time to bring it up.


Until then, clanking cymbal meet hollow air. It's a lot of noise about nothing.


No offense, letsgodevils, but as I stated I never accused anything. I merely asked a question, to which there is only defense and no explanation of how this is allowed by TSSAA. Clearly, even IF Mr. Pond was biased and tried to help WH during the Station Camp game (which he was on CSS camera, called by name, so that is at least ONE game he ref'd for WH THIS year), SC still won. I have no doubt that WH fans consider him a great guy, and more than likely that is true, but my question is any ref that has a connection to a school should not be referring at their games. There is always Portland, Springfield, East Robertson, or any Sumner County game other than WH. I would think TSSAA assignments would be considering that, and again, I would think that Porter would want to disuade any reason for question.


Sorry to have hit a nerve, but I'd be asking the same thing about our school if we had an alum refereeing.

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MACON CO Needs New head football coach.

You, sir, are a joke.

You will not be saying the same thing next year, because Macon will be winning.

well coach goolsby will not be here next year. and 2nd if you are the 28 year old little boy trying to help him you will not be here neither. 3rd where ever he goes they will have a loosing record. coach goolsby needs to open up a karate class. And stay away from coachingFootball.

This little boy that you are speaking of is actually 31, which I would consider him a MAN. Obviously there are alot of things you don't have your facts about!

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