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Karns offseason


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what to expect, I was apart of the Tony Franklin we will win speeches of my great KHS coaches, telling us how the system helped all these losing teams to win records. One of my friends that still in school that quit last year says they are changing again to the mighty wing-t wow 4 off in 4 years what a great concept cant win doing this so must be the off can't win with the off must be the players seniors gone cant win with the next class oh must be the O again wake up, same old story from all the boys coaches that know it all yet cant coach anything.

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How is it when we ask what good will happen we get negative answers. This program will not change until the community and coaches change their mindset

The reason you get negative answers is because, Karns is one of the worst, if THE worst program in the state of TN. Karns has one of the largest student bodies in the state and has had sucess in other sports. Also, you have a fairly good tallent on your football team, but they can never put together a respectable win loss record. You have hit the "nail on the head" also, the school, students, community, and coaches have to change thier mindset.

You need to also change your "Pop Warner" program too. Karns has one of the largest programs in Knox Co. In the Super Midget (8th grade) league. Karns (as of 2 yrs ago) would have 35-40 players on the team and would play in the lower tallent level brackets, better know as thr "B" league. They do dominate this league, but that is like bragging about being the tallest midget. Also, with that many players, not many get the gametime experince they need, and the ones who play, play against lower tallent levels. So, IMO, Karns is getting kids with little to no experince, and the ones with the experince start playing kids that are just as good, they fold under the pressure in high school.

It does not take, a genius to coach a highschool team, but you can't be an idiot either. Your coaches need to find a system that works for the players you have, and stick with it.

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The main reason you get such negative answers is that there are so many negative people in the Karns community. It makes me wonder if they even want the football program to succeed. Although it's far from the best, Karns is by no means the worst program in the state. Karns went over to HVA and beat them in the 1st ever rivalry matchup, a game that HVA wanted to win VERY badly. For the players, coaches, and true fans this ended the season on a highly positive note. They'll only lose about 1/2 dozen seniors who were big contributors. They desperately need a new quarterback who can produce and lead - a real opportunity for someone who can step up.


GoKarns I thought all you good ole Karns boys were gonna petition the superintendent and raise the Karns roof if you could. I asked a friend to check with the superintendent last week and the friend said the super didn't even know what he was talking about. For a group of folks who felt so strongly about their views and bragged about their high level of support, I thought you'd have at least posted your petition by now so everyone could clearly see who were/are the leaders in the negative Karns movement? Who knows, the list might be so impressive that I'd want to join in myself. :roflol:


Kid52 - you have to just learn to ignore these negative guys (there are a few more who will probably turn up soon) and go about the business of helping the Karns football program to improve. I believe it will happen regardless of those who don't seem to want it to.

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Bigtuna, let me say this as clear as possible, it is not the KHS players that we have a problem with its coaches that are so bad in the way they do things and the way they treat players its not fair to us the whole community, PLEASE LISTEN I PLAYED FOR THIS STAFF 2 YEARS STARTED MY SR. YEAR so being upset bout playing time is not a factor, u have coaches over there giving some kids privilages that others don't get, further we have submitted our list to the school super and they have taken it under review, we will not stop until this staff is replaced. Oh bout the HVA win u explain a real example bout KHS beating a program that is in its first year and its big whats big is get a team that guys want to play for funny thing is the guys on the team now talk about the same issues we had when I was there coaches saying an telling you how great they where somewhere else coaching many things that they are going to do and the lack of being held accountable for things infact allot of the soph class bragged all season how they could say and do what ever an never be held accountable. Bigt keeping holding ur support for the great coaches that u have accepted their bs and us 600 or so that see it different will keep our cause alive, raising the roof don't know getting new coaches YES.

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Bigtuna, let me say this as clear as possible, it is not the KHS players that we have a problem with its coaches that are so bad in the way they do things and the way they treat players its not fair to us the whole community, PLEASE LISTEN I PLAYED FOR THIS STAFF 2 YEARS STARTED MY SR. YEAR so being upset bout playing time is not a factor, u have coaches over there giving some kids privilages that others don't get, further we have submitted our list to the school super and they have taken it under review, we will not stop until this staff is replaced. Oh bout the HVA win u explain a real example bout KHS beating a program that is in its first year and its big whats big is get a team that guys want to play for funny thing is the guys on the team now talk about the same issues we had when I was there coaches saying an telling you how great they where somewhere else coaching many things that they are going to do and the lack of being held accountable for things infact allot of the soph class bragged all season how they could say and do what ever an never be held accountable. Bigt keeping holding ur support for the great coaches that u have accepted their bs and us 600 or so that see it different will keep our cause alive, raising the roof don't know getting new coaches YES.

You might want to get a petition toghether to get all your teachers replaced too. This is the most incoherent rant, I have ever read.

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At some point Karns needs to realize that have never had a great tradition. a few good years here & there sure but not a great tradition. How many different coaching staffs have been there during that time? My point....quit blaming coaches & look in the mirror the talent that Karns has is similar to a school such as Carter & thats not bad, it's just not enough to keep up with the schools that you have to play on a weekly basis.


Also, who was the OC at Karns last year? Did he get fired? i know their changing their offense.

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Humorous and accurate comment on the teachers. I'm not sure but I believe Head Coach Reeves is running the offensive show himself these days. I guess Coach must be ditching the spread because he no longer has a QB who can run it? Didn't someone post that he's going to the Wing T. Webb has done well with this offense but - thanks to the private school scholarship program - they've also had the running back(s) to make it go. The Karns sophomore back had a good last year for a young, smaller guy, but I don't see him growing into a power runner before this September comes. So who's going to run the ball for these Wing T Beavers? To cover a bit more ground, one recent contributor indicated that Karns was "one of the largest schools" in the state. My understanding is that next year's Karns enrollment is projected to be about 1400, 60th in the state instead of the previous 20 something. Noticeably less than the size of HVA, whom the Knox County school superintendent has openly permitted to rob numerous athletes from Karns during his "open enrollment" program.


I'll express this final view one more time ----> I'm pretty confident I have a reasonable understanding of almost all the Coach stories that you naysayers tell and could recite a few more from this year as well, and I still say the LAST thing Karns football needs is more negativity. I hope former players, former coaches, parents, and community residents can look past their own personal issues and either just quiet down or (even better) offer the support that the program so desperately needs.

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